Steins;Gate – 08

「夢幻のホメオスタシス」 (Mugen no Homeosutashisu)
“Homeostasis of Dreams”

Intent on keeping his loveable mad scientist persona, HOUOUIN KYOUMA unsurprisingly ignores Titor’s suggestion of being “The Messiah,” and restarts the D-mail experiments. It doesn’t seem to be too far from his mind however, as part of the reason for his experiments tries to prove he has the ability to shift world lines while retaining his memo- *ahem* reading steiner.

Steins;Gate – 01

「始まりと終わりのプロローグ」 (Hajimari to Owari no Purorōgu)
“Prologue of the Beginning and End”

So who didn’t get this show? Yes, yes, I see a lot of.. nothing because I’m looking at a monitor, but I can guess most people with no previous knowledge of the story have really no concrete idea of what happened. Don’t worry, I’m in the same boat.

Reader’s Choice – Favorite Anime 2011 Poll

With the new year rapidly approaching, it’s time to look back on our favorites of 2011. This is the Sixth Annual Reader’s Choice poll, where it’s your turn to voice your opinion and have it heard!

Continuing the trend from two years ago, there are two polls for your to vote on — one for regularly broadcast TV series and another for OVA/movies. We’re asking for your top 5 picks in both polls to get a better spread of results that aren’t heavily skewed in favor of any unanimously popular shows. This year, you have 99 TV series and 57 OVA/movies to choose from, so have a careful look over the lists before deciding. Also, please respect other people’s choices in the comments and keep in mind that this is purely subjective. People like what they like.

Note: The polls don’t have a fixed close date just yet, but it will be sometime next week when the Winter 2012 season starts.

Update: Polls closed. Thank you for taking the time to vote! Results will be posted soon in the upcoming Best of Anime 2011 post.