「先生の日常」 (Sensei no Nichijou)
“Life as a Teacher”

I had to chuckle at Miyako’s teenage chuuni syndrome. I don’t think ramen reviewing on SNS is as deep, dark a secret as she likes to think it is. It always seems when you don’t want to run into someone you know, that’s precisely when it happens. At the re-opening of this ramen store, Miyako ends up at the same table with Nasa-sensei and Tsukasa, as if the hand of fate (or just the hand of Hata Kenjirou) drew them together.

Tsukasa won’t shy away from a challenge, tackling the beyond super spicy ramen on the menu. Nasa is so sweet, ordering a not spicy version in case Tsukasa’s is too much for her- awwww. I love that he doesn’t try to talk her out of it, but goes along with a contingency plan when it is indeed too spicy (now that’s love to eat your honey’s too spicy food).

The whole “a schoolgirl will steal Nasa’s heart” thing is just plain ridiculous. Have you seen the hubby in question? He’s too much in love with Tsukasa not to mention a good guy who wouldn’t do such a shitty thing. Aya needs to just stop. Though I guess that’s just a typical teenage girl really, getting fired up by some outlandish idea based on TV or hearsay and thoughtlessly running with it at top speed. I think the notion she’s really getting at is whetting her imagination of sexy time in the Yuzaki household, like any horny teenage girl would. I’m only surprised that Kaname didn’t want in on it. And how did she get a joshikou uniform for Tsukasa to try on?? Donning the uniform has the intended effect and Nasa is incapacitated (though still has his wits about him to catch a back alley smooch).

Maybe it’s just because I don’t get the reference or whatever, but I don’t really understand the point of draining a pond (I guess that’s the point). All I can think of when I hear that is what a waste of water that is- and what a waste of Nasa’s work time. Waste or not, everyone gets dragged into Aya’s madcap scheme. Nasa is too kind- he never questions Aya’s ridiculousness, but goes along with it like it were a serious request. It’s time for Tsukasa to get her turn on, watching Nasa get sweaty. Nasa is too adorable- utterly failing on the first try, but pulling himself together after a quick Google search. Though I do feel kind of bad that all of the heavy labor falls to him. It’s Aya’s project and she’s no-where to be found during the dig.

That was rather invasive of the girls to invite themselves over to Nasa’s house. I’m super glad they ended up getting too tired out to study with him- that would’ve been taking way too much advantage of him (and Nasa’s already being taken advantage of enough as it is with volunteering to teach this class). All in all, they’re not a bad bunch, just typical teenage girls curious about their teacher’s private life and daring each other to a sauna heat battle. If it continues in this vein (which I think it will), I don’t think I will dislike this arc as much as I was expecting to.



    1. Por los nombres solamente, Kaguya y Tsukasa problamente tiene un poco de conexión, no? Creo que los dos mujeres encuentaras- presencia de Kaguya problamente no es coincidencia. Pero este solamente especulación, no tengo 100% certeza porque no he leído manga de Tonikawa.

      Princess Usagi
  1. Maybe Aya’s urge to drain a pond was inspired by National Geographic’s Drain the Oceans TV series, or something like it.
    Since the bathhouse is in the city, I was more worried about Nasa hitting a utility line while digging the pond – does Japan have a “call before you dig” line?


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