Mirai Nikki – 19

「全件削除」 (Zenken Sakujo)
“Delete all Messages”

I actually enjoy the omakes at the end of Mirai Nikki episodes, but I’ve noticed that their absence tends to be a good sign – it usually means the pacing of the ep was as batcrap crazy as Yuno herself, and that’s the Mirai Nikki I like best.

Senki Zesshou Symphogear – 07

「撃ちてし止まぬ運命のもとに」 (Uchiteshi Tomanu Unmei no Moto ni)
“Toward the Destiny of Never-Ending Destruction”

Now this is something I really wasn’t expecting, as Kurisu (new confirmed spelling) shows that she not only has Nehushtan, but also another relic known as “Ichii-Bal”. Isn’t that kind of cheating? Especially with the Gundam Heavyarms-like dual Gatling guns — complete with Macross-style missiles in her “Mega Death Party” attack.

Area no Kishi – 07

“The Return of the King”

It’s pretty clear that neither the mangaka or the director of this adaptation was too worried about unrealistically building up Araki Ryuuichi, but the shaft of light from the heavens as he walked (floated?) onto the pitch may just have been a bit much…