This One’s Just Too Good to Pass Up…

ANS is reporting:

The Japanese Maid industry has taken another turn. Hiroshima-based is now offering their “Maid Takuhai” service which litteraly brings cosplay maids into your own house to serve you. They will play games with you, tell you a story, help with housework and more. But the move has generated alot of controversy since these young cosplay girls are already the object of lust from the hard moe and naughty tentacles otaku crowd just by doing their thing safe in the trappings of a maid cafe. The website mentions the maids will not perform sexual services.

This story had me cracking up for quite a long time…

Minor Site Update

As I’m sure many of you have noticed, this site has been getting more and more popular over the past few months. The downside of that is high bandwidth consumption. I realized earlier that a lot of people were directly linking images, and so to halt that, I’ve disabled hotlinking. The basic policy for using images from this site is to ask first, and my reply will usually be something along the lines of “It’s fine for you to use the images if you save them on your own webspace and leave a link back here.” There’s really no reason for me to say no, so as long as you ask and use your own hosting, there shouldn’t be a problem. 🙂