「カオルと旦那」 (Kaoru to Danna (12.8))
“Kaoru and Her Husband”

The basis of any healthy relationship is a basic understanding of each other’s wants and needs. Even if the pair share little to no hobbies or interests, being able to provide what the other wants to a certain degree can trump even the bleakest of situations. Something which I think this week’s episode highlighted really, really well.

All Just A Dream?

Something I really like about this show is how it constantly reminds us that Hajime and Kaoru aren’t the most obvious pair to someone looking from the outside. They share very little hobbies, live in completely different worlds at times, and sometimes wonder how they ended up with each other. But no matter how bleak the situation seems or how bad one of them screws up, their relationship is based off of a foundation of mutual respect for each other. A respect that’s grown into something I think you could call true love. Because if you really think about it, true love isn’t a relationship that looks perfect from the inside but one that’s perfect from the inside.

Which is why I can totally understand Hajime questioning a few things about his relationship at the end of the episode. Because for as amazing and awesome being in love with someone is, the scariest part is you’re also handing them your heart. For good or bad, once you’ve passed a certain point all that’s left is to trust in them and hope that they won’t smash that fragile part into a million tiny pieces.

Looking Ahead

With the episodes count getting closer and closer to where last season left off, I’m really hoping that we’ll get to see our favorite couple’s bundle of joy. Until then, I’m going to just sit here patiently as I contemplate what I’m going to do if we go further back in time instead of forward.


  1. Kaoru complained of only earning 3.5 million Yen in the past year. That’s $29,203.30 for the mathematically-challenged Americans in the audience. (Or those without Google.) Dr. Tanaka-san, 10,000,000 Yen, or $83,438. Not bad for a doctor. Rino Juse, one million Yen (I think the translator got it wrong and said “ten” again) is $8,343.80 (and Rino said Nozomu’s response was “He’ll work hard.”). Of course, being in high-rise Tokyo, anything under $100,000/year is NOT middle-class. Think New York City rent and such.

    Hajime should feel lucky he’s not in a salaried position that requires him to work 16 hours a day, be on the tram-line 2 hours a day, and spend lots of money at beer parties after work with his fellow employees. As an otaku he’s actually saving money and having more time with his family and friends.

      1. Yep, Rino says 10M. The whole misunderstanding comes because Kaoru replies with something like “Just 1?”

        Of course 10M in Japanese is actually said as “one thousand ten-thousand” (1,000 x 10,000 =10M) so Kaoru’s reply of “Just 1?” means “Just one (thousand ten-thousand)?”

    1. She doesn’t know yet(this takes place after 12, but before 13). The general opinion on such a topic is that it’s fine so long as she stops after finding out. This is somewhat common in regards to unplanned pregnancies, it seems.


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