Hibike! Euphonium – 01

「ようこそハイスクール」 (Youkoso Hai Sukuuru)
“Welcome, High School”

Before you say it, no, Hibike! Euphonium is not the second coming of K-On! This is a novel adaptation filled with music, drama, and a dash of slice-of-life, seen through the eyes of a main character that feels very real. If anything, this first episode was more like Hyouka than anything else KyoAni has produced.

Arslan Senki – 01

「エクバターナの栄華」 (Ekubataana no Eiga)
“Glory of Ecbatana”

Arslan Senki is fantasy in the old style, with princes and kingdoms, invasions and politics, slavery and crusades, and battles involving tens of thousands. The first episode goes to great lengths to show us exactly who Prince Arslan is, and it does it well.

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku – 01

「何故、彼らが奉仕部に来たのか誰も知らない。」 (Naze Karera ga Hōshi bu ni kita no ka Daremoshiranai.)
“Nobody Knows Why They Came to the Service Club.”

Yahari stops for no one; the show keeps chugging through as if it had never stopped. After two years of absence, one of romantic comedy’s most awkward and uneasy works of art has returned for round two. Despite changes in the art, studio, and the budget, the show has kept up well for its first episode, maintaining the same dilemmas and subtleties that drew fans to season one.