Reader’s Choice – Favorite Anime 2008 Poll

It’s time for the Third Annual Reader’s Choice Poll!

Every year there are so many good choices, and I’m still in the process of choosing my own favorites (GEASS, Macross Frontier, and true tears are at the top of my list), but below, you can vote for your Favorite Anime of 2008 from a list of every single series that’s ended this past year.

The criteria for a series being included on this list is that it had to have been a complete TV series that ended in 2008 or will be ending very soon. The general idea here is that you can’t really judge a series until it’s over, and that means that fans of shows like Toradora! will have to wait until next year’s poll. I also wasn’t able to include any OVAs because there were just too many of them, though I’ve added Detroit Metal City and Kara no Kyoukai to the list by special request. In addition, I’ve combined series that were split into two parts into one listing (i.e. Vampire Knight and Vampire Knight Guilty). Still, if there’s anything you think I omitted that fits into the above criteria, feel free to email me, and I’ll add it to the list.

Choose your favorite, tell your friends to come vote, and the winner will get included in a post later this week!

This poll will close Tuesday, December 30th, 2008 at 11:59 PM EST.

Edit: There were some problems with the polling software, so voting got frozen for a few hours. Please try voting again if you weren’t able to earlier.

The poll has been closed early. Please see this post.