「。。。ワリィ」 (…Warii)
“… Sorry”

Everything went from super cheery to absolutely frustrating in a matter of a few minutes.

The Generation of Miracles

After last week’s episode of hard work and dedication, this week’s brings with it a completely different atmosphere. I clearly remember starting to feel a sense of unease as the episode began but by the end of things there was an overwhelming sense of frustration and despair. While we all technically know how all of this will eventually play out, watching it firsthand really helps you realize just how grave things started to get before Kuroko stopped playing at Teiko.

I mean, when we first saw that scene where Aomine completely lost his drive to play his hardest during games he was technically the protagonist. Pompous and prideful, it felt like he was just looking for reasons to stop giving the game his all. But when you look at it from this side of the fence, it’s clear just how traumatizing being too good something could be for someone who has so much passion for the game.

Akashi Seijuro

I was really excited to see that Akashi actually had a rather nice side to him in the past. Playful with the girls but strict enough to lead a team to victory, he feels like the embodiment of everything you could want in a leader. Toss in his excellent ability to realize the potential of others and it makes you wonder how he hasn’t somehow taken over the world! That said, it looks like next week’s episode is when everything comes crashing down. With the team starting to fall apart and Akashi unleashing his terrifying Emperor Eye, it seems that things are about to go from bad to worse.

On a small side note, did you notice both of Akashi’s eyes are the same color? Instead of having heterochromia, they’re both red!

Broken Promises

I’m not sure what Ogiwara was supposed to do for the overall story since he basically showed up and then immediately left but I do know that listening to him tear up as he called Kuroko really hit me hard in the chest.

In-fighting and Looking Forward

As the Generation of Miracles slowly start to break free from their leisurely days at Teiko and start to discover their unique skills, I’m dreading the upcoming argument and/or fight that’s bound to erupt when the strong start to butt heads. Judging from the preview though, it doesn’t look like it’ll be pretty. If I had to put my money on who comes out on top though, I’d put it all on Aomine (;

Catch you next week!




    1. https://randomc.net/image/Kuroko%20no%20Basuke/Kuroko%20no%20Basuke%203%20-%2014%20-%20Large%2005.jpg
      Akashi’s dual nature is starting to surface. Boy, are we in for a ride.
      Funny seeing Teiko have their own arguments. You can’t truly be a team without them.
      Felt bad for Kuroko’s friend here. The pain of loss and a broken promise…
      And we can’t forget how Aomine’s one man army mentality was built. I don’t blame him.

  1. Again manga scenes have been omitted, especially when Kuroko still shoots badly in the first string with his GoM teammates.

    But, this episode wasn’t disrupted like the previous episode as it seems to be seen smoothly that non-manga readers can understand.

    Sadly enough, this is what I fear to see the predicted outcome in the next episode.

    Nevertheless, here’s what I realise before KnB’s final arc…

    “I believe Kuroko saved his former teammates by defeating them, and showing that a victory can be saved with a defeat.”

  2. I guess they decided to compress the entire Teiko arc to 3-5 episodes.
    Even watching this made me feel how great their team was. Their character dynamics are the most interesting and it was devastating to see it fall apart. ;;;;

    At this point everyone will realize how and why Kuroko came to a decision to defeat all of them.

    1. I was expecting Ogiwara to lose to Kuroko but that didn’t happen and at this point, I can’t see why he is going to hate Kuroko later. I really wonder how Teiko arc is going to wrap up.

  3. Show Spoiler ▼

  4. random viewer
  5. On a small side note, did you notice both of Akashi’s eyes are the same color? Instead of having heterochromia, they’re both red!

    Yes, I’ve been extremely curious about this since Season 2. I hope we get an explanation soon.

  6. random viewer

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