Robotics;Notes – 06

「夢が終わっちゃったら、寂しい」 (Yume ga Owacchattara, Sabishii)
“It’s Sad When a Dream Ends”

It must be hard having family members who don’t support when you’re doing and what you dream of achieving. From my perspective – I see nothing wrong with having a good hobby… and Subaru makes great use of his.

Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai – 07

「追憶の…楽園喪失(パラダイス・ロスト)」 (Tsuioku no … Rakuen Soushitsu ( Paradaisu . Rosuto ))
“Paradise Lost…of Memories”

For a show that has gotten by so far on cute moments and pitch-perfect comedy, there were a lot of deep, mournful scenes this week. Fortunately, the groundwork they laid down made these moments quite effective.