Random Musings

-Tomorrow’s posts (probably Sousei no Aquarion and Tsubasa Chronicle) will be delayed because I won’t have access to my computer until around 9PM EDT.

-Current manga series: Black Cat (thanks to moyism’s suggestion), Kamichama Karin (which is a very cute shoujo series), Koi Kaze (more siscon yay!), and Kamen no Maid Guy (The Masked Maid Guy). Kamen no Maid Guy is an interesting manga about a high school girl who has a masked bodyguard maid. Dom over at Megatokyo mentioned it in his rant on Friday , and it piqued my interest, particularly when Dom compared it to the comedic aspects of Full Metal Panic!

-I didn’t even notice it at the time, but it’s been over a month now since I’ve been on AnimeBlogger. I’d like again to thank Maestro4k for the fabulous hosting and support. And of course thanks also to everyone who reads this blog.

-And on a sad note tonight, Peter Jennings died earlier today of lung cancer. I am astonished because I didn’t think his condition was so serious. But it saddens me even more because I watched World News Tonight almost every night for some six years. Thank you Peter for all of your great reporting. See Article.

Gundam SEED Destiny – 42

Athrun arrives on the bridge of the ArchAngel, propped up by Meyrin. Outside, Murrue gives Mwu/Neo a Sky Grasper and emotionally sees him off. Back on the bridge, Athrun tells Meyrin to leave the ArchAngel for her own safety, but she clings to him, wanting to stay. Murrue arrives just in time to give her consent.