Kuroko no Basuke – 11
「そんなもんじゃねえだろ」 (Sonna Mon Janeedarou)
“That’s Not It”
Da-yum, Midorima! You’re gonna give poor Hyuuga a heart attack if you keep up with those crazy shots!
「そんなもんじゃねえだろ」 (Sonna Mon Janeedarou)
“That’s Not It”
Da-yum, Midorima! You’re gonna give poor Hyuuga a heart attack if you keep up with those crazy shots!
「困ります」 (Komarimasu)
“It’s Worrisome”
There it is, folks – we pulled a Kagami and Kuroko and made a magic pass while no one was looking! Bad jokes aside, I’m extremely happy to be picking up this show, so thanks to Guardian Enzo for passing it over!
“To Win”
I suppose if nothing else, Kuroko no Basuke must stand as an inspirational tale about the endless rewards possible through hard work and practice.
「改めて思いました」 (Aratamete Omoimashita)
“Now That I Think About It”
One thing I feel confident of is that mangaka will never run out of esoteric explanations for the weird stuff that happens in sports manga.
「すごいもん見れるわよ」 (Sugoi Mon Mireru wayo)
“You’ll See Something Amazing”
100% of his shots go in? Sign that kid up!
「2つ言っておくぜ」 (Futatsu Itteokuze)
“Let Me Tell You Two Things”
What’s this – Dad showing up on Mother’s Day?
「お前のバスケ」 (Omae no Basuke)
“Your Basketball”
Sometimes when it comes to sports shounen, weird is good.
「逆襲よろしく!」 (Gyakushuu Yoroshiku! )
“Take Care of the Counterattack!”
In this week’s edition of Kuroko, we learn that there are actually five players on a basketball team.
「勝てねェぐらいがちょうどいい」 (kate ne e guraigachoudoi)
“It’s Better if I Can’t Win”
Given the abundance of wealth in every genre, it’s no surprise that sports shounen would be well-served this season too.
「本気です」 (Honki desu)
“I am Serious”
I can’t be the only one who’s noticed that Aida-chan has an obsession with getting her players to strip.