「犬神さんと猫山さん」 (Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san)
“Inugami-san and Nekoyama-san”

Even though I have no intentions of picking up this show, let me say a few things about it c:

Thing One

First off, I completely forgot that this was a short anime. I totally missed the timestamp when I hit play and I remember getting thrown off with how abrupt the cuts were. Once I realized what was going on, I noticed that I wasn’t really enjoying the show at all. Trust me, I can find enjoyment in just about anything anime and when there’s cats and dogs involved there has to be something really wrong to turn me off.

Thing Two

I’ve become pretty familiar with these short-length anime episodes and something was really off about this one. Unless there was some prequel material that I needed to watch, I didn’t enjoy how the episode threw us straight into the thick of things with barely any explanations. Besides “Inugami-san is like a cat even though her name has “Inu” in it and Nekoyama-san is like a dog even though her name has “Neko” in it” I’m still not sure what I watched.

Thing Three

I hate feeling like this because I think I could love a show like this if it wasn’t a mere three minutes and thirty seconds long. Even though I loved the dirty humor that was flowing through Inugami’s head and thought that the random lick on the face was actually kind of cute, I still can’t get over how abrupt the cuts between skits feel. And boy, does it feel abrupt.

General Impressions

While I may not be covering the show, I am definitely going to keep watching. It may just be a premonition, but I have this odd feeling that the dynamic relationship between Inugami and Nekoyama is going to be fun to watch. Anyways, if you haven’t already watched it I’d say give it a shot. It’s less than five minutes and who in the world doesn’t have a spare five minutes?

End Card


  1. I actually fully enjoyed that they just threw us into the thick of things. I knew it was going to be a short, and with that in my mind, I found myself laughing most of the way through. I’ll definitely be keeping up with this.

      1. Yeah, expectations really change how you see something. If you went in without none, or expected the short that it is, you probably would have enjoyed it a whole lot more. Regardless, you seemed to enjoy enough to watch the next episode.

        I don’t know how it will fare if it got full episodes. Does it have enough substance and material to be a 12 episode show? I haven’t read any source material, so I don’t know. It might have, but I’m simply content that we have this funny short to go to in between all the marathon anime sessions that’s going to be happening this season since I’m watching a huge chunk of the shows coming out.

  2. The cuts in this did seem awfully abrupt. It wasn’t bad, but it’s not the best short I’ve seen either, not by a long shot. It’s still kind of nice when I’ve got a few minutes to burn, so maybe, maybe.

    1. The cuts are not nearly as aprupt as the ones in Teekyuu, which sometimes had lines from one scene extend into the next scene (probably because there is a limit to how fast humans can talk), and Inugami-san has at least a few transitions and eye-catchers between some scenes.

      But then again Teekyuu also managed to compress the content of a full 24 minute episode into 2 minutes (-30 second intro).

      1. The difference there is that was part of Teekyuu’s style. Abrupt and totally random humor. And it worked for me at least. For this show it doesn’t really have the same effect.


    Sorry, but you’ve been missing or ignoring those messages everywhere when people have been trying to let you know, so I’m hoping to reach you now before you start ignoring further posts here. Anyway, on to responses to this post.

    “Inugami-san is like a cat even though her name has “Inu” in it and Nekoyama-san is like a dog even though her name has “Neko” in it”

    You’ve got that completely backwards. Inugami is like a dog, but she LIKES cats. Nekoyama is like a cat, but she LIKES dogs. In short, the dog likes cats, and the cat likes dogs.

      1. It’s really not that hard, it just sounds complicated when trying to explain it. Inu is a doglike person who likes cats, and Neko is a catlike person who likes dogs.

        Glad to see you heard about Seki-kun, and my apologies, then. I’d been trying to get your attention about it for over a week, ever since episode 14 aired, and hadn’t seen any response, so I wanted to make certain this time that I reached you.

  4. For me, this was one of the best first episodes of the season. The “abrupt” cuts were perfect, as far as I was concerned. This is a more direct way of adapting a 4-koma, rather than trying to weave the strips together into a narrative. The speed was not just forced by the short length, but was right for the material. Even the animation seemed fine to me. Quite suitable. Hilarious episode.


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