「防御特化と第三回イベント.」 (Bougyo Tokka to Daisankai Event.)
“Defense and Third Event”

This week’s episode of Bofuri takes a welcome swerve back to showing Maple having to think on her toes to fight some of the most intimidating foes she’s had to face yet. Unlike some of the more recent episodes, this one was a nice reminder of what made the first couple episodes a hilarious spin on the genre.

The first fight she faces against the Predator boss enemy had some of the funniest imagery the show has given us so far. The intimidating, carnivorous skeleton beast she has to fight is juxtaposed with Maple’s chibi face as she pops her head out from the wool encasing she’s protected under while Syrup spews a fire beam at him. It also marks another instance where she ends up resorting to eating a monster, but I admire how they use some of Maple’s funnier quirks in moderation.

This is especially important as she starts to gain new powers and new jokes pop up with how she utilizes each ability. Every time Maple used the Predator’s ability, Maple’s voice is distorted into a much huskier version of her own voice, making all the more hilarious when she gets started in her Predator form. This is jumping ahead, but the same humor comes near the tail end of the episode when she has to face off against the corrupted king of a mechanized city by gaining a ridiculous form with jetpacks and guns aplenty. I tend to be unamazed with some of the Bofuri episodes in the midsection of the series, but this was a welcome change of pace where we got to see more of Maple herself interacting with the world around her and fighting boss battles against characters with their own personalities.


  1. Sheep Eater has suddenly gained additional final forms. Muh gawd!

    On a production note, I’m happy the insert song was nowhere to be found. It was awesome when it first appeared, but it quickly became stale with overuse, to the point where I’d immediately tune out as soon as the first note hits.

    1. That one insert song is pretty unmemorable. It sounded nice around the beginning, but I think a lot of the bitterness was quickly associated with the fact that they pull it out whenever they want to create a montage of scenes to speed past any of the struggles they faced in an event. When any of the obstacles or tough parts of an event are quickly just lumped into a slideshow with this song, there is a sting to it.

  2. A “Cow Event,” you say? First thing that came to mind when I heard that. (I suppose that’s enough D2 references for today…)

    “♪ Gamera is really neat, Gamera is filled with meat, we’ve been eating Gamera! ♪”

    *Boss shifts to second form*
    Maple: “Geh! That’s disgusting!”
    Me: “Like a giant Xenomorph Facehugger!”

    Strike Gundam IWSP/METEOR unit, eat your heart out! (With apologies to the Universal Century Gundam fans.) Also, I could have sworn Masami Obari (famed mecha anime animator) worked on that scene… Or at the very least, that scene felt like a homage to Obari’s works.

    1. I have fully expected to see Maple doing chestburster on poor demon she ran into…
      At least she gets skill to morph into well, Xenomorph Queen…
      And also gets fully finctional Mecha armor set after probably beating Thrird World endboss, solo, on a first try.
      Poor game Devs sinking ever deeper into denial about her…

      1. Well, they somehow could use her as “Beat Tester” to find Holes in they Game. As long she is under surveillance and not doing any harm to the Server community and such, let her enjoy the game

        As long she is a Jedi, there is no harm. But if she fall to the dark Side then they have a problem

    1. At the point she gained the ability to sprout sheep’s wool at will, become a healing angel, and infuse all of her abilities with poison, it’s hard to see Maple fitting any role or designation other than an absolute beast.

  3. I like it that Veteran Players are having a Eye over her, to not turn this into frustration and other harm for her. Because they know this side and try to keep this away from her and thats why i like this anime here, too. It is not dark, well slapstick darkness can not hurt, but darkness just for despair and such is not my cup of Tea

    1. True, one of the best things about Bofuri is that, even when there is some rivalry hinted at, there isn’t any malice or efforts to pull the rug out from under her out of jealousy or spite.

  4. This show is stupidly entertaining!
    Maple doesn’t take anything seriously and just goes with the flow
    and doesn’t stress about anything in the game — I love her take on it!
    Whatever she damn well feels like doing to solve a problem,
    ignoring stuff like game mechanics and protocol, she does without

    Kinda wonder what she can morph into next week!

  5. Maple is now a one man army and everyone else is fodder. Maple went from being just max Vit. and now she has max attack, the writers should do something quick about this ability and power inequality.

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    1. Her hand gestures after she to fell down the mountain in her Alien Queen form was hilarious because of how much they tried to match her own behavior with his monstrous alien body.


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