So as figured, Caribou breaks out of barrel due to naively curious mermaids, then proceeds to metaphorically rape them all with his body with the laughably named fruit, Numa-Numa no mi. Don’t know why that’s funny? Then you probably weren’t aloof on the internet half a decade ago. Either way, Caribou is disgusting. I’m assuming he keeps the mermaids IN himself.. somehow? Which means he should be 5 times his size, unless his fruit can compact people or something, which I doubt. Plus, they need air/water to breath.
I feel almost numbed by the number of characters being introduced lately, and frankly, I don’t really care for any of them until some development. Megalo however, that shark from way back then, gets his identity answered, and is coincidentally Neptune’s daughter’s pet. Speaking of which, the idea of a small man bouncing on a large breast is highly amusing to me. It must be Oda’s idea of fanservice. Neptune’s daughter, or the Guu Kingdom Princess, or Princess Shirahoshi, is just as big as her father, if not bigger. A taiyaki hairband with Nami’s face but a different hairstyle? And 100% dere? Well, sort of. Now, I’m sure there’s tons of jokes you can crack at this situation, probably as many as Chopper’s bounty, but let’s not go there. I do wonder if she’s sensitive to fat jokes.
You know, after learning some biology, that “Sunlight Tree Eve” almost makes sense. Almost. Madam Shirley’s fortune is still ambiguous, and some say Van der Wicken also wears a Strawhat, so it could be him too. I heard of one where Luffy pisses the Princess off and she goes after Luffy and subsequently “destroys” Fishman Island. Probably unlikely, but who knows? Personally, as of right now, there’s tons of speculations to be made, so I prefer to just let it play out for now.
Numa-Numa aye, Numa-Numa, Numa i-aye….
1) She could be pulling an ac with her prediction, to endanger Luffy and his crew
2) She mentioned a “straw hat”..maybe some new pirate with a hat of the same king?
…I hope they don’t start chasing Luffy and the other guys, we will have enough of that when the marines appear again.
When I saw that huge door that Luffy to go into the thought of a huge monster or a prisoner with food popped into my mind. And then a pleasant surprise to see such a cutie princess magnified? Or just huge it the word used here. LOL on Luffy for trying to eat off of a mermaid.
I cant wait how Sanji would react
AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAAAA!!!!! ONCE again Pimpin, you are great with the whole “blog title/w pic insert! put’s a smile on my face, LUV IT!!
The princess is pretty hot. Luffy gets lucky with all the chicks.
Ok…. there is just to much in this chapter to laugh at it actually shocked me. From the gang’s constant disrespect towards Neptune aka “Big, hairy old man” to Luffy’s single-minded obsession with food (like the banquet hall could really be behind door number…. lol to easy). nothing was truly laugh-out-of-your-chair funny but so many small things had me constantly giggling for the whole duration.
As for the tree… meh. Probably going to be important later if it is the “artificial sun” so to speak of fishman island, gonna be the root of the whole prophecy thing but there are so many characters I got to learn that I might just forgo the whole tree speculation and just spend the next week rereading the last 3-4 chapters just to get an idea of whats going on.
And as for Neptune’s daughter 10 bucks says she will be added to luffy’s ever growing harem list. I mean has has already coped a feel… I know that was just bad but I had too.
That will be a *puts on glasses* big catch!
That is one cute mermaid.
Nice chapter and I must say this princess is really cute!
Ok, Caribou needs to die, seriously. What a disgusting man.. Hope Luffy and crew will kick his ass and rescure the pure mermaids. I have to say I’m a bit disappointed with this chapter as I was hoping for information about Jimbei’s message. Maybe next chapter? I agree with the new characters, pretty many of them lately. Hope there’ll be some good development on them~
What really stand out for me this chapter is the whole palace (Oda REALLY has fantasy, his drawings are absolutely awesome) and of course the princess. Forget that I fell in love with her on first sight, but her whole character sounds like a lot of fun (and probably a pain in the ass for the Straw Hats) for the next chapters. I’d be interesting seeing her fall in love with Luffy, though I doubt that as the captain of the flying dutchman has his eyes set on her for a long time already. Well it’s just drink some tea and wait I guess. I’m already really into this new arc and hope it’ll turn out that good like it looks to be right now~
MAYBE her and Oars Jr can get together
If he weren’t…you know, dead. Or zombie-fied, but that’s another problem in itself…
Also, two wrong images with this: one, Oars Jr’s giant phallus. Second, fish sex. No.
She has the biggest pair of boobs in the world.Nami has been defeated.
The princess’ is definitely bigger.
lol, good point.
Sanjuan Wolf.
Don’t underestimate manboobs!
Duuuuuude?! are SANE. That’s is worst idea ever. Well anyway, I’m sure their are female giants with big boobs. The mermaid is cute, but toooo huge.
Ah! that female giant from the war. Damn she was hot!
Hu? Did not the Ministers said, she ran off the Castle, while the King was away? And Luffy found her in some kind of Jail?
luffy sure has affiliations with royalties.
Arabasta, Skypiea, Drum island, Amazon Lily
Well….I’ve always seen Dalton as more of a prime minister of Drum Island. Not quite a king, but close enough. Still doesn’t take away from the fact that Luffy has won the respect and praise of the leadership of several island nations.
Speaking of Dalton, I still can’t believe his seiyuu is Kenichi Ono (aka, Sanger Zonvolt).
So in terms of “Beauty” Hancock or Princess? I think Hancock is hot and the princess is cute, I really can’t measure them.
“So as figured, Caribou breaks out of barrel due to naively curious mermaids, then proceeds to metaphorically rape them all with his body with the laughably named fruit, Numa-Numa no mi. Don’t know why that’s funny? Then you probably weren’t aloof on the internet half a decade ago.”
1.- I feel like Beavis or Butthead with your “metaphorically rape” thing, Caribou got some mermaids in “his pants” hoho~
2.- Care to explain the internet thing Mr. FlyingPuppy?
Search Numa Numa on youtube. First link. Hilarity ensues.
Ah! yes! hahaha makes sense know! derp for me!
Cough… i wonder how Luffy would get it on with the gigantic mermaid princess
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I can see how the Mermaid princess is number one while Hancock is number two. MMmmm. I wonder if the Mermaid princess is also able to make men fall under her commands. Seeing how Luffy made freinds with giants in the past. I’m sure this would be no different.
I can’t see how she is better looking than Hancock really.
I would take Nami and Vivi over this princess too.
Numa Numa was exactly the first thing I thought of when I read “Numa Numa Fruit” in the chapter.
Gear 3rd! Giganto p-
Haha! Luffy is so damn lucky! He just keeps building his Haerm of women, but since hes bound to be the New Pirate King, you have to have a Haerm of the finest females right?!!! XD lmao
Its just funny and awesome He finds himself inside a huge place and just happens to land right on the BIGGEST AND CUTTESTED aswell as the Most Beautiful Mermaid of them all, the The Daughter Princess of King Neptone.
And -Ning-, nice half pun there. >w< LOL