Mushishi – 01
In a world where supernatural beings known as Mushi roam the world, there are people like Ginko who are Mushi-shi: Mushi investigators.
In a world where supernatural beings known as Mushi roam the world, there are people like Ginko who are Mushi-shi: Mushi investigators.
Short Summary:
Aisia buys some ice cream and a dirty magazine for Junichi, and she is quite happy when he wants to keep them a secret from Nemu.
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Saya is feeling down the entire day at school because it seems that everything has been perfectly covered up from the night before, so no one has any idea of what happened.
Welcome to Random Curiosity v3.0!!
I got tired of looking at the Almost Spring theme (which is quite popular these days), so earlier this week I decided to change the theme. What you currently see is a modified version of the “Bored!” theme by gnu-. The image on top is of Yotsuba-chan of Kiyohiko Azuma’s work Yotsubato!
If you see any problems, leave a comment here with your browser and resolution and I’ll see if I can’t fix it.
Thanks go out to moyism for providing me with tons of images to work with, Ren for giving me banner suggestions, Maestro for the gracious hosting, Matthew for being the inspiration for me to get started blogging, and everyone in the community for supporting and visiting this site! Thank you!!
Short Summary:
Makino Tsukushi is a new student at the elite Eitoku school where it seems that everyone is rich but her.
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Caroline is studying at the library when a familiar figure sits across from her.
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After Mashiro agrees to the battle after her coronation, preparations get underway throughout the city for the celebration.
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Nerine tells Rin that the song isn’t hers, that it’s the song of her most important person: Licorice.
Quickie Summary:
Yamato, after returning to Tokyo by train with Suzuka, finds Honoka waiting for him at the station.