「ここから」 (Koko kara)
“From Now On”
..and after two weeks, she picks up the phone. In a smashing clash of montages, flashbacks, bubbles, blushes, and tears, the confession finally comes to a close after three “long” episodes.
To be honest, I’m not even exactly sure where the emotions lie anymore, I just know the two want to get together. There’s been way too much back and forth ambiguity in their words for me to keep track of where they’re emotionally at, so it’s like trying to piece together some kind of human enigma. One problem with the past few episodes is the repeat of several things, making it feel like things weren’t going anywhere, such as Sawako’s confessing to Kazehaya about how grateful she is for him. Like, apparently telling Kazehaya one more time about how she’s changed was STILL her believing Kazehaya didn’t like her, and that she’d prove to him the new her with the festival performance. I mean, it makes sense, but it’s kind of bland as a story. This is probably my biggest issue with the series as a whole. But of course, things have to be different after her confession, and yet it was still a complete surprise when Kazehaya suddenly answered her feelings back in public. I couldn’t help but spread a big smile across my face smirking at all the shocked onlookers. “Yeah that’s right peeps, love has been declared.” Oh, AND THANK YOU FOR DRAGGING EFFING JOE THE INTERRUPTER AWAY.
Although it’s to the point where it’s being shoved in your face, a large part of the episode was dedicated to simply how far Sawako has come since the beginning, an aspect that has actually been brought up almost every episode this season, so I didn’t get as much out of it as the directors might have intended (because I’m probably emotionally dead inside from outside stress >_>). Instead, I enjoyed the little things from a first love coming through, like the excitement of a simple text message from the person you’ve just confessed to, and watching Kazehaya experience genuine happiness (I envy this the most). And to wrap it up in a neat bow-tie, the title “Kimi ni Todoke” finally comes into play, with their “likes” cleared up in a brilliantly romantic final scene. It’s the scene of purity that I felt was missing last time, and well, they delivered. Seriously, I felt like I’ve seen the two standing like that with their heads bumped in my dreams or something (it’s probably just a reminiscence from some subliminal scene somewhere). I also thought they were going to kiss. What a tease.
With two episodes left, hopefully we’ll at least get to see the new couple BE a couple. Well, unless acting like a couple takes them as long as it did confessing… FFFFFF
wtf, maru got HUGE
jaysis krayst
The scene where Kazehaya yells out to Sawako still gives me shivers.
I also agree that Joe needs to be restrained with industrial strength handcuffs.
Or just taze him lol
There were some great scenes in this episode alone. I choked some tears of satisfaction when Kazehaya shouted his love to Sawako! Finally! GOOD LORD!
Kudos to Ryuu for dragging Jyo away and Bro smirk at the end tops it off!!!
ohh… man joe always pissed me off
Finally!!! 🙂
Seeing Kazehaya tell Joe to stfu was one of the most satifying moments.
The Kiss Tease was awful but so sweet.
They’re cute together.
Exactly, when I saw him come up with his “Kazehaya!” I was about to facepalm, but then the whole “STFU, I’m pimpin, bixh.” he gave made me put my hands up in excitement.
And yeah Kiiragi, WTF@ Maru getting so damn big??
finally, no more rage! after so many
yearsweeks, they are finally there…+1 to the tease on kissing… shame, but that is the innocence they are trying to portray.
Maru got huge precisely shows how long our rage have lasted… :3
Damn. Im on the very edge of my seat (with a huge grin on my face)when Kazehaya closes to Sawako, I was prepared for a kiss scene in there but then argh.. whatever. I can at least say this episode was very satisfying, after all the misunderstandings they finally “reached each other”.
PS: I just saw mini Kazehaya lol
Even the slowest of boats makes it to the other side eventually 🙂 go Ryu!
I give points to Kazehaya for saying publicly his feelings for Sawako. I hope to see Sawako and Kazehaya dance. That will be sight to behold.
Maru still looks like a puppy, but 300% larger. His head is larger than the kid’s head!
BIG maru
What struck me artistically was the way they drew Sawako after she had confessed. She exuded confidence in herself, something that Ayane had said she needed before she and Kazahaya could really be a couple. Her performance in the parade was fantastic (Ayane’s makeup certainly helped). She had finally reached a point of equality with him. Now they have to figure out how to act as a couple. Neither of them have been in a relationship before.
They probably won’t cover it due to the number of episodes left but… Show Spoiler ▼
Kimi Ni Todoke the live action movie is out and subbed as well. I liked it but felt that the Kazaheya they had didn’t quite fit. He was more subdued and didn’t have such a great smile and charm as the anime version.
The closing shot might have looked familiar to you because it as an almost-exact recreation of the Kimi ni Todoke manga Vol. 10 cover.
When Kazehaya shouted those words out, I had my fists in the air and shouting out loud “FINALLY, VICTORY!!1!111!!!!!!”
Ahh this episode was so good 😀 left me with a big smile after watching
Made up for the rage I felt in earlier episodes this season 😛
…okay now that those two are finally taken care of, let’s get back to Ryuu and Chizuru, please, even if it’s just a little bit!!!!!
in 2 episodes? let’s not kid ourselves… but I would’ve loved seeing it, though
hey! by the way, do you guys know there’s a Kimi ni Todoke Live Action Movie ? It’s soooo sweet and definitely won’t come as a spoiler to those who’ve watched this episode. Let meknow what you think of the adaptation !
I responded about 5-6 posts above re:the movie. I liked the movie for the most part. Show Spoiler ▼
guess I didn’t read the other posts… lol
about Kazehaya, I thought he was adorable ! of course, truthfully, I didn’t get what was so AMAZINGLY “refreshing” about him but he was indeed the right man for the part. 🙂
yeah you think so too? xD that last scene was such a tease!
I kind of have a bad feeling that the rest of the episodes this season will be Sawako and Kazehaya still wondering if the other person likes them as much as they do. I really wouldn’t be surprised.
This was a great episode.I’m so in love with this <3… Isn't the girl in the right corner Kurumi chan?! https://randomc.net/image/Kimi%20ni%20Todoke/Kimi%20ni%20Todoke%202nd%20Season%20-%2010%20-%20Large%2021.jpg << she's a fairy! 😀
Maru chan is cute. Sawako and Kazehaya are cute. Ahhhh overwhelmed by the satisfaction of seeing this.
Too many good things crammed into this episode that I can’t say about it. (I was hoping there was a screen shot of Kazehaya confessing in public.) ^_^ I like these screenshots of the best moments: 6, 13, 15, 18, 19, 22, 33, 36*
This couple certainly has become closer but not close enough. I need to see them kiss!!
actually, I’m glad he wasn’t some UBER cute/popular/smexy J-POP star, who would’ve ruined his down-to-earth feel
This eps was slow imo, but glad they finally confessed to each other.
Also Joe’s expression priceless.
Finally!! They’re so cute!!
Love this episode♥
btw is KIIRAGI a Filipino or something? (kindly asking)
Why… is the episode cute? Or why did say that you’re a Filipino?.. My instincts tell me.
Oh my gosh, this was so awesomely adorable.
(I love it when people bump heads. I was super happy when it happened in Lovely Complex too. ^^)
There was so much win in this episode. Joe getting told off and dragged away, Shota’s public confession, Sawako’s performance and Pin’s fail (and face for most of the episode) and the whole final scene was awesome.
Also, I had no idea Shota had a brother. I was confused when I saw a mini-Shota until Maru popped up…
More like Joe the cock blocker…
The festival made me feel like I was watching Natsume Yuujinchou. Now where’s my Kimi ni Todoke~ Afterstory..
Oh god. SECONDED! Production IG needs to do this canon or not.
Joe FTW!! Joe is so funny!!
Kimi ni Todoke coming full circle? No way! I’ll admit I’m as shocked as Sawako and everyone else to see Kazehaya confess in public.
Aren’t the last two episodes airing on the same day?