「エロマンガ先生」 (Eromanga Sensei)

This episode left me with a lot of conflicting emotions.

General Impressions

Man, where do I even start with this? Diving into things in terms of order, how can I not talk about the adorable Yamada Elf? Quickly rising up the ranks in my heart as the golden haired loli who can do just about anything, I loved everything about her this week. While it’s tough for me to decide what I like the best, maybe in this instance it’s okay to just say everything since when was the last time you met a successful and talented chuunibyou light novel author who also owns their own damn house and can cook? And as if that wasn’t enough, we got to see the side of her that knows when it’s time to get down and work. Because as much as I love people who dream big and have a positive outlook on life, it’s nice to know that Yamada Elf is someone who clearly understands and embraces the harsh realities of the real world and knows how to buckle down when the time calls for it. God, it’s a damn shame that she’ll be sidelined and never be a potential love interest especially since it’s clear that she has some pretty strong feelings toward Masamune.

Shifting to Sagiri, let me start with the one thing that really surprised and excited me — Sagiri actually listens to her older brother. I forgot the exact time stamp for it, but there was a point where during a heated conversation right before the reveal that the two were happily mistaken about what the other person was doing that Masamune raised his voice because he had something important to say. And instead of Sagiri hitting him, yelling, or crying, I loved how we got a clear shot of her pausing and turning toward Masamune with the face of someone seriously listening. I can’t even begin to describe just how much it pisses me off when two characters are speaking and there’s such little mutual respect for one another that they one won’t shut up when the other has things they just need to say. So, even if I turn into a big critic of Sagiri, let it be known that I appreciate her character not being absolute garbage at basic respect for others. Something that (at least for me) really accentuated the following scene where Sagiri and Masamune managed to resolve the misunderstanding that was going on between them. Without resorting to any games, I loved how the two managed to hash things out without wimping out. Which lead to a really heartwarming scene between two people that gives me hope that we will see them overcome the obstacles in their way to become a true family (take that line how you will).

Overall, another great episode for Eromanga sensei. By keeping up with the pace its set and constantly keeping us on our toes by not dragging things out for any longer than necessary, you can really feel just how much every character is growing with each passing episode. Anyways, it looks like we’ve hit our first climax and seeing how well it went, I can’t wait to see just how high this show will peak when push comes to shove. In any case, I’ll catch you guys next week. See you then!

End Card


  1. I really like how Eromanga Sensei has set a really definitive goal for the end. Masamune and Sagiri are aspiring to create a light novel together that will receive an anime adaption so that they can live together happily ever after.

    Actually reminded me of Bakuman a bit minus the promise for marriage proposal, but who are we kidding. If Masamune’s manuscript was a confession, telling Sagiri about his dream was basically a proposal!

  2. I’m rather speechless. Totally unexpected plot development I guess, especially when you’re still stuck with the Oreimo plot in your head. Turns out this show maybe going in a different direction instead, which will probably make me like this show a lot more. Hey, I like a big dream which probably won’t have half done by this season of Anime lol

    And really, stop undressing Sagiri already, Aniplex. We get it; the male audience need to be satisfied after all haha

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