「甘えんぼうになった」 (Amaenbou ni Natta)
“I Became A Pampered Child”

While I wouldn’t call this an entirely Hotaru focused episode, the show did take a lot of time to focus on her.

Komari’s Complex

Being the oldest in the group yet only a smidge taller than Renge, it must be tough on Komari not being able to exert her senpai privileges on all her kouhai. While that’s only partially true for Hotaru for obvious reasons, it’s tough not to feel bad for Komari whenever the show starts to play on her height-related woes. This week being no exception except that it might have been even harder to watch since she was getting hit on multiple fronts at the same time. Exploiting her fascination with technology while toying with her need to be considered an adult, the skit went from a little embarrassing to Komari completely giving up any attempt to maintain some self respect to get a simple text message sent.

But hey, as long as you’re able to accomplish the task at hand, what does it matter if you have to sacrifice some dignity along the way. Right?

Hikage’s Curiosity

While not a big point in terms of the entire episode, was anyone else extremely impressed with Renge’s use of symbolism to explain one of Hikage’s major character flaws? A creepy portrait with a bunch of equally creepy eyes staring right at her, it felt like Renge was trying to highlight how she’s too concerned with what the world thinks of her and in turn leads her down a dark path where she’s obsessed with impressing others instead of being true to herself?! Which, as a theory, matches up with how the show’s portrayed her, constantly trying to impress everyone with her “adventures” in Tokyo. That, or it could just simply be a creepy portrait that Renge drew for her older sister. Who knows!

Hotaru at Home

If you haven’t already noticed, Hotaru is up there when it comes to my favorite characters in this show. Normally a very well reserved and mature character, it’s rare to see her childish side come out unless there are some extenuating circumstances. This week though we got to see just how she is at home and it served as a great reminder that she’s truly a sixth grader at heart. From letting her childish voice come out to rolling up into a burrito on the bed, it was really quite refreshing to see Hotaru act so relaxed and kiddy.

Looking Ahead

With things about to come to an end, there isn’t much to say. We’ve been given a lot this season and hopefully the ending won’t disappoint us. Catch you guys next week!




  1. I can’t remember if Konomi was shown a lot last season but man when she’s around it’s such a riot. I won’t be surprised if she knew the whole time Komari wanted to tinker with her cellphone so she was just messing with her. And speaking of that cellphone scene, I was constantly reminded of Popura mainly coz she and Komari have the same seiyuu.

    The second skit was a fun reminder of how good Renge is at drawing with her award and that cleverly made monkey/sheep picture, not to mention she’s pretty good in dealing with Hikage. What was even more fun to see is how Renge is when she’s really mad. I was wondering since last week’s preview what made Renge so furious. She really went Fist of the North Star on Hikage there.

    And Hotaru…it was simply cuteness overload. Getting told she’s mature for her age must really get to her that she just lets it all out at home. Not to mention I thought she was just good at sewing. I was surprised she also had a Nekomari pencil holder.

  2. As soon as she gets home, her eyes are prepped for her transformation into a child.

    Renge’s really got some artistic talent, and like many artists, only wants to show off her final product. She even had a fitting name for that portrait of her sister, especially since its so creepy.

    I probably should have seen Renge’s move coming when she first made Hikage do the gesture. Despite being separated for much of the year, Renge can still read her sister perfectly.

    Think we’ve all gotten a drunk text and had the same reaction as Dagashiya here.

  3. This episode distilled almost everything that was awesome about this show into one ep, we just needed more Candy Store/Renge. I completely lost it laughing at the “SOSUNSER” jump to the sky. That and the 26 sempai plushies if you include the nekomari pencil holder. I think the cuteness even topped the latest episode Akagami no Shirayukihime for sheer “Dawww” power.

    Hanover Fist
  4. Hotaru is the only character I’ve ever seen on TV in anime or any other forms who is pampered at home, and openly admits it! That is still showing maturity right there.

    Renge’s “irari” was the best reaction. And Hikage just can’t catch a break can she? Seems that, with the exception of Candy Store and the character’s parents, the older you are in the series, the less respect you receive!


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