Spice and Wolf – Episode 18 Review
「決意の積荷と覚悟交渉」 (Ketsui no Tsumini to Kakugo no Koushou)
“Goods of Intent and Negotiation of Resolve”
If your plan is going perfectly something is about to go horribly wrong
「決意の積荷と覚悟交渉」 (Ketsui no Tsumini to Kakugo no Koushou)
“Goods of Intent and Negotiation of Resolve”
If your plan is going perfectly something is about to go horribly wrong
「貞宗登場!」 (Sadamune Tōjō!)
“Sadamune Appears!”
There’s a lot riding on this next level of tag.
「黒龍」 (Kuro Ryuu)
“Black Dragon”
The time is Nau.
「行商人の浅知恵と町商人の看板」 (Gyoushounin no Asadjie to Machi Shounin no Kanban)
“Traveling Merchant’s Shallow Thinking and Town Merchant’s Signboard”
Investing into bubbles is always a bad idea
「Light Fades To Rain」
It’s the subtext that makes these headline fights in BnHA as great as they are.
「神の住む森」 (Kami no Sumu Mori)
“A Forest Inhabited by a God”
Who’ll stop the rain
「千鬼夜行」 (Sen Oni Yagyou)
“Thousand Demon Night March”
Past is prologue, as the Bard said – time for the main event.
「Kouka: Raspberry」 (Kouka: Raspberry)
「蛍火 -Alliance-」 (Hotarubi: Alliance)
“Dude, Check the News, It Doesn’t Matter What Channel.”
「祭りの夜と狂ったの歯車」 (Matsuri no Yoru to Kurutta no Haguruma)
“Night of the Festival and Misaligned Gear”
It’s always the unspoken doubts which create the greatest fears
「焼身照命!! 手負いのヒーロー」 (Shoushin Shōmei!! Teoi no Hīroo)
“Wounded Hero, Burning Bright and True!!”
The pretenders come and come, but BnHA still outclasses all of them.