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You know what they say about all good things. Well, it pains me to write this, but the end has come. After two and a half years, I’ve decided to retire from Random Curiosity. It’s been a dream, an honour, a pleasure, and I can’t thank you all enough.
This may seem sudden, but this is a decision I’ve wrestled with for the past six months. As each new season came, I knew I was getting closer to my inevitable departure. There are a few reasons for this, but the major one is simple: I’m not watching much anime anymore. Since Summer 2016 I only followed the shows I was committed to blogging, before eventually catching up with all the others I’d missed for the Best Of post. I had a similar experience in 2012, when I suddenly fell away from the medium, before coming back a year later, and then applying for Random Curiosity the year after. And everything since then has been recorded on this wonderful site. But after four years of watching most shows that aired each season, I feel I’ve overdone it.
But I don’t regret it. I’ve experienced the best and worst that anime has to offer, and even though I’ve lost the drive, I still believe that anime is far from dead. It’s evolving, adapting, and we’re getting plenty of stellar shows each year. I’d go as far as to say 2016 was the best year of anime I’ve experienced, so it’s best to end on a positive note. Also, it’s no co-incidence that I decided to retire after blogging Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu to completion. If you’ve been following my coverage then you’ll know how much I adore that series. It’s officially one of my most favourite anime I’ve ever seen, so it feels only natural that I end things at this increadble high. If you haven’t watched it yet, do yourself a favour and check it out. It’s a modern classic, a title that deserves to sit among the greatest that anime has to offer.
Another reason for my leaving is that I don’t know where life is going to take me. I don’t know where I’ll be in the next six months–I like the idea of moving to Japan, but who knows if that will actually happen. What I do know is that I want to pursue my own writing and hopefully get published. When Stilts advertises to new bloggers that this is essentially a part-time job, he’s not lying. It takes several hours out of your day for each post you do, and depending on how many anime you’re covering per season, that can end up being a lot of time. I’ve written hundreds of thousands of words on this site, and all for the betterment of my ability. It has warmed my heart to read the positive comments left by those who say they appreciate my writing, especially on the shows I care more about. Sometimes the thoughts just spill out, but sometimes it can be a struggle. It’s been an experience, a joy, a dream. I’ve followed this site since 2010, and knowing I’m now part of its history is enough to make me smile. All that effort and investment has been worth it, but now I would like to focus on my own writing and hopefully get somewhere with it. I’ve got stories I want to share with the world, and I’m going to do everything I can to make that aspiration a reality.
I’ve talked about Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu being my highlight of my blogging career, but I’ve been blessed with all the anime I’ve covered. There hasn’t been a single one I disliked. All offered something different, appealing to various anime fans, and allowed a variety of discussion. I’ll always have affection for Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu for being the first show I covered to completion. I got my fair share of popular titles too, from One-Punch Man to Hai to Gensou no Grimgar to Rokka no Yuusha. I got to experience the euphoric highs of Hibike! Euphonium, and talk about how progressive and important Yuri!! on Ice was, and of course I got to cover Haikyuu!!, the series that got me here in the first place. And not to forget those underrated gems like Yuri Kuma Arashi and Fune wo Amu that didn’t attract large audiences, but were worth every word. And also, Mayoiga. I love that series, even if literally everyone else doesn’t. But most important of all is probably being able to cover Bleach until completion. I spilled my heart into that mammoth of a final post, and it was the most cathartic experience; a justification for my being here in the first place. It was the anime that got me into all of this, so being able to send it off with nostalgia and love was all I could ask for.
To everyone who followed my posts, thank you. Random Curiosity’s readership is the most rewarding part of the experience. To be part of a passionate community has been a blessing, and I’ll miss not being able to share my words with you any longer. But I feel I’ve reached the natural end of my time here, and I’ve said all I had to say. I’ve made friends with the bloggers who I used to look up to for all those years, and now I’ll just be another name on the Hall of Fame. You may still see me roaming around in the comments from time to time. And you can always follow me on Twitter which I use every day, so I won’t be gone forever. But as for my time as writer here, this is my goodbye.
Thanks for the memories, everyone.
Tsukki out.
It’ll be a shame to see you go, I too have fallen away from Anime and only recently enjoyed Mob Psycho and Boku no Hero Academia really, before that I can recall Parasyte and Your Lie in April.
I started One Punch Man recently and I’m enjoying it a lot but struggling to continue watching.
It saddens me that something I’ve enjoyed for so long is suddenly feeling foreign and uninteresting especially when I’ve used it as as a crutch during some of the harder times in my life. When my dad died just over ten years back I dove into anime.
Growing older sucks, I just hope one day I don’t wake up and find it as hard to boot up a game of Starcraft or Overwatch.
It does suck, but it’s a never ending cycle, especially for me. My tastes vary from year to year. One year I’ll be enthralled in books, the next I’ll be marathoning TV series, or reading manga, or watching anime, or indie films. I know I’ll come around to watch anime regularly again, but this is the best time for me to take my time off.
Sorry to see you go. I can understand wanting to have that time back. I still follow you on Twitter so you won’t be gone! Good luck with what comes next.
Thanks! I’ll see you on Twitter, as per usual.
Samu, you’ve been my favorite author on RC, keep doing great job with your future writing too.
Good luck!
I find it hard to believe I’m anyone’s favourite writer, but thank you!
You are the favorite writer of many people sir, you will be missed T_T
Aw, thank you!
Love ya Samucchi, and thanks. You’re one of the best decisions I made at this site.
It feels wrong to have you leave before me. This is the father burying the son scenario. It’s not right.
Not that you’re dying or anything. You know what I mean. I think I’ll still sniffle a bit.
With my leaving that means you’re here forever, Passerby-chan. Have fun!
I… I don’t know how to feel… From the very first time you made your intro post up until this very last one… I’ve watched and read quite a bit of your posts for at least close to 3 years, then suddenly this…
I’m just sad…
But well… If we are to look at the bright side then well, FOR ALL YOU KNOW Samu, one day, someday you might end up creating a story so worthy that it turns into an anime that ultimately kicks most of the other anime’s asses soooooooooo hard it prevents them from rolling in their graves. Y’know, for all you know.
And I’m not joking about that either. Let me share with ya something, I aim to be a multimedia entertainment producer specializing in animation and computer games. Basically, someone who gets projects started and manages them to completion. That’s my second most monumental aim after my completing my literary magnum opus, and perhaps someday a project that I lead might just be an adaptation of one of your works, who knows? We’ll just have to see. Of course, I’ll make sure to become a multimedia producer first, but yeah…
Look, the point is… I’m gonna miss ya Samu. I’ll forever wage war on Mayoiga’s existence hahahahha, but I do truly feel a sense of inspiration from your passion and dedication to some of the series that you’ve covered over here at RandomC and that is something I rarely see, for they were full of vim and vigor, and seeped in a joyous, positive affectation for a lack of better ways of putting it.
I’ll try to restart my activities on Twitter again so that we may communicate more often, frankly I was very disillusioned by the ridiculous, nonsensical noise found on that so-called ‘social’ platform but y’know, never hurts to give some things a fair second chance no? Plus you’re there, some people who I met years ago and are fond of are there so why not eh?
Alright, I guess that’s all from me now. See ya sometime soon on Twitter Samu, cheers lad!
I appreciate your motivating words! I’ll catch you around
At least promise us to blog Yuri on Ice 2.
I’m afraid someone else will have to take that honour (if/when it comes).
This was entirely unexpected, and if you had considered this in advance, you did very well to keep it under wraps.
Although I never commented, I was following your coverages of One Punch Man, Hai to Gensou no Grimgar, Fune wo Amu, Hibike Euphonium, and of course Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu. Your initial post for Rakugo convinced me to pick it up, and it was one of the best decisions I made in terms of watching anime as far as recent times go. Such a joy to watch, through the tears and laughters that is the emotional rollercoaster it took us all through.
Passion is something that is quite difficult to sustain through the years, but thank you for pulling out until the end, even when you felt it starting to wane. Hopefully this is a case of temporarily burning out, and that maybe when you’re feeling like it, you’ll pick up the gloves you hung in the Hall of Fame and make a triumphant return to the anime blogging sphere. After all, I’m sure the decision you’ve made will send ripples in all directions, and be deeply felt by the community.
It should be us thanking you Samu. The pleasure was ours, for the memories you have given us, as well as your hard work. Good luck with your writing wherever you go, and I hope you achieve your future aspirations!
Thank you! Always good to know there were others out there reading even if they didn’t comment. I’m glad I made you pick up Rakugo with my post.
Nooooo….. At least make your own blog?
You know, I did make one two years ago but eventually ditched it. I’m afraid I’m stepping out the aniblogging ring with this final post
;o; Please reconsider!
Was the blog not popular enough?
No, it was purely out of my own laziness and not keeping up to date with it. It wasn’t meant to be sadly.
Reading your posts side-by-side with Enzo’s became a weekly ritual for me.
Good luck with the future. Hopefully I’ll be able to comment on your musings (on anything) again someday.
Talking about them in twitter DMs became a ritual for us… One I’ll miss a lot.
Damn – who’s gonna have the will to do podcasts with me now??
Thanks JJ!
And don’t worry Enzo, whenever I do watch something I’ll be sure to continue our discussion. Probably not going to get another Rakugo-level show for quite some time, but it was fun while it lasted.
Ah, don’t worry, even though the medium is at times discouraging, every now and then really good shows poke their little heads up out of the sea of mediocrity… and that’s probably why I still keep up with it to this day.
I always enjoyed your posts! Good luck on that next adventure!
Every year has its Anime Of The Year and masterpieces appear regularly, although swamped by a deluge of animated LN/game adverts, rehashes and general lack of creativity.
Will miss you Samu! Thank you for all you’ve done!
Much thanks!
Thank you for all your wonderful posts Samu!
With every new season I was always glad to see you picking up shows that piqued my interest. From Hai to Gensou no Grimgar, Hibike Euphonium, to Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, your writing often put a smile on my face. I’ve been reading blogs on RandomC for some 7 years, and I think I can honestly say you are among the best, if not THE best writer here (not to discredit the other writers, who are fantastic as well). You can express yourself so well with words, that your emotions flow out of my monitor at times. Good examples of those times are when you’re defending your love for Miyokichi, or expressing yourself about how well written and real characters such as Yakumo or Kumiko are. It has truly been a pleasure reading your posts!
So thank you again Samu!
Wow. Thank you, I don’t know what else to say. I tried by best, and I do think my moments of passion made the writing experience all the more exiting. I’ll always be defending Miyokichi!
Well, this is just awful. After I’ve been reading your coverage for second season of Rakugo week by week, I was glad that you decided to focus only on Rakugo this winter, since these posts were some of the highest quality posts I’ve seen on RandomC I think. Therefore it’s just awful to see you leaving without earlier notice. Damn, it really just hurts.
I really admired your work here Samu, even though I rarely commented and joined discussions, it was a pleasure to read posts about anime from blogger who has similar tastes. You were actually the one whose posts convinced me to finally watch Yuri on Ice and oh boy, it was one of the best decisions I’ve made recently when deciding on shows. And these coverages of Fune wo Amu, Grimgar, Haikyuu and finally Rakugo, just excellent work, so I hope that we’re gonna hear something from you at least in comments section from time to time.
Thank you so much Samu for everything you contributed to this blog, wish you all the best in future.
Thanks! I’m glad my Yuri on Ice and Rakugo posts had that effect. Sorry it came so suddenly, but it was planned for quite some time… I just did a good job of keeping it hush
Your posts were some of my favourites on this blog. I remember finding this blog at around the start of Parasyte and have been avidly following since. Really appreciate your writing over these years and I wish you success.
Thank you!
So long, farewell, auf wiedersehn, goodbye.
A pity, I was looking forward to how you’d respond to some of the upcoming titles for the Spring and Summer. But such is life.
If you want my predictions then Uchouten Kazoku, Ballroom e Youkoso, Shoukoku no Altair, and Owarimonogatari should be on your radar! Those are the safest bets for end of year contenders!
What? B-BUT!
I have only followed RC for the last couple of month, but I’ve also checked back at some of the older posts as well as the new ones. To be honest, I don’t remember whether most or just some of the posts I’ve read were written by you (I know for certain some are yours, though), but either way the content here in this site is always top-notch. So thanks for what you’ve given us thus far.
We really appreciate and hope you the best!
Thank you!
I guess all good things must come to an end. Thank you for your reviews on Randomc, Samu! You are one of my favorite writer here. And I really like your reviews on One Punch Man, Hibike Euphonium, and Yuri on Ice.
Again, thank you so much!
Wha another favourite writer comment? That means a lot, thanks!
i frequently disagreed with your views and opinions, and often disliked your style.
but still recognised the time and effort put into your posts nonetheless, kudos.
Well, I appreciate your honesty! Thanks.
Well, I don’t post too often, but I enjoyed every anime you’ve blogged about right along side you. I more often than not agreed with your opinions so I always looked forward to reading your thoughts about episodes I enjoyed. I did actually think the constant gushing over Rakugo was a little much even if I did agree about its overall quality, but I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as you did.
You were one of my favorite authors here so it is sad to see you go, but I wish you the best in your future endeavors!
I couldn’t help but gush, sorry! it’s just that good. But thank you for the comment!
Thanks for your contributions.
Thanks for reading
I’ve been following RC for almost a decade so it really puts things into perspective when it feels as though it were yesterday that you first started writing here. It took a while to warm up to your style, however, in the past 2.5 years you’ve grown to be my favourite writer. There are countless things about your writing that I love, but to me, the most conspicuous is the way you do not hesitate to illustrate the implications of your own identity and how it can affect your analyses/reviews. You’ve covered all my favourites, particularly Rakugo and Yuri Kuma Arashi, the latter perhaps being one of my favourite RC series reviews of all time. In these past few seasons I’ve looked forward to each and every one of your posts, and they haven’t disappointed. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours, and hope this won’t be the last time I can read your writing.
Wow… that means so much to me to read that. I’m glad my effort and passion came through as you say. I suppose once I got into the groove I couldn’t pretend to write anything else that my true feelings. Years ago I used to pride myself on being one of those who is grounded in facts, and I do, but I’ve learned that everything I write/think comes from my feelings and emotions, so I suppose it was only natural that I let that come through in my posts.
I’ll try and put that into my own writing, and hopefully one day you can read it!
Dammit, I was hoping not to shed tears!
Seriously, Samu, you’ve become one of my favorite reviewers in the medium. Thank you for everything that you have done, seriously. I enjoyed reading many of your posts, especially Yuri on Ice and Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu. With the latter I was able to see people talk about it, because a lot of my friends were not watching it. It was nice to see someone talking about it. In fact, it was nice to see a writer who tends to have the same tastes that I do. If you were blogging it, I was watching it. Although Mayoiga was a mistake in my eyes, I enjoyed reading your optimism for the series.
Good luck and prosper in your writing career. If you are able to make it, please share it with us. I would love to read it.
Don’t cry!
And for real, thanks for your kind words! Rakugo Shinjuu was a blessing to blog, and I loved all the discussions that came with it each week. Now I’ll put that effort into my writing and hopefully one day get published. One day!
You’ll be missed (as is with any art lover out there).
Best of luck, Samu, you are in my top tier of anime commentators and I can’t tell you how much I will miss your beautiful writing and your heartfelt, gentle commentary. Please tell me there is a way for me to keep track of your professional achievements, I know there will be many.
Heartfelt and gentle? I’ll take those words and remember them. I’ll make sure to keep you posted!
At least pop in from time to time to say hi.
I’ll always be floating around, judging my fellow writers poor tastes and feeling sorry for them whenever the season preview comes around.
I was a bit worried this might be the case when I didn’t see your name anywhere on the season preview, but alas, no one can be expected to do this forever and you had a damn fine run.
Of all the writers at RC my taste in anime often aligned most closely with yours, so I ended up following your blogging more often than not. Seeing someone passoniate about the same things is always a pleasure, but I often found myself disagreeing with your opinions, insights, or predictions–which was an absolute plus. It made it all the more engaging to read your posts and see the different ways things could be interpreted, and the different ways people reacted to it. Thank you for the time and effort you put into this site, and best of luck to you in the future!
(And it’s a little thing, but I also always appreciated how interactive you were with commentors. Your posts always felt open to discussion.)
I wondered if anyone would figure it out after the season preview was posted, so well done on that.
I always encouraged discussion–I loved the sense of community that came with RC, and I read every comment and replied to as many as I could over the years.
So long space cowboy…
And thanks for all the fish.
Cheers. I have a feeling it’ll all be dandy…
It was nice to find a person with resembling tastes. I enjoyed reading your thoughts. Thank you, Samu.
Wish you to go to find your own way in this big bright world.
I’m glad I was able to represent a fair few readers with my tastes. Hopefully whoever joins and takes my place will be able to provide something similar!
Goodbye Samu, enjoy your trip to Nanaki Village ~
I wasn’t active here much at all, so I can’t really write much. But you always came across as intelligent with the points your made on the stuff I did read here. Sooo goodluck, take care!
Mayoiga for Lyfe.
Thank you!
This man understands.
The meme value of a series should never be underestimated.
You’ve been a great presence here Samu. You will be missed. But every human being has to go for their dream, their purpose. A wise man once said, the purpose of a human is to find their purpose in life. If this is what it takes for you to realize yours, then go for it. I know I didn’t comment on a lot of your posts lately, but that was because I’ve been a hell of a lot busy establishing my career. But I’d always find time to read your posts, and I’m grateful for that.
Arigatou Gozaimasu, for everything.
Aw, thank you. I’m glad you took the time out of your day to read what I had to say. I’m sure RC will do fine just without me, but I appreciate your words. Sayonara.
I found myself looking forward to Fridays this past winter season for two reasons:
(1) Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
(2) Reading Samu’s take on Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Samu, every week you offered illuminating, well-written insight into the characters and story of what has become one of my most beloved anime. You often pointed out things I missed and put into words all the things I was feeling, but probably wouldn’t have been able to articulate myself.
And it wasn’t just Rakugo; you were able to do this with all the shows you covered (that I watched). RandomC was lucky to have and you will be missed. Best of luck with whatever comes next!
Thank you! I’m glad I was able to represent what you were thinking. My writing still has a way to go, but it’s all a journey and this experience has been invaluable. Rakugo allowed me to express every emotion with my words, so I couldn’t ask for a greater way to finish my time on RandomC.
I’ll miss you. I enjoyed whatever I saw of your posts!
And I’ll miss reading all the comments!
I am very sad you are leaving. You are one of the few reasons I came back to random curiosity. To be honest for the exception of the rare series this year I too am not watching much anime. The fact of the matter is that I feel too old for the stories mostly told in anime these days (everything takes place in a high school setting) and honestly that bores me. I am at an age now where Yuri on Ice and Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu are more to my tastes because they surround characters that are older and been there and done that. Plus random curiosity for the most part tends to cover shows I will never watch so I guess its just now a matter of taste. I will definitely follow you on twitter and if Yuri on Ice gets a second season I hope you can come back to guest blog that. ^_^ I was a lot of fun experiencing it with you.
Thanks Lizu! Yuri on Ice was a treat to write about, so I’m glad had fun with my posts. I understand what you mean about not connecting with anime as you grow older, I think I may be going through the same thing. May I recommend Fune wo Amu if you haven’t watched already. That’s another rare anime with adults at the centre–not a high school uniform in sight!
Thank you Samu for all your hard work. I’m really sad that you are leaving. You have always picked up the shows I watched and became my favourite writer here on RC I really loved reading your posts and enjoyed them even though I didn’t write many comments I still always read your impressions and opinions and I liked your view on every single episode of all seasons so far! I can’t thank you enough! I wish you the best and hope you might return one day. Good luck!
Thank you so much! That means a lot
Thank you for all that you have contributed to this community and the world of anime in general — every word of your posts spells passion, dedication and sincerity. Funnily enough — a phrase that I’ve seen in your posts a lot — most of the shows that you chose to blog were the shows that I watched, and some adored immensely: Shouwa Genroku, Haikyuu!!, Fune wo Amu… I wouldn’t have thought of Rokka no Yuusha and almost gave up on Hai to Gensou no Grimgar if you were not blogging them. I think you have broadened the horizon of RC by covering some of the underrated shows — shows that feature adults, or shows that respect the intellect of the audience and diversity. For all that you have offered generously, a heartfelt thank-you.
It’s sad to say farewell… May a bright future awaits and your dreams come true.
Oh, btw, forgot to mention…love that image that you chose…I was all welling up when Tsuki was raising his fist… Great moment in the story…
Thank you so much. It means the world to read comments like this. I’m glad my blogging brought attention to anime you’d otherwise skip, and I’m glad my taste expanded what was covered. You’re right on those sorts of underrated shows, those are my bread and butter and I loved talking about them these past few years. It’s been a blast.
As for that Tsukki cap, it felt very fitting for the moment! It’s my fav scene in the series, it’s so great.
Having been here since early 2007, I’ve seen many people come and go. I’ve seen various ways you people tried to write these reviews. I myself stopped watching anime on a regular basis a few years ago, simply because my interest has faded, so I now spend 2-3 weeks a year marathoning chosen TV series.
Your insight and the relatable way of writing made it so easy for me to pick what I want to watch. I almost feel I’m in debt to you for saving me so much time, while bringing me entertainment in the simple form of sharing your thoughts about anime I’d never watch, or ones I eventually will.
Well, mate. There’s time for everything in life. I spent 6 years translating h-manga semi-pro. I have that behind me now. A good experience, but there are always better things waiting ahead. And they get closer and closer, without you noticing, until you suddenly know they’re right there within your grasp.
When you put it like that it proves how worthwhile this experience was. Cheers Hallukh, it means a lot to hear you say that.
Thank you for all your hard work, Samu.
You were one of my favorite bloggers on the site.
I’m currently living in Japan. If you need any advice or have any questions, don’t be a stranger. I’d be happy to talk to you.
Aw, thank you! And that sounds perfect, if you’re on Twitter it’d make it easier to message you if I have any questions. Cheers!
Look forward to hearing from you!
Sad to see tou go. You (and all writers here) have been a part of my hobby life now that seeing one of you leave feel like a depart of a friend. Well, hope you have a good life ahead.
Thank you! You may see me still from time to time in the comments, keep an eye out
Thank you very much for your blogging, it has fundamentally altered how I spend my leisure time. I used to predominantly read manga spurts, catching up on old series and starting new ones until I’m fully up to date, and then ignoring the medium for a year or two. I’ve watched some anime off and on, but didn’t really start watching a series as it was released until I started following your blogging. For the past few seasons, I’ve made it a priority to at least sample the anime you blogged about or recommended in the “Best Of” posts, and I haven’t been disappointed. Thanks for all your great writing, and best of luck on the road ahead.
I’m so glad to hear that! I never expected me writing about anime a few times a week could have that affect on you (and so many others by the looks of it). The Best Of post was a beast of a post to prepare for both times I did it, but it was so fulfilling for someone with tastes like mine (which aren’t exactly mainstream) to highlight all the shows that deserve more attention. Thank you so much!
Good luck with all your future endevours, Samu. I love your writing style, and I’ll miss your posts dearly.
Thank you! It’s been a treat to write for you all here, I’m glad you enjoyed what I had to say
Thanks for the time and effort you put into the site, and all of the postings. =) Though I don’t use Twitter myself (rare, i know!) I’ll still follow ya.
Good luck man, and may you find whatever you’re looking for in the future.
Thanks, much appreciated
Thanks for all your work over the years, Samu. Take care.
I know
Thank you Samu for all your hard work. RandomC will miss your presence! Just so you know, it was your initial post for Rakugo convinced me to pick it up, and I’m so grateful to you for that! T.T
I enjoyed reading your thoughts, and wish you the best in your future endeavors!
Glad to hear I convinced you to watch such a great show, thanks!
No… Thank YOU! ^_^
I started watching anime seasonally only a little while before you started blogging, and since your tastes happened to line up with mine, a lot of the reviews I read were written by you (The other half were written by enzo lol). Good luck!
At least you still have Enzo’s to read! But thank you, I appreciate that
Hibike! Euphonium, Grimgar, and Mayoiga were the series that I was probably most happy about having you cover.
I don’t really pay much attention to the authors of the articles on the site, mainly because the author’s name is way up at the top of the page above the screenshots, and I most likely would associate the writer with the article at the bottom, after reading everything. With no name at the end, it mostly dissolves into anonymity. However I do recognize that there are people who cover a series well, and those for whom commentary is mostly forgettable fluff, and the series that I remember (such as those mentioned above) are those where the coverage was worth reading.
So I’m saddened at the loss of a good writer, but hope you the best in your future endeavors.
Thank you so much, happy to hear you liked my coverage of those shows (Mayoiga in particular haha).
I almost never leave comments on RC, but this is the only website I would check out new animes. And I appreciate the effort you put into this website. This reminds me of me going to a Monday yoga class for only 2 times and I wanted to go every Monday, and then the teacher said she’s not teaching anymore. I really feel so sad and surprise to see you go too. I wish you best of luck.
Awww, thank you
You’ll be back… they always come back…
They’re kicking me out the back door right this very moment
I started checking this amazing since the summer of 2013, in which Danganronpa had my attention, and ever since, I’ve been checking every season’s posts, and from all of the writers who made their words, you were on of those special that exactly know what I say. Even in the year-end posts, you managed to choose the best of the best, while keeping it in style. You were a writer with compassion, a writer with skill, and a writer who ain’t afraid to take risks.
In all honesty, I want to thank you for being a writer, a friend, and a person. You have been amazing, and I hope you do well in the near future.
Thank you so much, as they’ll never be a writer as straightforward as you, and I’ll be saddened just to no longer see you in future RC posts.
Ugh, too many compliments. But thank you so much!
Thank you so much for all the blogging you’ve done up to now, I’ve enjoyed plenty of your blog posts, and I’m sure that my anime experience may not have been the same if not for the great reviews you’ve been posting (Haikyuu, Rokka no Yuusha, Yuri on Ice, Grimgar just to name a few). Glad to see you leave on a high note, and best of luck with the rest of your life. As an aspiring writer myself, I especially hope you can find some success in your own writing!
My little ole blog posts meant that much? Thank you so much, and best of luck to you as well!
Ah, damn. I was never much of a presence here as far as commenting goes, but I’ve read numerous of your posts and I always liked the way you wrote them. Take care!
Thank you!
I often disliked coming to randomc when I haven’t watched another episode of another anime because of you – WHY DO U PUT SPOILER IMAGES WHY /RAGE
Still. good work and good luck
Lol, my bad there I guess. But thanks
I guess as an otaku he couldn’t hack it i’d stall on forever to prove my otakuness to the world
I guess that’s me handing in my otaku badge.
Thanks Samu for all the time, the effort, the insight and the memories! Wherever life will lead you from now on I wish you the best!
Thanks Juan
Thank you Samu for your contribution to Random Curiosity and your writing. I remember reading your posts about Yuri Kuma Arashi when it aired and it was a blast seeing what your thoughts were each week. I wish you the best of luck through your career and writing and who knows…. maybe we will see you again writing some epic posts in the future for whatever medium you choose.
Thank you for reading! And hopefully we will
Thank you Samu! I feel you’ve covered most shows I’ve followed here.
Nice, mission accomplished on my part then
Make sure to use some of that anime craziness and imagination on your stories. Good luck!
I will do
It feels like only yesterday when you were announced as a new writer! I don’t often comment but I’ve always enjoyed your posts and made a point to check out your recommendations. Sad to see you go but wishing you the best of luck with your future endeavours!
Time sure does fly, doesn’t it? Thank you!
Samu, really didn’t expect you to leave RC
I’ve really enjoyed reading your posts and especially your in-depth review of the characters and plots. Your insights have always been wonderful to read and I for one picked up Rakugo last season because of your posts, which I never regretted (heck, I’ve been telling every anime lover I know about this series and pestering them to watch, haha). You’ll be dearly missed, but I think you have made a good decision to step back before it takes your joy away. Wishing you all the best with your future endeavors–you’ve got the whole world in front of you! Ganbatte ne~
Thank you! I too like to pester others to watch Rakugo. I’m glad I was the one to convince you
Though there wasn’t a whole lot of overlap between the shows you covered and the ones I kept up-to-date with, I appreciated your coverage of Hibike and the end of Bleach. Some of the others are on my backlog (though I suppose I should bump Rakugo higher), so when I get around to watching them, I’ll go back to your posts for what I’m sure will be thoughtful writing. I may not always agree (Mayoiga), but your posts were still worth the read. Good luck with wherever your journey takes you!
Thank you! And yes, you should bump Rakugo up higher on your list (as in, your top priority)!
Thank you for your coverage, Samu! You were one of my favourite (if not THE favourite – especially considering your love for female characters) writers on this blog. It’s sad to see you go, but I wish you all the best in your future projects.
Thank you for the kind words! I’ll always love female characters; I said as much in my introduction post and I think that shone through in my coverage as well.
Thank you Samu for all the effort that you put into your posts here, and good bye!
Thank you Samu,
I was the one who said to you that I like your writing because it was similar to Omni even your goodbye feels a bit like Omni. I haven’t been following animes as much as before and this blog too, however I was never disappointed reading your posts when I feel I need some reactions or reference. Thank you for your time and effort.
Take care
I remember your comparison, but I don’t think my leaving is quite as dramatic as Omni’s! Thanks you though, I’m glad I left that impression on you (although it was never my intention)!
Samu, thank you so much for all your words and energy! You covered most of my favorite series, so I just wanted to say I wish your new journey treats you well, and that more good things come along the way! Take care
And thank you for reading!
I’ve caught on to RC’s posts now and then through my years as an avid anime lover, but only from passing by on google and when I wanted to get ideas and see what people’s opinions were on certain episodes of anime (usually when I’m raging over something haha). I’ve only started commenting this time round cause of some your blog posts (maybe it started with OPM or YOI? I watched Hibike season 1 later on and read over your posts haha) and always looked forward to your posts of anime I’ve also been following each week. All the best with your future and hope you still watch the occasional anime
I’m glad you found the time to read back on my older posts! Thank you
I’m mostly a lurker on this blog. But I would just like to say thank you for all the time and effort you’ve contributed to this site. It won’t be quite the same without you. Good luck to all your future endeavours! =D
Aw, thank you!
I’m a longtime visitor of RC. I’m content with reading the posts and the subsequent discussions without throwing in my two cents as they are both insightful and compelling. But with your posts I very often had the urge to just thank you for your elaborate and beautiful style.
So: Thank you very much for reviewing so many of my favourite shows!! (especially Haikyuu and the Tsukki-archs)
I’m happy to hear that. And you’re welcome, it was a pleasure blogging those Tsukki-centric episodes when they aired!
Oh, I forgot: all the best, and not just for your future writing endeavors! Hopefully someday we can read your prose in printed form.
Dear Samu, you’ll be missed but thank you for your quality blogs!
Thank you too!
how many admins do you guys have?? will i still be seeing updates on the next day ?? :'(
I’ve been reading your posts since you’ve joined, and you have been one of my favourite writers here. There’s always a little bit of you in your writing, and I can feel here is someone who is happily talking about something he likes. It never feels like a boring summary of the show, nor does it ever feel that you’re forcing your ideas on us. It was all nice, fun discussions. Even though I don’t comment much, I did enjoy reading it greatly, even for shows I have not yet watched or do not plan to (sometimes you change my mind).
I’ll miss seeing your Tsukki profile pic for sure, but I’ll pray I still see it in the comment section from time to time.
I’ve been watching anime less and less as well. I still really like anime and never will stop liking it, but I no longer have the will to sit through hours and hours of anime every day. But I’m glad that I did watch certain shows like Grimgar, Fune wo amu, Haikyuu, Shouwa genroku rakugo shinjuu at the same time you did, because reading the posts weekly really enhanced my experience. If I had known you were leaving soon I’d have started watching some shows still on my to watch list(forever) just so I could experience it with you.
I hope you’ll still stick around the site a little even if you might not have the energy to blog anymore. It’s always sad when a writer is gone and I never see them again
Thanks for all your effort in allowing us readers to have a better experience. I hope you had fun too. With your time freed up now, I hope you do well in your future endeavours!
Thank you so much for the kind words, it means so much, honestly! I tried my best to write with passion, so I’m glad that came across.
And don’t worry, you’ll definitely see my Tsukki face in the comments from time to time. Just keep an eye out
What’s your Letterboxd account?
thanks for introducing most of us to Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, it was indeed like you said, a modern classic, and I’ve not enjoyed an anime like this in a long while, and would not have discovered it if I hadn’t come across your blog post for the first episode.
have a good one!
I’m so glad to hear that! Knowing my first post convinced that many people makes it all the more satisfying in the end. Thanks!
Better late than never…
I can’t say for sure that I left a comment or two on any of the anime you’ve covered–though I did marathon One Punch Man post-season (T’was good. d’-‘b )–but if you’re departing Random Curiosity with no ounce of regret whatsoever, I’d say it’s a good departure… Way better than leaving something you once loved with lingering regrets and/or other hang-ups.
Anyway… Bon voyage, and thank you for the passion you’ve shown for RC and the community.
o7 “For those about to rock, we salute you!” o7
Thank you!
Thanks you very much.
Thanks for reading
Thanks for covering some of my favourite series these few seasons! Without some of your posts (Yuri on Ice, Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, etc), I would have never discovered these gems. I totally understand the “cyclical” burnout you’re experiencing – I’m also on the recovery tail of the cycle. Wish you all the best, and hope you to see your insights in the comments section once in a while too!
Thank you, I’m glad you made you discover those gems!
People tastes do change. People also burn out on good things and it sounds like you went whole anime hog for awhile. Time will tell but it is not uncommon for someone who overindulges to come back to something in a more sane way later.
I enjoyed your work very much so thank you.
I’m sure I’ll need my anime fix again in the future. Maybe not to the same degree as before, but I know I’ll still be kicking around no matter what.
Your posts made me feel less alone about my anime tastes, I will truly miss seeing you on RC.
Thank you for everything and wishing you all the best! Cheers!
Wow, that means the world to me. Sorry I had to leave in that case! Thank you!
Samu – I’m more of a lurker here, but I have read most of your posts, as you covered many of the anime I was watching. Thank you so much for your recaps and opinions on each episode. I appreciated your point of view, and how you had an original point of view despite people disagreeing with you sometimes vehemently (…Mayoiga). I loved that you were both open minded to other points of view, but you had your own take on things and you were not afraid to share your opinions. Thank you so much for all your hard work here at randomc. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Thanks dcho! That’s lovely to hear
i was so looking forward to see you write a post about gundam orphans too… Will miss you