With the summer ending, Hikari is thinking about her promise with Amane. That promise finally comes true when Amane asks Hikari out this Sunday. However, Kaname overhears their plans and has plans of her own to interfere. When Sunday comes around, Amane leaves for the train station ahead of Hikari. After getting some help getting dressed by Yaya, Hikari leaves too. However, Hikari gets stopped by Momomi and then kidnapped by Kaname. In the brief struggle, one of Hikari’s buttons comes off her dress and falls to the floor. Right after Hikari left their room, Yaya notices that she forgot her handkerchief. She goes looking for Hikari, but the girl is nowhere to be found. Turning back, she notices Hikari’s button in the hallway and picks it up. Hearing Hikari’s cries from a nearby room, Yaya bursts in and interrupts Kaname. She urges Hikari to go chase after Amane, and then turns around to face Kaname. Yaya accuses Kaname of scheming, but Kaname claims that she’s only in love with Hikari. Kaname asks if Yaya has the right to obstruct love and says that a love that is stopped is only love.
The train that Amane and Hikari were supposed to take arrives at the station, but only Amane is there. Hikari comes right after the train leaves the station, but finds Amane still waiting for her. They take a train in the opposite direction and wind up at the beach where Hikari finds a pink seashell. However, it soon starts to rain and the two have to take refuge in a cave. Hikari tries to apologize for being late, but Amane’s mind is thinking about something else. When the weather clears, the two return to the beach. Amane notices that there’s a button missing on the back of Hikari’s dress and realizes that something must have happened with Kaname. Hikari says that it was alright because Yaya saved her. Amane feels at fault for causing Hikari trouble, but Hikari disagrees; Hikari just wants to be with Amane. Amane puts her hands on Hikari’s shoulders and says that she’s glad she and Hikari were able to come here. The two hold hands on the way back home, and Hikari even falls asleep leaning against Amane on the train ride.
Hikari returns to her room and hugs Yaya, thanking her. Before Yaya can return the button, Hikari takes out the cherry-blossom-colored shell and presents it to her. Overcome with emotion, Yaya kisses Hikari. In shock, Hikari drops the shell on the floor.


Yay! The Lesbian Duo is back 🙂 They continue their plans to get Amane out of the Étoile race by again going after Hikari. Fortunately or unfortunately, Kaname doesn’t succeed because of Yaya. Not quite the same as cheesy entrance Amane made on horseback to save Hikari last time, but it works. At this point, I’m much more in favor of YayaXHikari over AmaneXHikari because Yaya is so much more of an interesting character to me than Amane is.
And we can’t forget that it’s Yaya who strikes first and gets Hikari’s first kiss. Watching the episode again, I found it a little strange that Hikari is lifting her feet up even though Yaya is supposed to be pushing this kiss onto her. Now that this has happened though, I wonder how they’re going to be able to live with each other in the same room since I doubt Hikari is going to return Yaya’s feelings. That seems to be what next episode is going to be about.


  1. WOW!
    Another development over here ^^
    Poor girl, almost raped twice by those bitches… the only ones that definitly had sex at this point.
    Well, Yaya make her move, on porpuse or not, next week we’ll find out.

    Syaoran Li
  2. Hooray the crazed lesbians are back!!! And the half shell of DOOM!!! But things are not looking good on the Yaya front. Pity that. I do want the better personality to win but somehow I doubt SP will go that way.

  3. A rape is always a bad thing, why are you asking…
    Poor Hikari. First almost raped, and then kissed..
    Just look at the preview pictures, she’s completely lost, that will need really something to make her happy again.
    Curious about the next episode^^

  4. ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ggggggggggggoooooooodddddddddddd at last this is soo good yaya finaly, show his feelings for hikaru and…….. yey evil lesbian duo is back and better than ever……….. we miss you gurlz 😀

  5. Damn………if they keep this up they are seriously gonna damage that poor girl’s psychological state of mind.

    Although she really needs to learn how to fight back.There won’t always be people to save her.

    I mean come on! It can’t be that hard to kick one of those evil bitches’ ass.Show some BACKBONE Hikari!

  6. Is it just me? Or does anyone else feel like what those two evil girls are doing to Hikari seem reminiscent of the plot of this movie called ‘Cruel Intentions'(If you’ve heard of it, I’m not sure how many people who comment live in the U.S.) only with a lesbian twist on it?

    I was just wondering………

  7. what was yaya thinking v.v i dont hate her or anything and its not like i dont want yaya and hikari to be together but…what happen there..just gonna make things even worst T_T tho it was probably the only way yaya could actually express her feelings..but…weather it is the only way or not she shouldn’t have done that >.

  8. DAMN I WANT TO SEE THIS DAMN EP……yeah man Hikari is just a nice girl who lets people take advantage of her…..the evil lesbians girls are so funny……but anways this sucks for Yaya and Amane i mean they both care about Hikari and what sucks is that Yaya knows Hikari more than anyone else…………damn this show is awesome

  9. I think Yaya was a bit unsettled by what Kaname said to her and Hikari bring her that seashell made her so happy she just reacted instead of stopping to think about it. Now she’ll have to deal with the consequences and hopefully she and Hikari can work something out. I hate seeing Yaya that unhappy.

    As for Hikari lifting her feet up, I think that may have just been a bit of an automatic reaction and doesn’t necessarily mean anything in particular. Yaya’s a little taller than Hikari too so she may have basically pulled her up a bit when she kissed her.

  10. I kinda feel sorry for Yaya-chan…. T_T
    Her feelings for Hikari are soooo deep…..but it seems that it’s a one-sided-love….
    I just hope that Amane punches Kaname in the face someday….. 😀

  11. Ok, there are two ways here…

    One >> after the kiss, Yaya has to come up with she has to take a decision… fight for her feelings or else, let go of Hikari.

    And Two >> Maybe Hikari has feelings for Yaya, but her feelings for Aname are much stronger, so it’s time to settle everything and make a choice

    Anyway, thanks to SF, and after watching the preview for the 14th, the outcome for this love-triangle is going to make a deep mark over Tamao & Nagisa, at least for Tamao, because I don’t know anymore what is going on over Nagisa’s mind.

    Another good episode of SP! Keep it up!

    Syaoran Li
  12. THis show just seem to get more intenc by the second, i mena, it was only a few episodes ago that they were all inosent and skiping though the school admiaring eachother from affar and now we have a kiss in every episode. plus some good ol fondling put in there for good measure lol. It’s mind boggaling lol. but I thought Yaya-chan and Hikari were cosens…hmmm whatever.

  13. my point on that lifting feet there…..i thought it might have been caused by yaya having to hold on to hikaris shoulder and holding her in, thought that might have caused the lifting

  14. Without Yaya’s act, the whole episode would have been pretty boring. Nothing really exciting happened before the last minute. Kick Amane and let Yaya do her thing.

  15. “”Is it just me? Or does anyone else feel like what those two evil girls are doing to Hikari seem reminiscent of the plot of this movie called ‘Cruel Intentions’(If you’ve heard of it, I’m not sure how many people who comment live in the U.S.) only with a lesbian twist on it?

    I was just wondering……… “”

    Yeah I was thinking the same thing…

    I Don’t live in the US though -_-.

  16. Maestro4k
    “I think Yaya was a bit unsettled by what Kaname said to her and Hikari bring her that seashell made her so happy she just reacted instead of stopping to think about it. Now she’ll have to deal with the consequences and hopefully she and Hikari can work something out. I hate seeing Yaya that unhappy.”

    I don’t know why no one else mentioned what Kaname said to Yaya and how it influenced Yaya to kiss Hikari. Yaya may have been attracted to Hikari all this time, but Kaname (well, the pink shell too) was the tipping point for her…

    I have to agree though, I like Yaya x Hikari more than Amane x Hikari


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