The contrasting between the two isn’t really blue and red, its white and black. Think it was that way in the game as well.
Guess the red and blue in the ED just illustrates ‘conflict’ better.
You just hear he kept his promise on Eruru, and you see him watching her. You don’t know if he’s death and watching from the shadows or still alive.
I hope they’ll gonna end it in a similar, but better way in the anime.
OMG!!!! only 1 more episode!!! ARRRR i hope they make more anime like utawarerumono. AND how dare they call it “Shadow Warrior Chronicle” in english, that kind of name is not worthy of this great anime
One thing I’ve really liked about this anime is how closely it follows the game. I wonder if the ending is going to be the same, or if they’re going to bottle out at the last minute…
Yes Aruru having your pet tiger attack the possessed body (arguable) of your good friend will most definitely convince her to come back to you. For Kamyu’s sake I felt relieved that Aruru can’t swing a sword. Sigh…I love Japanese logic…it brings us so many wonderful things.
hot damn this episode looks sweet!
Dii’s also blue? What happened to the “Red” in the ED?
omg omg omg!!! I need the last ep now!!! XD
Good thing the old animation style is back.
I can’t wait to see this episode the SS look like it was an awesome one.
Incredible finale next week. High quality, too. Man, just awesome.
so did eruru made contract wtih dii’s monster form
uhhh -_- last episode next week sniff want hakuoro to love eruru X-D
The contrasting between the two isn’t really blue and red, its white and black. Think it was that way in the game as well.
Guess the red and blue in the ED just illustrates ‘conflict’ better.
How will hakuoro’s harem going to end?
the next is the end?
2 great gods
In the game(BIG Spoiler!)
I hope they’ll gonna end it in a similar, but better way in the anime.
Hehe… i kinda like Hakuoros/Icemans short haircut ^^’
Can’t wait to see it! ^^
I suppose that at the end his mask will get off. I hope so much He will end with Eruru -_-
Kuuya is so cute ^^
Touka is drunk…hehe 🙂
How can I make these kind of screenshots, I have tried to make ones with FastStone but all I have got are black screens.
hakuoro looks kinda cute with short hair
Disabling hardware overlay in Options will ususually do the trick for fixing the blank screenshot problem.
OMG!!!! only 1 more episode!!! ARRRR i hope they make more anime like utawarerumono. AND how dare they call it “Shadow Warrior Chronicle” in english, that kind of name is not worthy of this great anime
omg XD … next ep’s gonna be crazy … too bad its the last one though
drasil you can take screenshots in windows media player with ctrl+i
hmm…quite a weird episode
this is the most speciall moment in Utawarerumono episode!
so dont miss it!
MG Shinsun
*sniff* Only one more episode to go! I love Utawarerumono and I’m going to be really sad when it finishes.
In case anyone’s interested in the game, there’s a review of it here:
One thing I’ve really liked about this anime is how closely it follows the game. I wonder if the ending is going to be the same, or if they’re going to bottle out at the last minute…
omg this was the way coolest episode ever this can´t end bad, sorry I think I am in love with this kind of serie!!!!!
MG shinsun
Is hard to see her like this… but after everything she did and saw, it was the best
Yes Aruru having your pet tiger attack the possessed body (arguable) of your good friend will most definitely convince her to come back to you. For Kamyu’s sake I felt relieved that Aruru can’t swing a sword. Sigh…I love Japanese logic…it brings us so many wonderful things.
But other than that this ep is awesome. No more mecha! Yay!
well, I guess not everyone can make like Nanoha in that regard, Zzz… . I suppose there comes a time when all one can do, is go for broke.
Does haroko finally tell erurreu that he loves her then do they kiss?