「バハルス帝国」 (Baharusu Teikoku)
“Baharuth Empire”

While we’re only three weeks in, I can confidently say this season of Overlord is already better than the last. Whether it be the on point humour or improved artwork, production this time around really is pulling out all the stops, and that ensures what’s to come next will be awesome to see. After all, anytime the bony boy makes a public appearance you know you’re in for a good time.

Part of the excitement for Overlord this time is definitely down to the rising stakes and, by extension, the increasing necessity of independent action for Ainz’s various subordinates. Albedo is obviously case in point for that very public display Shalltear is guaranteed already screaming about (even if she doesn’t know yet the reason why), but even the likes of Demiurge and the various maids around Ainz are pointing to more complex developments as time goes by. Ainz’s country building demands such action: for all his power he cannot be everywhere at once, for all his intelligence he cannot give an answer for every little thing. Letting the floor masters (among others) do their thing fulfills both the needs of the Sorcerer Kingdom and Ainz’s hopes of seeing everyone truly grow into their own, for responsibility will eventually breed creativity, and with it forge a system which will stand the test of time.

Of course some things still demand a skeleton’s touch and that then leads into the fun (or shall we say breakdown) of Emperor Jircniv. The setup this episode largely extends from the previous season, where blonde boy thought he could side with Ainz against the Re-Estize Kingdom, only to find out the hard way that dreams of controlling Ainz were just a tad delusional. Thus leading to Jircniv’s current state of mind and hope someone – anyone – can save him from his own past arrogance, of which the Slane Theocracy is the leading contender. You can pretty much guess how this is going to turn out, particularly once Ainz is finished proving his power through a little hand-to-hand combat, but never say the experience won’t be a sight to be behold.

When it comes to Ainz Ooal Gown the best moments are always those involving curbstomps, and a colosseum with a crowd of thousands is no better place to watch one play out. If I were Jircniv I might want to start praying harder.


  1. Overlord Season4 is going gangbusters. What with all the background machinations being mysteriously hinted and panicking NewWorld Leaders and FUD messing with everyone 😀

    This is what the Web-novel and Light-novel is all about in my opinion.

    How does the NewWorld react to the entire Nazarick and Ainz ambitions ? Can they truly put up any meaningful resistance ? The resulting comedy is the genius of Overlord 😀

    Can’t wait to see the Dwvaren reactionaries and the Re-Estize Kingdom’s collapse 😀

      1. How is it fun? It’s watching an invincible undead sorcerer and his equally invincible minions commit ever-increasing atrocities, with no one being able to even slow them down.

  2. Ah Jircniv, Bro, chill and relax, there is nothing you can do against the might and intellect of Ainz Ooal Gown. The perfect strategist that even Momonga is unable to grasp. The final cheer of the Warrior King perfectly captures Jircniv state of mind, desperation.

    Hopefully the following episode will show how does Ainz end up in the current situation and the comedy when we see the situation from Ainz perspective.

    1. I expect we’ll get the flashback then since that explanation is needed to give context to his showing up out of nowhere. Also gives some time to build up to the royal ass kicking coming not long after 😛

  3. I especially like how the fourth series is seamless in continuing the episodes, from the green aura that pops up any time Ainz is experiencing potential troublesome emotions as an Overlord, to the hints of different names for different artifacts (and effects) by several involved parties.

    The CGI on mass-production scenes is still heavy, however. It’s acceptable on Death Knights. Not so much on individual guards/soldiers in formation.

  4. Friend jircniv should just accept that bonedaddy Ainz is always going to ruin his plans, even if ainz didn’t mean to.
    And from what i remember of the light novels, we haven’t even seen the best jokes this season can bring us ^^


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