「爆裂ニートのレゾンデートル」 (Bakuretsu Nito no Rezondeetoru)
“The Raison D’être of an Explosive NEET”

Ahh another week, another half hour I find myself laughing more than intended. Although pretty clear how the Megumin version of Konosuba is going to round out this season (read: explosively), it’s still quite fun seeing all the intricacies of the moment and getting more than healthy dose of nostalgia and feels. As I like to harp on here depth of a puddle, but heart of bloody gold.

What I got a kick out of most this time was Megumin’s struggles with the post-school life. Honestly it hit close to home: graduate with honours, think you’ve got your whole life planned out, only to have reality punch you in the face and then kick you while you’re down. Plenty of reminiscing chuckling over young Pancakes’ struggles were had, though nothing like Megumin’s version of odd jobs and, shall we say, unique personality impacting the overall adventure. At least the girl has the right idea when it comes to pointing out a NEET in the wild.

Also, as is growing increasingly common in this series, is the strength of the open and honest relationship between Megumin and Yunyun. While Megumin can be criticized for her manner of ribbing, teasing, and exploitation of labour, to have her outright state Yunyun is her friend and always take steps to ensure she does right by her (calling out Funifura was a nice tell of this) never stops leaving a smile on my face. As oft mentioned it’s really quite the departure from how Konosuba originally showcased the girl and indicates that she’s far more complex than first pinned for. Megumin’s love for Komekko and appreciation of what even the likes of Bukkorori can do to watch out for those important to her aren’t the usual musings of comedic relief after all; when you get down to brass tacks this is a mage on a mission who will do whatever is required to keep those she loves safe.

And as for actual story, well, I think that’s fairly obvious once again. The new demon girl (and thoroughly male-ravaged) Arnes for one is linked to the omnipresent dark god at the centre of everything Crimson Demon-related, with Chomusuke too likely having more than a little relation to the shenanigans our eponymous larper (and larper junior) got up to – don’t think for a second we’ve seen the last of Arnes, especially when Chomusuke’s origins have been teased so blatantly. Couple on the fact Megumin is now officially out and about in the world and it’s a fair bet some dark and nasty will test the limits of her combustibility.

Or, you know, how long it takes some poor soul to stumble across her first thing in the morning. Somehow I expect that’s the more likely option in the not too distant future.



One Comment

  1. This Arnes is an interesting demon. Like Yunyun, I feel like this hot pink hair demon girl isn’t crazy compared to all the other residents in the town-city that Megumin lives in. Although; Arnes’s PTSD is going to be a problem for her.

    Gosh, now that Megumin is leaving. We won’t get to see Komekko’s bottomless stomach.

    This also means no more Arue screentime.


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