“It Looks Like I’ve Fallen For Yamada!”

「山田のことが好きになったみたい!」 (Yamada no koto ga suki ni natta mitai!)

Clichés and Kisses:

Yamada-kun is unique in the way it has the constant kissing that is so often seen as impossible in other anime, but this episode definitely revelled in the clichés you’d expect to see in a typical school anime. School trip? Check. Onsen episode? Check. Girls grabbing each other’s boobs? Double check. Those common set-ups and tropes aside, this episode was still just as funny as what we’ve seen before, even if the gags were repeated on several occasions. Once you take these typical hijinks and garnish with plenty of kissing scenes, you’ve got something pretty entertaining.

Yamada is still doing a terrible job at acting as Shiraishi, and she’s just using their body swapping as an excuse to get some studying done. Still, their relationship is progressing, and they had their longest kiss yet. It’s also nice to see Shiraishi opening up with the others girls after Yamada sets her up for the late night girl talk. No major developments, but sometimes the baby steps are what makes it all the more worthwhile once you reach the end point.

Odagiri Nene’s Attraction:

As expected, it’s Odagiri’s presence in the story that shakes things up for the better. Things would get a little boring if we were just going to get body swapping for 12 episodes – now we’ve also got attraction via kisses! I remember when I first read this part in the manga, I was laughing hysterically over Miyamura and Itou falling for Yamada and fighting for his affections. As is common with this adaptation so far, a lot was shifted around and some of the funnier moments were cut (like Miyamura sensually blowing on Yamada’s neck). I suppose there’s always the manga to read if you want to experience the story in full – which I would definitely recommend.

Even though this episode was mainly just for kicks and giggles, the most important part has to be that Odagiri clearly knew that Yamada’s kiss wouldn’t affect her, and that something quite different would happen. It seems like he’s lost his body-swapping powers, but without spelling it out for you, this is called Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches, and two of the seven girls in the OP are Shiraishi and Odagiri… the first time he kissed one he developed the ability to swap bodies, and the second gave him the power of attraction. Only five more to go.

Overview – What’s Next?:

I definitely preferred this episode to last week’s, even if there was less to chew on. It was a return to the gags and kisses that made the first two episode oh-so hilarious. We also got a pretty funny omake this week, which had Yamada and Miyamuya playing puppets. The highlight, though, was Shiraishi’s blush over the cute plushie. Isn’t Shiraishi just the best?

Full-length images: 2, 10, 12.





  1. The impression for the witches’ hair color I had from reading the manga are completely off from the writer’s view (ED montage). Only hair color I guessed correctly was Shiraishi and Asuka.

  2. Techim
  3. random viewer
  4. So… there will be no more body-swapping hijinks? I gotta say I’m kinda disappointed.
    I haven’t read the manga. I heard it got messy later, but I love the directing of the anime.

    1. Don’t worry. The anime adaptation won’t reach the “messy” parts… (Although it’s not that messy to me, since I consider it the manga’s second season/major arc)

      I just hope by the time the other witches were introduced, it won’t be that rushed that I might hate the anime for it.

      Nevertheless, this wasn’t the kind of voice I was expecting for Nene as I read the manga, but still charming. (Bit of a spoiler: You’ll see a LOT of focus on Nene compared to the other remaining 5 witches from now on)

      Red HeartGold ZX
    1. What i really like about this show is how clearly u can see romantic progression.
      and it all happen so naturally theres no wall/barrier between them, in most other anime shiraishi and yamada would have gone endlessly with the shy/embarrassed/blushing crap.
      but here they flow so naturally, i really like that.

  5. It’s funny how in the near future, Yamada and Shiraishi would start dating and yet they didn’t reach this kind of level of relationship.

    It wouldn’t be a surprise for me if Hayami Saori earned the Best Female Seiyuu Award once again by the end of 2015.

    Red HeartGold ZX
  6. After this episode, Nene has the dubious distinction of being a character that irritates me to the point that sometimes I wished she would go away AS WELL AS being a character that interests me so much I want to see more of her, particularly in relation to what she knows about the kissing powers….in other words, Nene Odagiri is an oxymoron. How fun.
    And there just seems to be something so sweetly child-like about Shiraishi. She’s definitely the best girl in the series so far. And I love her interactions with Yamada.


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