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「帰艦」 (Kikan)
“Returning to the Ship”
Here we are, the grand finale. It’s as they say though, the end is just another beginning, and it’s hats off to a series that’s definitely earned its second season. So while we relish the great news, let’s look back at a finale that while not quite perfect, puts a solid bow at the end of a great ride.
Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind for me is the fact that this finale was felt like a straight up action/mecha/Sci-Fi episode in every sense of the word, and in ways, it harkens back to an older age filled with series of such a nature. But as times have changed, so have series in general, and what was definitely more commonplace stylistically in the past is now a kind of rare animal in every sense of the word. To top things off, Sidonia’s one of those rare series whose story-telling meshes almost flawlessly with its world-building, and it’s only fitting that the series ends the way it does—with Tanikaze on top, a fresh new perspective and start for everyone involved, and one of the greatest Gauna threats ever faced by the Sidonia thwarted by a length of a hair.
Admittedly, there were some moments that felt a bit off—likely due to either the constraints of the episodic format or the fact that they’re saved some developments for the second season in order to end things at this point—but the fact remains that the finale was fitting despite this, because there’s no denying that Tanikaze is the one all important cog that really makes this story tick. It’s his story that we’ve seen unfold throughout these last twelve episodes, his perspective that we tend to see things from, and his actions that’ve gotten the Sidonia as far as it has. And that’s the beauty of it all. The story itself might be a complex amalgamation of hundreds of years of history and dozens upon dozens of mysteries, but it all works because of the almost singular focus on Tanikaze, and it’s exemplified by this finale.
The comment that Ren makes about how it’s unfair Tanikaze gets all the gear? Her decision to give that one extra bullet to Tanikaze regardless? The fact that Tanikaze’s the one that takes down Benisuzume in a way only he can (it’s ironic it looks like it’s a middle finger)? Since day one, everything has and continues to revolve around Tanikaze—the flawed, yet perfectly reliable protagonist who’ve we’ve come to enjoy watching on a week to week basis. There’s just a kind of charm to someone who just appreciates the simple things (especially in a backdrop where people don’t even really eat physical food), and as much as most of us feel Kunato didn’t deserve to be approached by Tanikaze in the end, the fact remains that he is who he is, and it wouldn’t be him if he didn’t do what he did.
Ultimately, there just are few words to say about a series that’s really done everything expected of it. As mentioned previously, this first season does leave something to be desired regarding the multitude of mysteries surrounding the Gauna, the Immortal Council, and the like (some may feel that the 3DCG could’ve used some work too), but there’s just no denying the strength of the source material behind this show, and it’s quite obvious that we’ll get some of those answers once the second season rolls around. All things considered, there’ve been few shows this year so far that’ve managed to send chills down my spine like Sidonia has, and it’s truly been a special experience being able to watch things unfold here.
With that said, it’s sadly the end of another season, and I’d just like to end things here by thanking everyone again for not only reading and commenting on Sidonia the past few months, but for also the fact that you guys come in day in/day out to visit the site in general. We wouldn’t be here without you guys, so thanks, and I hope you guys’ll stick around for the future as well. I won’t go too much into detail, but let’s just say there are some exciting things in store on the horizon…
Author’s Note: As usual, please refrain from spoilers, especially if they’re not in response to a query of some sort. If you must, please remember to use spoiler tags.
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Woot! Season 2 coming soon and we get the next important character with it too.
Music to my ears.
Saw that earlier and had to squee, didn’t expect that to be announced so fast with no word yet of a second NGNL season.
And we get the first 2 episodes in November too before what is probably a winter 2015 showing, pretty damn impressive all things considered.
sidonia is getting 2 season, chaika and a few others i believe. but THE ONE they didnt annouce it
Now I’m not one to wish ill on characters… especially ones I like.
But god dammit Izana… I was actually getting my hopes up when there was blood splattered on her helmet.
The circumstances of Izana’s wound in the manga is a bit more gruesome…and with that I mean Show Spoiler ▼
Not really. Isana’s only suffered minor injury in the asteroid mission (similar to the anime’s), but her mech was wrecked and had to hitch a ride home.
spoiler contains events that was cut from the anime
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It’s a shame Sidonia is 2×12 episodes rather than 1×24. A lot of important materials were cut to get the asteroid battle into season 1 finale, otherwise it should go into ep14 or 15. Some of the cut events will be difficult to re-ordered into season 2 (such as the last battle with Kabizashi spear and stuff in the asteroid battle itself).
by the time of the asteroid battle, these has already happened (potential Season 2 spoiler)
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While anime asteroid battle was good, it was rushed compared to the manga’s version, but then the manga version was 4 chapters long. In the manga version
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Holy crap! This entire episode was like an adrenaline injection right to the heart! Now this what I call a season finale! If the second season is anything close to this it´s going to be a master piece but hell, Benizusume was one tough enemy, she just wouln´t die.
damn feeling that he will get when hoshigiro-gauna isn’t there any more. aww
Maybe it it will somthing good eventually, she´s not Hoshijiro at, it´s just a copy made by the gauna and if Nagate kept going like this most likely it would´ve ended badly for him and all of Sidonia. And now that you mention it, the fact that the gauna can produce such a perfect copy of human mekes me belive they can understand mankind but don´t care about us at all.
Makes you wonder when they did it, what they did to her, and the explanation they gave Tanikaze after.
Just an Hint for Speculation. They blow up a Gas Giant Planet, to lure the Gauna out that flee there alone. Now what they found? 3 Twins… So what hold the Gauna back to recreate more of her in the Future? Plot?
Well, perhaps there is no “Hive” wisdom, and with blasting the Dwarf planet Gauna, the wisdom died with it
p.s. This is no Spoiler, this is a Speculation and collection facts. So pure Fan fiction
It’s possible that the Gauna can’t create another. Benisuzume. To make a Hoshijiro Benisuzume, they need another human Hoshijiro. But in creating the first Benisuzume, the original human Hoshijiro was consumed and destroyed. And the clones Gauna can make off the Benisuzume are of much lower quality and easily killed.
To make another Benisuzume, they would need a human ace pilot of equivalent skills. And only Tanikaze, Kunata, and maybe a few others are that skilled.
But the manga didn’t repeat Benisuzumes threat. And storywise, a repetition of this threat wouldn’t be as exciting as the first time. Especially since Tanikaze isn’t emotionally affected by it being a Hoshijiro copy anymore.
thank god this show’s finally over…most painful anime i’ve ever watc — season 2? ffffuuuu…
your like a Compass, that always direct to south, instead of North
Should we call the cops? are you being held hostage and forced to watch anime that you don’t like?
Hahaha, couldn’t have said it better, well done sir 😉
Good god, if you don’t like this show so much, why did you come here anyway? For the purpose of trolling? Not cool, man. As for me, this show is the best among other 2014 spring animes tho, I’m a longtime fan of the manga and I’m enjoying this anime adaptation very much 🙂
The Tanikaze / Benisuzume Dogfight was intense and exciting – almost as if you were playing a game and fighting it yourself. One thing they definitely got right was that ‘grit’ that you can just feel. Space is a rough place for us.
Gosh did they spoiled her already… (and the full effect sets in with a greater – ie. extreme chills – effect than the manga)
OTOH, I don’t care if there’s some minor differences anymore.
Its not a spoiler, think of it as a cameo for the BEST girl.
The Moe-est Giant Tentacled Space Monster you’ll ever find. Best Girl indeed…
…I’m not going to go there, tyvm…
Going back to what I was going to say before that s2 announcement…
The conversation between Kobayashi and her personal bodyguard here intrigues me; The elders also have the ancient knowledge????
I thought only the auxiliary brain had it! (barring any manga only spoilers, since they haven’t mention that big plot twist here – yet)
You know how to drive a Car?
to repair some little things?
to use a Computer?
to use your kitchen to make food?
See, this little thinks is “Wisdom”
Thats why they are some little library, too
careful, the Anime Fans seen her (you spoiled it already) for the first time. A new Type of Gauna? Friend or Foe? But because of your “love”, they surly will hit the right spot. So please, treat her like a “unknown” for now
She is saya’s mother (from saya no uta) guess who is the father? lol
A major character cameo, but just a cameo
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I hope season 2 will be 24 episodes. There will be more than enough source materials for it especially after the current arc.
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I hope i put the Spoilers tag right
You definitely deserve thanks for covering this Zephyr, Sidonia has turned out to be an awesome piece of sci fi and admittedly something I’ve been craving since Gargantia, we just don’t get shows like this much anymore.
Some interesting tidbits were still included even though it was a final episode: the Immortal Council actually serves as one (or the only) source of history outside of the auxiliary brain, explaining their arrogance and position. Also the Gauna appear capable of replicating mechanical components as well as biological tissue; that Benisuzume still disintegrated like the other Gauna, but her mecha was in no way completely “biological”. Should also mention the collectivity of the Gauna (destroying the master Gauna destroyed them all), it implies the presence of either an overmind or queen Gauna, although I seriously wonder if they may not be something like the Flood from Halo.
I’d give this an 8/10 (great) for the execution and story alone, but one’s mileage will vary depending on how much toleration you place on the CG and on getting answers in a timely manner. Without a doubt though Sidonia should be in the running for dark horse of the season. Oh, and the OP is the OP of the season, period; only Brynhildyr’s comes close to the catchiness of Sidonia’s OP 😛
Ping Pong had the best OP
Can I ask how can they not be completely biological?
(btw: didn’t notice you noting the elders already *facedesk*)
collection junk, after battles?
The Gauna are completely biological (I don’t think anyone would argue they’re not :P), they just appear to have the capability of producing non-biological material. In some of the screenshots of Gauna-Benisuzume there were more than a few patches of dull white sections with sharp edges; it looks like the mech unit has been grown over by a Gauna “parasite”. If Benisuzume was simply parasitized though then only the Gauna growth would have been eradicated following her defeat, leaving behind a heavily damaged mech unit. Instead the entire mech unit disappeared; this implies the Gauna can easily replicate any material they consume.
I don’t think the Gauna can reproduce metal, just biological forms. They can replace the shape of a Gardes. But it’s just solid placenta matter. The Higgs cannon was something they possessed before Benisuzume. And they already had space flight. The only things that are new (in battle) were the Higgs backpack thruster, which made Benisuzume faster, and duplicating Hoshijiro’s combat skills.
DEFINITELY the best OP of the season!
Agree, Sidonia for best OP, Tokohana for best ED (because anything by Nagi is always the best).
I just wish I could find the op online and in hi Rez. Youtube deletes all the Sidonia OPs. The music is there, but not the animate OP. Wish I could find it in hIrez. 🙁
To me it’s a tie with Bryunhildr’s first op, last op of brynhildr is like a deadly disease to the ears.
Not quite sure how I’d rank things myself at the moment, but yeah Brynhildr’s first OP is really quite something. Quite artistically fitting to the series and the first/only purely vocal-less OP I remember seeing ever, really.
That was such a trilling finally esp the fight between Tanakaze & Benisuzume wow! but Guana weren’t the only thing killed this episode….Kunato as well tho with kindness instead of bullets. Well handled Tanakaze.
I am so glad we got that season 2 announcement.
Yeah. I’m so used to mech/gundam-type fights, where they fight like honorable samurai or something, like every other mecha. Beni vs Nagate felt more like they were piloting airplanes in a dogfight. Esp that part where Nagate dodges the Beni’s particle beam while simultaneously pelting it with machine gun fire, immediately giving chase, but unable to get a lock-on due to Beni’s high evasive maneuvers.
Izana to the rescue!
Wow awesome last episode. It really got my heart pumping! Also that last ROCKET PUNCH!! Does Benisuzume really die here though? I honestly can’t remember. It’s been forever since I’ve read the manga.
As you read the manga…
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Humidity is rising – Barometer’s getting low
According to all sources, the street’s the place to go
Cause tonight for the first time
Just about half-past ten
For the first time in history
It’s gonna start raining Ren.
Just think of Ren instant of Men 🙂
Did you see the spot where she landed? dude, the streets are NOT the place to go if its raining Ren 😛
I’d pick one up after the raining stopped though ^^
My question is how nothing broke on that.
..and she said, that she is 5 years old. So you see, Sidonia’s Human Technology is far advance then we know.
Nagate went for Kunato first, from all people in his harem…
Too bad, Kunato is have no redeeming qualities – he should have better characterization, better portrayal of his emotional turmoil.
The non-manga readers will have to wait to see what happens to Kunato. I was hoping the writers would sort him out by now but I guess they knew they had another season.
Btw, warning to non-manga readers. The order of some events have changed, things that have taken place in the manga have not yet occurred in the anime so spoilers will crop up if you do read the manga.
I shall miss all the weekly 3D anime girls now D:
The fight was epic indeed, but I’m pretty upset that they changed what happened to Izana (esp. when it’ll be quite significant later on). They added, altered and omitted some scenes Show Spoiler ▼
I know it’s too much to ask to really stick w/ the manga, but that was one of my fav part and i was really looking forward to it. Oh well, at least we get the much deserved S2.
PS: I was expecting Tsumugi’s voice to be so much more moe…
^ agree 1000% I expected that scene to occur here, too bad it didn’t :(. On the flipside there’s season 2, so lets see how they integrate it. I felt that there was better tension in the manga of said acompaning scece Show Spoiler ▼
Question to manga readers Show Spoiler ▼
In answer to your question: Show Spoiler ▼
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Hope i got the Spoiler tags right
i wanted HanaKana for her…
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I’m very glad I decided to pick this up this season. I wasn’t expecting it to be soo good but I was blown away. This episode was an amazing end to this season, and I can’t wait for the next one!
Looks like something straight from the death star run. It was great.
He has been touched by Jesus (Tanikaze).
I love me some Samari!
As always, thanks for the great coverage and look forward to some season 2 posts!
you don’t know how happy I was Samari & Seji survived…
I hope Mahouka learn from Sidonia how to make a show exciting with tension overload and adrenaline pumping scenes.
Mmm that’s a whole other kind of story there.
No! Sidonia should not end so without to answer the the most important question in the whole series…
What the hell is the correct gender pronoun for Izana?
Fhe is a Hideyoshi.
I guess it makes sense, I just hope Sidonia also has onsen with a Izana flag at the gender entrance^^.
Maybe Fhe decides for a sex in the next season, in order to be more attractive for Tanikaze.
There is none until Nihei says what it is.
I wonder where the 10th survivor was. There were 7 shown in formation, Izana & 706 (is it Ren?); I don’t remember seeing what happened with the guy on the right most at the 1st platoon diagram list of survivors.
I’m i the only one that found captain Kobayashi heavy breathing here? (when Tanikaze shot by benisuzume and then it (benisuzume) is approaching Tanikaze)
Nope, i saw it, too
She is Human, not a Monster :). She should be grateful that she has a Mask
Too bad i want to see that scene with her unmasked
No need, the “commander” was the Emotions of the Captain
What will happen with the moral, of the bridge crew. If they she her crying?
I was surprised when she actually leaned forward when Izana was saving him. That was the biggest emotional act we’ve seen her make on the bridge!
Btw they didn’t detail it in the subs, but that crazy old coot protestor (ep1) is showing the various ‘faces” of different captains of Sidonia on that big sign he is waving. His sign claims that all these captains are the same person. We all know he is right and that the mask is to give the illusion that different captains have lived and died and passed their mask on to a younger generation.
I love the action in this Episode. Truly a spectacle. Worthy for a Finale
You took the Manga time-line, crunched for the Anime. And your done a dam right think. Congratulation for this, i bow my head of respect
Thank you for threaten me with this awesome pacing and action
this season has absurd share of shows broken mid-story:
Sidonia no Kishi,
Hitsugi no Chaika
No Game no Life
Nanana’s collection
Date a Live
and probably:
Black Bullet
Keep Calm and wait for next season(s)?
Or riot under a flag of: Bring back 24-episodes showlength!
Just for reference: Sidonia, NGNL, and Chaika have confirmed TV sequels, while DAL will get a movie sequel.
Black Bullet I believe is essentially done once the final episode’s done.
As for Nanana, I don’t know if we’ll ever get a sequel to that sadly.
I haven’t seen any official announcement regarding NGNL sequel.
Chaika was already planned as split from the beginning.
DAL is a second season already, though got a movie as Zephyr said.
Sidonia definitely deserved it.
anyway, we do see more split-cour lately (silver spoon, valvrave, Chaika, fate zero, space dandy and more) because it works considering the show isn’t complete garbage. it allow studio to adjust budget and see what they can improve during the break. the hype for the series is longer so more sales (possible for the original material as well if there is one).
so split is indeed good and have advantage rather than 2cour despite the fact eventually both are…more or less the same in terms of eps number and the development of story.
of course I’d like a larger number of eps. I wish today the industry wasn’t to much afraid from taking risks. if a show should be 16 or 20 or 30 or whatever eps it should take..let it be. why cutting and forcing the people working on the script and everyone else to be so fixated for 12-13 or 24-26 eps. sure, some shows definitely work perfectly fine being so focused (like Madoka Magica as 1cour or SSY as 2cour), but they shouldn’t restrict themselves (and everyone else around them). anime of 1-2 decades ago wasn’t like that (I think, I wasn’t into so much details back then).
there is also the problem of unfinished material. I understand it meant to increase sales of whatever manga/LN it is. but it also proven problematic in times.
Not NGNL at the moment sadly, you’re probably thinking WIXOSS which like Chaika is a confirmed split cour.
If you want to riot about shows with announced 2nd seasons then what should fans of Attack on Titan do … start a rebellion !!? XD
Lol well, you know there’s going to be more coming for that in the future at least. It’s as close to a guarantee as there is, which is a lot better than fans of many other shows can say. There’s a lot of shows out there that could use or deserve a sequel of which there’s no guarantee of sadly.
Excuse my nitpicking but when Nagate was walking down the corridor he was holding a pack of “strong” crayons for Hoshijiro-ena to play with, not a book.
Hmmm… is that what they were? Oh. O_o
I believe the book/crayons were markers. The red lettering on the case said “To-a Marker”. I’m doubt I got the To-a right. But pretty sure that’s Marker. I’ve seen it spelled that way before. But I’m not fluent in Japanese.
Small addition. I think the To-a is Toha,(still not sure of the English spelling)is the name of the company that made Tanizaki’s frame. Also the same company hat is replacing Kunato industries as Sidonia’s frame manufacturer.
They are clearly markers. The red katakanas said “To-a makers”, where to-a is the usual way of pronouncing the name of the frame company 東亞, literally “East Asia”. The black words below said “for writing in bold fonts”, and the black words above (can hardly be seen, only a flash) said “write well for whatever placenta”. Good sense there..
Well then! Thanks. Fixed.
Now that a second season is happening I cannot put Sidonia into the ToAru series category of having the fan favorite arcs in limbo waiting for an adaption.
That was one hell of a pulse-pounding finale, it had everything i loved about the show, the sci-fi elements, the intense action, the character moments .. it’s all there and in spades.
I’m really a sucker for large scale space battles and dog-fights so i really enjoyed everything about those two final episodes (which brought sweet memories of the large scale battles and dogfights of all Macross series).
Story-wise there is still a lot to be desired but that’s what the 2nd season is all about, and i’m so glad we already got a confirmation that there is a 2nd season (i’m looknig at you Attack on Titan, a show that had x10 more popularity and still no 2nd season announcement, grrr), that said we still got some developments .. first a confirmation of Tanikaze’s resolve and why he is fighting for Sidonia so hard (and it was repeated twice, in the flashback with the commander and again with Kunato), Izana shows some impressive determination and skill .. i guess it’s the power of love (i actually expected Izana to die like many characters before, the falling scene felt like a death-flag).
Lastly, i have to say the dwarf planet explosion looked so beautiful (almost as if it is a photo from a real-telescope), and then there is Ren .. sheesh that was one of landing girl, who is going to fix that floor now!!! XD .. and as soon as we recover from that we immediately learn that she (and all the other clones) are actually 5 years old (i suppose clones here go through accelerated growth in their early years before they are woken up).
All in all great show and can’t wait for the next season, thanks for the great coverage too.
Being a Nihei Tsutomu fangirl, this series is now a favorite. Apart from Izana’s [true] storyline not (yet) getting adapted from the manga, the series was perfect. It carried the right moods from the original, as well as proper characterization. I just need my Izana fix now.
I can’t wait for S2.
Sidonia has become one of my absolute favourites of the season!
The biggest downside of the season 2 announcement is that now, instead of jumping straight to the manga like a planned to, I’ll have to wait 3 months to know what comes next. 🙁
Uh, who am I kidding? YAY FOR SEASON 2!!! \o/
I expected Sidonia to be only 12 episodes long. I was eagerly waiting to read the manga, but since I enjoyed the anime immensely, I’ll wait until fall.