They say that all good things must come to an end. Unfortunately, that time has come for Random Curiosity.
It is with great sadness that I have to announce that I am going to retire from blogging.
Why now?
This was an extremely hard decision to make because I love watching anime and writing about it, but there are several reasons that I’m choosing to stop now.
As some of you may know, I’ve been in school all this time. I am finally going to finish grad school with my Master’s degree at the end of April, and I have already been hired for a new job. This is a very exciting time for me because of all the new opportunities that go along with this new phase in my life, but I know that it will also be a very busy time, especially the coming few months, and I won’t be able to continue blogging.
I’d also be lying if I said I weren’t a little bit burnt out from having run Random Curiosity for five straight years with few breaks in between. In that time, there have been a lot of great shows that I’ve enjoyed following, I’ve met a lot of great people, and the site has reached some significant milestones (over 3800 posts, 50 million visitors). However, blogging takes up much of my free time, and there’s a lot of things I’ve been putting off that I intend to do while I’m still fairly young.
On top of all this, Random Curiosity’s server contract is due to expire mid-April. Thanks to Mentar’s help, it wouldn’t be too hard to get a new contract, but the timing of everything is like someone is telling me that the end of this season is the ideal time for me to stop, even if it means not being able to finish some of the series I currently enjoy the most.
So now what?
Patrik has set up a website for his light novel posts, and will remain online with his pet project text-image.com.
Divine will be maintaining a copy of the site, using a layout we were originally hoping to switch to at some point, so none of the posts or comments will be lost when the main server goes offline. He hasn’t decided whether he’ll be updating it regularly yet, but at the very least, it’ll serve as an archive of the site’s five year history.
I will continue blogging until all of this season’s series finales are over. My final posts will therefore be the Kimi ni Todoke finale and Bleach episode 264 on March 30th. I think it’s sort of fitting that Bleach is the last post since it’s the series I’ve been following the longest. As I mentioned above, I do regret not being able to finish series like Durarara and Fullmetal Alchemist, but (along with the above reasons) I don’t want or have the time to get caught up in a cycle of new shows with the new spring season. This also means that there will be no spring preview post, so I apologize to everyone who’s been waiting for one. Never mind – Divine has kindly written one up!
Of course I am not going to stop watching anime. My decision to stop blogging is in no way an indictment on the anime industry, and if I’ve learned anything after all these years, it’s that there will always be interesting series to follow. I also won’t completely rule out returning to blogging some day in the future, but there are no guarantees of if, when, or where that will happen. On that note, I do encourage anyone out there who’s ever wanted to share their thoughts about anime to start your own blog. My advice for any aspiring writers or bloggers is to be creative and innovative – do something or write about something that others aren’t.
Thank you Divine and Patrik for contributing so much to the site, and thanks to all of the past writers I’ve worked with as well. Thank you Neo and the folks at Maximum7 for helping host images for the past 20 or so months. Thank you Maestro for getting me set up blogging, and thank you Mentar for setting up the servers the site has used.
However, the biggest thank you goes to all of the readers out there who visited and commented here. You guys are a big part of the reason I’ve kept this site going for all these years, and I thank you for all your support and for making Random Curiosity a great community of anime fans.
See you…out there…
I guess I should use the first comment that I reserved. It took me awhile to get through the 700+ comments thus far, but I wanted to take in everyone’s thoughts before saying some words myself.
First off, I deeply feel that it would be a shame to let the RC community simply disperse following Omni’s retirement. Like he mentioned in his comment below, he’s asked me to take over the site and potentially help it grow like he’s done these past five years, but I’m hesitant to do so because these are really big shoes to fill in for.
Having worked on this site for the better part of the last two years, I know first-hand the time, effort, and most of all commitment required to keep the site updated on a regular basis and with content we’re personally happy with. Naturally you have to be passionate about anime and everything surrounding it, but there are days when that passion wanes and you just want to take a break from it all. Omni’s one of the few exceptions you’ll find who persevered through all that on a consistent basis and made sacrifices to do so. To be quite honest, that isn’t something I’m particular fond of undertaking after having a taste of it myself. Random Curiosity has an image, reputation, and expectations to uphold, which I’m not so sure I’d be able to maintain for another five years or so. I don’t want to do it halfheartedly either, as that wouldn’t be doing the legacy he’s left behind any justice.
That said, it would be a waste to let everything just go, so when this main site finally goes offline mid-April, I’ll make more of a decision on where to take things then. I haven’t ruled out the possibility of continuing to blog a few shows on a regular basis on the soon-to-be home of Random Curiosity, but it’s unlikely I’ll be covering 6-9 series a season like Omni normally does. I did that for six months straight when I first started writing here and it basically required most of my free time. However, I may very well be able to fit things in under a reduced capacity. There’s K-ON season 2 around the corner and I would’ve covered that here had Omni not informed me of his plans, so that already has my blogging-sense tingling for what it’s worth. Also, it feels wrong to leave FMA unfinished when it’s this close to the end.
Omni has administrative access to the new site, so if he were ever to pop his head in on the web-sphere again, he could always do so there (and very much welcome to do so). I’m in contact with both him and Patrik on a daily basis, so they’ll probably still have an influence on things going forward, though much more from the shadows I suspect. If I do choose to continue with the new site, things will initially seem like a step back in terms of the number of series covered, but if there’s enough community interest, there’s always the chance things will improve. As long as the door remains open, who knows where we can take things from here.
Should the site’s popularity be maintained, I may move the server it’s currently on down the stretch. I’m not entirely convinced its current location will be able to handle the initial influx of traffic, so please be patient if there’s any slowdown. So far it seems fine, but be forewarned if that happens as it was only intended to serve as an archive there.
For now, I’d like to thank Omni for giving me the opportunity to write for a great community of anime fans, and trusting me enough to help manage the site and even take it over. He’s left an irreplaceable legacy, but like him, I need to thank our regular readers (both commenters and lurkers alike!) for helping this site grow as much as it did over my tenure here and well before that. I’d also like to thank Patrik, who’s helped out with the site from the shadows in more ways than the frequency of his posts indicate.
The outpouring our readers have shown is really touching and I’m quite proud to be amongst it, albeit in Omni’s shadow. =)
It’s sad to see you go, but life goes on. Good luck with all your future endeavors!
That is very sad to hear. But all the best to you in the future!
I wish you would have taught me how to fish.
Now I’m going to starve.
I’ll miss your blog, but good luck!!
Oh man, it’s gonna be weird without RC being around, but much thanks for all your posts over the years. Best of luck with the new job and the future!
It’s so sad to see such a great blogger go. This site was actually one of the few blogs I visited on a daily basis regularly. To see it end is mind blowing.
Good luck in whatever field you choose to go into. Real life does have a priority to this after all.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
It’s a pity that you’ll be gone. This site has been of great importance to a lot of people who follow anime by the season, and with it gone… it’ll leave a hole.
Still, you have your reasons, so don’t let us hold you back.
Good luck, and thanks for everything Omni.
I have been an avid reader of your blog for a few years now, and while it is very, very sad to see you go, I am also happy for your newfound opportunities! Congratulations on everything and good luck from here on! Also, I wish you good health 🙂
wow, i had such a great time reading this blog. Thank you and best wishes for the future.
random curiosity has been my main site for the past 5 years to find good anime and to find opinions on each episodes. I’ll miss the blog, the summaries, screencaps, and comments.
Thanks for all the good times Omni and good luck.
Good luck with your new job and new adventures! A Master’s degree is something to be super proud of!
You were the first anime blogger I read regularly, Omni, so I’m sad to see you go. But I wish you luck in life!
Good luck, and vaya con dios.
thank you omni and good luck in the future!
Can we have a final poll? best anime, from all of the blogged animes?
This is pretty depressing stuff to see RC going down for now. Its been my first blogging site I started following. Hope you the best of luck Omni.
oh no…it’ll be sad with this site. I enjoyed everyone’s updates and witty commentary.
I’ve never commented before, but I’ve been following this blog for the past two years or so and it has been amazing. Thank you so much for following so many series and doing such comprehensive posts, I don’t know where I’m going to find another blog like this!!
Also, due to your posts that cover the episodes so well you don’t have to watch them, I was able to get into series such as Host Club and Clannad (especially Clannad!!) and then buy them when they were released domestically.
Thank you so much for your hard work (it was appreciated) and good luck in your next phases of life!
Weeping. I’ll miss you! Checking random c has been a part of my daily routine … ! But being on the brink of the next stage of my life myself, I can totally relate. I hope your new job is amazing and you have fabulous adventures, and that life treats you well! Thanks for some good blogging, Omni, and best of luck 🙂
wow its been that long? 3 yrs ago i’d been following this site and i was really lucky to come across this site. i loved reading your blog all the time. good luck to you.
Let’s hope Divine will carry the torch from now on and make sure the RandomC name never die.
ah my favorite blog, its probably a staple for many
thanks for all the hard work running this omni and co.
I honestly hate blogs in general, but I always have a tab open for Random Curiosity. I’ll miss all the summaries, thoughts, and information I get from here (especially the season previews). Omni, I wish you the best of luck in everything you do, and thanks for everything.
I’ll miss RC, but good luck!
Aw, it’s a shame to see you go. Your site has been a go-to source for great commentary and summaries of great shows. Hope real life is great for ya, and will miss you in the blogosphere!
Aww sad times. This blog was like my tv guide for anime. Best of luck with your future endeavors!
Phanks for all your hard work. Your blog has always been an enjoyable read for me. I’m sure all your readers understand your decision for stopping but even so we will miss you. Glad to see you have had the resolve to make such a decision and at such a transitional period in your life. May all your endeavours be successful and hopefully someday you might return!
Wishing you the best,
(A devoted reader)
it’s been a great time with you mate. I’ll definitely miss RC a lot ;-;
awww i follow rancom c every day and im sad to see it go. but i can imagine how much time it takes to keep it up so good luck with the future!
Ive been following this blog for 3 years or so. You guys did an amazing job and i’ll be sad to see it go. Obviously I can understand that work and other real life endeavors have to take priority. So thank you guys, I have enjoyed this blog tremendously!
Seeing this site go like ‘Subculture’ is extremely saddening.
I some here all the time, and refresh every few hours too see yours and Divine’s posts.
In any case, I wish you luck in your future!! :’D
This site has served to keep in informed and entertained for YEARS, and I cannot express my gratitude for what your site has done until this point.
Now as long as Divine decides to keep things running… >___> that would be great news.
it feels weird having to remove Random C on my RSS subscriber though… it may be sad to see the site go but we all have to walk our own paths and hopefully may our paths cross again more power to you omni!
Sad to hear, sad day. 8c It’ll be hard to find another anime blog as amazing as this one! Thanks for the great times.
Thanks for everything I have been following this blog for 5 years and because of you guys I am still watching anime. Thanks for everything and good luck I wish you can return in the future and I am sure that everyone wants that.
I’ve enjoyed all the posts you have written over the years and have been deeply moved by your passion, hard work and dedication to this blog. It’ll be really weird to not have RC to click on when I go through my daily sites to read through. It’ll be really sad to see you go, but thanks for everything and all the best for the future Omni :]!!
FCK FCK. I am going to be so lost now. ; ____ ;
ahh depression’s setting in.
I finally found a anime/manga blog I can follow and this happens. Sigh. The search continues.
Good Luck Omni! We love you for having started this and will miss RC! Been following for quite a few years now sad to see it go, but we make tough but important decisions in our lives! Thanks for your hard work, I’m doing my undergrad now so I can only imagine doing all this on top of your Masters! Best of luck to you !
I’ve been following this website for about 3 years now and this is one of the websites that really got me into anime and japanese in general. I have to thank you Omni for such a great run and for opening my eyes to new and exciting anime throughout your tenure. Your opinion in anime, while not always similar to my own, is very appreciated and I wish you the best!
this is like the time when mininova when down.
I seriously thought it was April 1st for a second and was hoping you were joking. Random C was the first anime blog I started following due to Code Geass R2, so I’ll be really sad to see this place go! It feels like I’ve been following this place for so long, haha.
Still, good luck with your new job! I’ll definitely be looking forward to your post on Kimi ni Todoke, and I hope I’ll see you around on a blog someday again!
Thank you so much for blogging these past few years. I’ve watched so much good anime thanks to your suggestions/bloggings. Good luck in the future!
Good luck man, Enjoyed reading the blogs and keeping the updates. YOU WILL BE MISSED! and good luck with the new job
Many thanks for your hard work. Your site was an important source of information to me. Best of luck to you.
i’ve rarely commented. but i think i should at least express my gratitude to you and your staff for random curiosity. i’ve come to think of random curiosity as one of those few gems on the internet where i can always look for updates, reviews, and opinions on current anime.
i think it’s been about two years since i’ve stumbled onto this site and i’ve kept it in my bookmarks ever since, visiting frequently for updates. without this site, i honestly don’t believe i would have discovered any of the titles i’ve grown fond of watching over the years.
thank you and good luck in the future.
jonel b.
This was one of the first anime blogs I had ever encountered, and in my opinion, still the best. Sorry it had to wait until now for me to say so, but thank you! Thank you for your great posts and epic picspams! And of course, best of luck!
Man I don’t know what blog site to read now… Good luck with the new job tho!
Many thanks for your hard work Omni. I’ve been following this blog for well over four years now and I’ll definitely miss it. Best of luck to your future endeavors!
i was hoping there’d be a “HAHAHA, GOT YOU GUYS..ADVANCED APRIL FOOL’S!!!” in the bottom part of the entry..
🙁 adios, amigo. good luck on your journey and thanks for providing us with updates on everything related to anime.
For god’s sake Divine, please keep this site going. TT______TT ahh…
Thank you for your contribution to the anime community. I will miss your blogging and especially the season previews, which, in my opinion, are the best in the anime blogosphere.
Continue watching anime and good luck for all your future endeavors.
Congratulations on getting your Master’s degree! Here’s hoping you’ll find a new, exciting activity to replace blogging. While I haven’t been reading RC for long, it’s the one blogging site that I check regularly, and definitely the most civil by far.
So long, and thanks for all the fish!
thank you so much for everything, this is a great blog too bad that it ends but life’s like that and continues
good luck for all your future plans an thank you again for everything
i’m sad to see it go, but i’m very happy that life is working out for you. i wish you all the best and thank you so much for all these years i’ve been reading.
I’ll miss ur blogs…. I always look forward to them.
I guess I just liked how you wrap things up. T____T
I’ll miss this site….
Goodluck on your next voyage!
Can I start crying now?
I have been a loyal lurker since day one. I will miss you!
I’ve been following for the past three years or so and will really miss all the work you’ve done! I’ve always enjoyed your thoughts on each episode and the effort you put into compiling all the info on upcoming series.
Best of luck with everything that comes!
wow i’ve been following for the last 3yrs i just like to say its been interesting to see someones though of the episode from a different perspective. I wish u the best of luck and I know wat you mean with wrking and all it will definitely be difficult to maintain a blog and have a social life and wrk on top of all that. So best of luck with everything in the future. 🙂
Saraba da……tomodachi
Gambatte yo!
Ja ne.
This blog always covered a lot of shows, consistently updated, yet was always willing to try posting new kinds of formats and editorial content. You really made RC an anime blogging institution over the years, and I’m sure I’m not the only one to say that this was their first and only stop for current season impressions and discussion for a long time.
I imagined RC would go forever, but I guess the longer we play this game the more we realize goodbyes are inevitable. I guess all that’s left to say is: Good luck on your new endeavors, take care of yourself, and thanks for the memories.
I have been reading your blog for the past 4 years, and it as a great pleasure. I know the feeling of trying to finish the master’s degree. Best of luck OMNI!
You have entertained me for so long with all your fantastic blogs, reviews, polls, and so much more! I hate to see you this site go, but all good things must come to an end 🙂 I wish you the best of luck for all your future adventures and endeavors. Thank you for all the fun anime reviews — it’s been a real blast!
Thanks for the kind words everyone!
Gundam 00: Divine’s working on it
kyo987: Don’t remove it until after March 30th 🙂
aether and ichigoat: Yea, unfortunately this is not an April Fools joke
You’ll be missed, Omni. Thank you for all of your great articles/posts, and I wish you the best of luck for your future.
Thank you,
You will be missed
Noooooooo… I’m gonna miss your blogs, season previews, etc. It’s been about 3 years since I found this site and it has been awesome. Good luck in the future Omni.
I seriously have teary eyes right now. TT____TT
I don’t want to see this site go, but I know you need to focus on your future.
wahh. Go Omni! Live your life while your still young!!
…and return to blogging in a few years maybe?
Another thing.. It’s gonna be quite hard to find a new series to follow on the next season. Since mostly your pick of shows are quite akin to mine. T____T
In the 3 years I’ve been following this site have been really helpful in picking shows to watch!
definitely wasn’t expecting you to stop blogging. have been an avid reader of your blog for most of the 5 years.
thanks for all of the fantastic reviews and posts. really hate to see you go, but life still goes on.
all the best to your future job!!
considering all the effort, dedication and love you’ve given here, we wish you all the best OMNI.. God speed on all future endeavors.. 😀
Even though I haven’t been following anime for a while, I still came to RC every now and then to see what was going on in the anime world and to see RC go is sad…
But thank you and all the other contributors for starting and maintaining such an awesome blog! I wish you the best of luck!
Holy crap!!!!!
Best of luck and no matter what anyone says, RC is truly legendary.
So sad! Now I’ll have no idea what to watch for the next season or any of the seasons after that.
Good luck with your future endeavors, I’ll miss this blog greatly.
Alas! I’m really sorry to see you hang up your hat, Omni. But, I am tremendously pleased to hear of your new opportunities in life.
It’s hard to believe that I’ve been a regular reader of this blog for almost 3 years. During that time, RC has been my mainstay for anime post-commentary and news. The professional delivery and regular updates are the reasons that I’ve kept coming back.
You’ve really done an incredible job here, Omni, and I thank you for all your hard work on behalf of all otakus. Good luck in your future endeavors, and God Bless.
It’s been a great run, your anime blog’s have always been well formatted and interesting to read. I doubt I’d have seen even a fraction of the anime I have if this site hadn’t been here to provide a filter for series.
First of all, sorry my bad english, my naive language its not english.
Now its a very sad day after i read this, i feel like i just lost an arm or something…
Well, i wish you the best luck and well being for your future. As for the blog, i have been reading and posting for the past 4 years and i have to thank you for all the work you have put on this blog, i have looked at quite a bit of differents blogs out there but none of them was intresting and funny to read as this one, truly its has been fun reading your posts onmi as well as the others writers, it was thanks this blog that i decided on what to see…(sight)…. its just as some say, all things have an end.
OMNI be proud of the things you have done till now, i hope it will be a valuable experience for your future, i will keep looking at the stars(internet) in case you decide to come back
my best regards, Trejon
This post shocked me.
I knew this was bound to eventually happen, but I didn’t expect you to state it so suddenly. However it’s been a great pleasure reading from your blog these past years, and I’m sure that Divine will do a fine job filling in your shoes.
I look forward to your final posts.
i stumbled on this site like 2 years ago and i have been visiting since. I am sad to see you go. I have no other anime blogs to visit now. good luck and i do hope you return to anime blogging in the future.
Thank you for the time and effort you put into Random Curiosity.
I’m really shocked to hear this, as Random Curiosity is one of my favorite blogs and I like how well-balanced the posts and analysis of each series you watch are. I hope you will one day return to blogging, but whatever the future might bring thanks for the wonderful past five years and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors! ^_^
Best of luck, thanks for all the blogging! I think I forgot how to check other sites for anime releases…
Thank you Omni, as well as Divine and Patrik and everyone else who has made this site as wonderful and successful as it has been. Thank you Random Curiosity. You will sorely be missed.
I can’t believe that this website is going away. This is actually my first post here, but I’ve been following this blog for quite sometime.
Everyone these days are quiting the internet and whatnot because of life. Kinda makes me want to come up to life, kick it in the painfuls and say “Screw you for taking out all the people I love from the internet! Go to hell!
Yes, life is a jerkhole, but we can’t fight it. If we fought it, we’d all be out on the streets, huh? So with that said, I wish you luck on your new journey, and I wish you the best.
You did a great job updating all of us in the anime zone….
Kudos and Good luck for your new career *cheers to omni*
Wow, I didn’t think I’d see the day. You have the best reasons, though. Good luck in your new endeavors.
Although I am a super frequent reader that has barely commented on this site these past 5 years, I will sure be missing your posts. Good luck in your next phases in life, and thanks for all your passion for blogging about Anime for us.
P.S. If you ever feel like coming back to blogging again, feel free to do so, as I will be one of your most frequent readers to welcome you back! 😉
Wow, this sucks. I found this blog when I was searching for info on the second season of Code Geass, and I’ve been lurking every day since then. I read your old blogs, anticipated the new ones, and it became a routine part of watching anime.
I’m going to miss your posts every week Omni, 🙁
Always a lurker, never a poster but just wanted to say thanks for all the blogging and good luck with your future endevors of life.
Will miss your great blogging, it was awesome. Wish you good luck!
this is also my first time posting a comment, but i have also been following this blog on a regular basis for 2 years. It’s really sad that you have to go, but i really appreciate your hard work and i really enjoyed reading your comments and thoughts on the episodes. We’ll miss you!
a good anime blog lost. i hope i can subscribe to a comparable site as updated as yours. goodluck with school and work 🙂
I have been checking this blog regularly the past two years. I think this is one of the best anime blog that I have seen. Sorry to see this ending, but like you said…. all I want to say here is thanks for you previous work and good luck with your new career!
When I read the title of this post, I wished it wasn’t about such a topic. But it was, and I just died a lot inside. T_T
I visit this site everyday just because of the style of anime blogging that I love.
I’m sure Random Curiosity will be greatly missed by more people than just myself. Good luck on your personal life, Omni. And I hope these comments from readers like me are giving you a proper and fond farewell!
Sad to see it go. Good luck with your new life.
deim!!!! well then off too another blog. i bet a lot of u will be looking for one…
anyways im also looking forward to divines work
sad to see this close down
are there any replacements for randomc out there? time to look for a new site 🙁
Thank you for maintaining a great site all this time. Never commented but am a long time visitor, I will surely miss your posts and am relieved at the same time that you plan on finishing my favourite show this season, Kimi ni Todoke. Best of luck and please consider coming back some time!! 🙂
This is sad news to hear indeed. I’ve been following random curiosity since, well god knows when. We all have things to take care of. Thank you for your hard work and I hope you achieve your future goals.
*Darth Vader voice*
I’ve followed this blog since gundam 00 first airing and it make me so sad to see it gone. T_T
Thank you omni, I wish you have a very good future and successful in your life.
Was hoping I wouldn’t see this day for another few years. Just wanted to let you know that your blog has definitely been one of the reasons i’ve gotten back into anime the past few years. Very sad to see it go but glad to have had a chance to keep up with it. I wish you luck on your future endeavors.
awwww don’t go! 🙁 i absolutely luv this anime blog and check it everyday for new posts! I’ve been introduced and persuaded to watch soo many shows from it and like everyone says, it’s really sad to see you go :'(
Well, i guess that life goes on. Truly thank you for your effort and best wishes on your future! 🙂
Omni. Thank you.
Thank you, Omni, for helping to spark our lively anime blogging community and for being such a stalwart presence on the web for so long. Your consistency and constant updates will be missed! Happy trails to you. (Salutes)
I really don’t want to say good bye. T____T
Omni, I’ll remember you and your profession style of blogging forever.
btw I just started commenting like 4-6 months ago, but ive been a long time visitor here… i wasnt rally confident in commenting things, but then finally decided to comment stuff so that i can be part of the SOCIETY (blogs or forums and crap), this website did encourage me to comment stuff without thinking too much… so ive been commenting in different blogs other than this like starcrossed. or w/e
anyways good work..it has been a VERY LONG RIDE… hope ul lead a successful life. also it doesnt hurt to post sometimes in divine’s new blog right?
I guess my main gripes are that you didn’t wait until FMA and Durarara were over, which, coincidently, is when I plan to stop watching anime on a week-by-week basis to get MY life back on track. But I guess that I should be thanking you for keeping this up as long as you did, and I wish you luck with your bright future.
…You bastard.
The news comes as a shock but I do understand it must have taken your staff and yourself a lot of time, Omni. RC had always been the place to go to for reviews and glimpses into the wonderful world that anime is. Your contribution made it easier for people like me to navigate through the different series available during a given season.
I’ve also been a lurker but always thought myself to be a RC regular and avid reader. As such, I’d like to thank you for the hard work and dedication. RC turned out to be quite an online institution and made a reputation for itself over the years. I am going to miss the reviews a LOT (actually as someone pointed out here…I’m feeling already a bit lost now).
Will Divine start something new or keep RC going? It’d be really nice to know where we could go to have our RC fix…Or am I still in complete denial?
It’s sad to see u go , but ya alike Emmie, i been following your blogs for quite sometime, but ya thanks soo much all the reviews and the hard work you have put into this 😀
I remember when i first stumbled upon this magnificent blog, i had been hooked ever since.
Thank You omni for giving us an epic ride, Your efforts are greatly aprecciated.
Hope The best for you and well be anxiously waiting for a legendary return if it ever comes T_____T
All the best to you, Omni. Good luck.
I’ve been following your posts on shows and using this website as a valuable resource for nearly 2 years straight now.
It’s hugely disappointing that it will be coming to an end soon, but then again all things end. It’s been great fun, and thank you very much for all hard work over the years.
Just died a little bit on the inside….Really going to miss your posts T_T
Anyways…I wish you the best of luck 🙁
Glad I wasn’t the only one.
I first visited Random Curiosity sometime in 2005 to get a sense of the anime community and have been coming back ever since. I greatly appreciate your clean and consistent organization which remind me of the nostalgic days of Momotato Daioh and JASCII. The presentation combined with your monumental efforts have provided an astonishing amount of easily-absorbed information and insights; often in an amusing and enjoyable manner. I believe this resulted in a positive feedback loop improving both the quality and popularity of the site that I feel grateful to have experienced.
Thanks Omni and best wishes to you now and in the future.
Wow, that was a bit unexpected. Wish you the best of luck with your future activities. I have been visiting this site almost daily for the past 2 years or so. This is the only anime blog I follow which just shows how great it is/was. Again, best of luck and thanks so much for creating and maintaining this wonderful site for all this time.
meh.. time to get those antidepressants. hehe
D: oh no!! This is such a sad thing to hear, but I hope that you will do well, Omni!! It has been a wonderful pleasure reading anime from you. Like many others have said, I don’t know where I’m going to find another blog like this one. ): I hope you do well!! Thank you for all these years!!
Thank you for all your work Omni, Random Curiosity’s been my go to anime blog since late 2007 and your work will be missed! The blog layout as well as the posts/screencap layouts have been great, and it will be hard for someone to match your work and dedication.
I wish you the best in your future,
– Nic
TT^TT same here. wahh this is SO sad. I actually cried.
So long, and thanks for all the anime comments. I enjoyed reading them.
Oh well. Thanks for everything. Your site made me watch anime and i really thank you for that. No site will ever be as awesome as yours.
This was the first ever blog I encountered on the internet. I don’t even remember when or what show I was following but I am sure this was years ago. I had RC in my Firefox Bookmarks Toolbar as my only live-bookmark at the time next to the default BBC feed. I really loved to read your posts and check your summaries and opinions and see what others think in the comments. Now why do all good things have to come to end? This really marks the end of an era for me 🙁 Anyway, thanks for your hard work over the years. You really brought a lot of series in to light and helped us in choosing the best to follow. Wish you the best in your life 🙂 This blog ain’t leaving my Google Reader any time soon, maybe forever.
I remember back when I was just getting into anime. I had only watched around maybe 5-6 series. On a slow day during Fall 2006, I managed to stumble upon this blog talking about Kanon 2006 and it all started from there. Now I’m watching anime raw, reading raw manga, and playing games and visual novels in Japanese. It isn’t an exaggeration to say that you and this blog were one of the most important driving forces that got me into anime. However, it seems that I, too, am lowering my anime intake due to life and jobs, like yourself.
It’s been a good run, Omni. I only wish you the best in life and any opportunity that presents itself in front of you. Cheers!
first time commenting here but i have follow this blog for a very long time, it will seriously be miss and thank you for all those wonderful post all those years.
Now i need to find another blog to keep me up to date with current anime season, anyone know of a good one? i know it will be hard to Replace RC though
It’s been a pleasure comming to this site the past 4 years, I will be missing you.
Thanks for all the hard work! Good luck in the rest of your endavours
good luck with everything, i hope you come back soon
awwww you’ll be missed!!! good luck!
Crap, I have never commented even once… but I love this site and have readed it for years… for the great memories and time you dedicated to the site..
Thank you
Es una pena que te vayas OMNI siempre ha sido este lugar donde veia mis series y espero que te vaya muy bien en tu futuro laboral que a todos nos espera sin duda sin mas saludos desde MEXICO!!
Farewell, it’s been fun visiting the blog
This is my first and probably last post after following you guys for 3 years, You guys will be deeply missed by me, I always enjoyed reading your take on Series up to this point.
Thank you for been here this long, and You made a difference in the Anime world.
Thank you Omni for your kind contribution to the fans. It has been a pleasure to read your threads. I’ll miss you :’/
All the best for the future.
I never realized how important this blog was to my every day life until it’s now about to be gone. You will be missed Omni, thanks for everything.
I’ve been following this blog since I started watching Code Geass when it came out, and it’s been the greatest animeblog for me to follow. It’s really sad reading this, but good luck with your life. And enjoy the final episodes of all the running series, ’cause I know I will.
Hopefully this won’t be the end.
I’ll miss the community that stands by their respective shows. I also didn’t realize it’s been five years… been taking this blog for granted for so long.
Thank you Omni and everyone, best of luck with next phase of life!
I will certainly miss this great blog, I have really enjoyed reading your posts.
Thank you for your hard work!
Good luck with everything!
Thank you Omni and best of luck in your new job.
Your site has been one of my most visited web-page. Quick and nice and fresh anime preview from Code Geass to FMA. Visiting this blog is a habit of me now. I’m sad, but it’s life and one must go on. Thank you very much for your hard work all these years. We’ll always miss you. May God bless you tons of luck in your job and your life!
I’ve only commented a few times, but I’ve been reading this blog since the day it started. Pretty sorry to see you go, you truly are an institution and something that all other blogs measure themselves against. I for one am always excited when I rank above one of your posts on google search which is very rare.
Good job on this site Omni, and good luck in your future endeavors!
Never commented before but I always go to this site regularly to follow the animes and read the blog this is going to feel weird without RC 🙁
Good luck OMNI and thank you for a great site!
Im barely commented but ive been following your site since 2007 been a big fan of yours omini
Ive followed you for many years and it is sad that it is coming to an end
You’ve really given me a new view on anime and ive seen many anime due to your blogging
Thanks so much for your contribution to Anime and all your hard work
Your blog is the only one that really made me come back day after day to see your view on certain things
Good Luck with Life and hope you see you back one day
Wow, you’ll definitely be missed. Good luck with RL.
Good luck for the future, Omni.
Thank you.
NOOOOOO! puede ser ahora donde podré checar mis los animes mas nuevos de japon?
de todos modos gracias Omni y compañia por los 5 años de estar bloggeando y en la que yo durante 4 años estuve leyendo los reviews de los animes que me gustan
aunque si es cierto la vida continua y te deseo lo mejor en esta vida amigo
no te digo adios sino hasta pronto amigos
saludos desde México y siempre los recordaré a Omni y Divine.
It’s the end of an era in anime blogging. Never have I seen the same quality of blog posts like yours Omni, which is why I feel fortunate to have RC as my first experience in the blogosphere as a whole.
Following this blog has really meant a lot to me. Starting with that Fall 2006 season post, I’ve been following this blog with every update, through both the good times and bad. It’s thanks to this blog that I’ve been able to broaden my horizons and see so many different things that I would never had considered in the past. From the rollercoaster ride of Geass to epicness Gurren Lagann, the insanity of the Haruhi craze, the emotions of Kanon and Clannad, the endless amount of moe series and everything in-between, this place has been such an important part of my evolution from a simpleminded fanboy to an all-around otaku.
Without this blog, I really have no idea where I’d be today. I’m sad to see RC go, but all stories must have their ending. And with that I wish you the best of luck in the next chapter of your life.
Thanks for the last 4 years Omni. It’s been a blast.
This is/was one of the few blogs (in general) that I keep track of, the main reason being the great summaries and the overall impresion which allowed me to get a background of a show, well, everything eveltually comes to an end, good luck in your personal life. There are certainly few to no blogger that might be able to fill the space you are leaving as a reference point for many people interested in ANIME.
This has been such an amazing blog that I’ve followed since Mai Otome aired. That’s when I found this blog, and I’ve visited so much since then. It’s like the end of the Omni Era lol.
Well, coincidentally for me it seems like everyone I know is in some kind of transition in their lives. Big ones and small ones. Change is good, and refreshing and exciting. Congratulations on your master’s! Hope everything goes really great for you.
We’ll definitely miss you Omni. Wishing you all the happiness in the world.
this blog has been a refreshing break from the outside world… I will truly miss it….
thank you everyone and have an enjoyable life.
Everyone eat a muffin for me, as I shall for you all.
Thank you for your dedication for the past few years. This site has required so much of your time and effort, so seriously, thank you.
I completely understand where you’re coming from and hope your job works out for you as well, if not better, than this site has worked for all of us!
I’ve been a reader for around two years, although I have never commented. You’re a great blogger! I enjoyed the blogs and screencaps, and thanks to random curiousity, I got to watch a lot of animes that i wouldn’t have otherwise. congrats on your masters degree, and good luck! hopefully we’ll see you in the anime blogging community again! =)
I have been reading your blog for almost 4 and a half years. I even remember the first comment I made on your site. I am extremely sad to see you go but I wish you a very successful career and good luck with everything you do in your life.
From Toronto, Canada
aka Happy
Thanks for all your bloggin time.
And good luck to your new job 🙂
Damn it….just…damn it. I’m not mad at Omni, never, just…..damn it.
I don’t even remember how I found this site or how long ago. I think it had something to do with Persona trinity but that’s just a guess. This site has been on my toolbar bookmarks forever, on my old PC, new PC, and laptop. I’ve been following this site everyday, sometimes reading the posts, other times just checking to see if there were new posts. And today…I got notice of its eventual end.
I love this site and the community that surrounds it. I really don’t know what I’m going to fill in RC’s toolbar space with but it’ll be anime-related. Definitely.
I heard once, don’t remember where, that you shouldn’t say goodbye. That you should say something else. Since you’re not leaving yet, it isn’t appropriate to say farewell yet but I’ll definitely be saying, “See you later” when the time does come. Until then, I’ll enjoy the site. 🙂
Thanks for all the work you’ve done. I’m not ashamed to admit that the first thing that I often do when I finish watching a new episode of a show I know you’re blogging is punch up RC and see what you and the other readers thought of the show.
There have been times when I’ve felt like none of the new shows in a season really speaks to me. During some of those times I visited RandomC and found you talking about a show in a way that piqued my interest, and I was able to find at least one show in those lukewarm seasons to enjoy. The times when that didn’t happen I could still come here and see a little smattering of news, insight, and previews to tide me over.
Again, I have to say thanks for all you’ve done. The season previews have always been very useful and, like others, you have often led me to check out shows I wouldn’t have seen otherwise. So many of those shows I ended up loving that one of the ways I started to judge shows was if you’d talked about it at all.
So thank you for all that, and more.
Aww, I’m sad to see the site go, but I hope for the best. Good luck in all your future plans!
thanks for everything Omni,it has been great knowing this wonderful blog over the years. may the force be with you.
may the best of luck be with you xD
Nothing much to say, since I don’t comment often, but I’ve been following RC for 3 years. Been fun, and also good luck with life!
Wow. Cant believe your actually retiring from blogging Omni… I have been one of those faithful followers that never comment, but have always dropped by to read the latest news and happenings. It has even inspired me to start my own blogging and purchase my own site. I feel like I am just repeating with everyone else, but still, everyone here will miss you! Good luck with the new job ^^
Thank you for the great input on great shows and I truly feel like I’m losing a friend in everything and everyone that is apart of RC I don’t simply wish Omni good luck in the future but everyone who belongs to the site and those who read this.
I followed your site for many years and have always considered you as as the go-to blog site whenever I choose to read a anime blog. Thanks for all the fishes and hope for the best for your future endeavors. Here’s to the end of a great anime related blog!
Thanks for all the posts you have written. I truly enjoyed reading your blog and have been inspired by it. As you have written above, I have started making plans for my own anime blog. I want to thank you for inspiring me to do so. Like many others, I am sad to see you leave. I wish you the best with everything in your life!
Les jeux sont faits. Bon chance, Omni. You were easily the best.
We’ll definitely miss you Omni T.T I wish you all the best of luck in your future.. thank you.
hmmm… since my #1 blog is going to end soon
il be making starcrossed anime blog my #1 for now… http://psgels.blogsome.com/
anyone here knows any good blogs? coz right now im looking for a # 2…it would be much better if they have different taste than the current #1 i mentioned
hope divine will continue the RC legacy… coz if she does… the new RC blog will be my #1
Thank you for your time and hard work.
this is one of the best blogs!!!
Thanks for everything that you’ve done for us anime watchers!
Good luck in the future!
Best of luck to you in whatever endeavors you embark upon.
Congratulations on your Master’s degree and your new job. Thanks for all of your service for all these years.
One of many comments, I think, wishing you the very best in your future endeavors. I’ve followed RC for the past 4 years, and have, like you, just got into my first job. So once again, good luck. どうもありがとうございます。
I’ll follow this blog forever. T_________________________T
and ever…
I have been following this blog for a long time, i love it and it is definitely one of the best, i will be missing it lots D:. I wish you all the best!!!
Yeah this is realy a sad day.
I enjoyed reading your bloggs and the comments for the last 2.5 years and I don’t know how often you saved my ass with your screens, when I was making my DVD-Covers.
I too, wish you good luck with your future life!
Thank you very much!
As a long time lurker, and posting sometimes, I gotta say that it really makes me sad that a Blog of this caliber is about to go. I expected that random curiosity would be around forever! ):
It very hard to describe the feeling of something you love going away, and I can’t even begin to explain how much I enjoy coming to this blog. This Blog is how I discovered half of the series I watched, and without it, I would have never even found, among others, Gurren Lagann or Clannad (My two favorites!).
I have this voice in the back of my head nudging me to become more pro-active about finding out what’s coming out every season but I mean, RC had the best lists, opinions, and reviews.
To Omni, Patrick, Divine, and Jaalin,
Thank you for everything you’ve done, and congratulations to Omni on having so many opportunities opening up. I love coming to this site and reading your reviews on each and every episode that comes out for an anime. They are always insightful, but also makes me think a little more about what I just watched.
I hope that all of you are successful in whatever you do, and I do hope that I get to see another review from all of you in the years to come.
i wish you the best, thanks for everything.. it’s sad to hear that you’re going tu leave the blog but… take care and ganbatte in all the things you do.. ( sorry, my english sucks )
DAMN…. i still cant find A BLOG that is atleast close to RC caliber…. il be sticking for psgels’s starcrossed anime blog as my #1 for now………il have to wait for quite some time to see a blog that would rise to the same level as RC…I know alot of visitors here are going to be frantic looking for a blog that would replace RC…
I haven’t commented here very often, but I’ve been following this blog since 2008. Congratulations on completing your Master’s and on getting your job. It will be very sad to see Random Curiosity go. Omni, you have introduced me to a lot of the anime I watch. Your spring/winter previews were also an interesting read. Thanks for the great experience. Your posts brought the anime to a new level.
Divine: If you can, please keep the site going.
Wish you the best of luck.
oh you’re my favorite anime blog! such sad news, seriously. i totally understand that you have a life though. good luck with your future! i really hope you eventually come back to blogging. you’re such a master at it.
wow 180+ comments about this already… He will be overly missed, and if he does ever come back, I will hunt him down wherever he tries to go and hide 😛 (and I am sure many people are with me on that)
Thank’s you my friend, you’re free now !
It was a real pleasure !
Have fun
Sigh this is a sad day for the us anime watchers to loss a fantastic blogger such as yourself. Of course real life comes first, and i wish you the best in your future endeavors and thank you for providing us with the best up-to-date information on new animes for the best 5 years. You will be missed.
we will miss you… good luck in RL 🙂
fuck off i dont believe this!! OMG
I’ll miss you Omni, it’s depressing hearing that this blog will end after having visiting this site almost daily for so many years.
Best of luck to you man, where ever life takes you.
Best. Blogger. Ever. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a blogger as dedicated as you, ever.
4 years reading your blog… and every post makes me fall deeper in love with anime.
Your posts have opened up new horizons for me.
New animes to watch and discover their beauty.
So hearing that you’re going to shut down the blog comes as a shock and a big dump of liquified sadness for me.
Your blog has been the most amazing anime blog ever. Detailed, precised and filled with dedication. I don’t know if I’d ever find another blog out there that’s as good as yours considering I have a tendency to check this blog out almost every freaking hour. T_T
But thank you for being there for all of us anime lovers. I wish you all the best of luck in your next endeavour and hopefully, we’d all be there to see it. ^^
P.S. Sure darn wish I have your Facebook! XD
Sad to see it go. Really enjoyed the anime you have blogged about an wouldn’t have tried to watch them without some of the entires.
Been following you for around 5 years and I have to say it will be sad to see your blog go. However, I’m happy for you that life is smiling at you. Good luck with everything and may you find happiness for the days ahead!
Wow this is quite sad to hear, but I guess that’s just life. We all start things and we all will eventually have to end them one day. Thank you so much for all you’ve done, I have been following RC for about 2-3 years now. Every so often when my mind is filled with boredom or filled with stress, I would make a stop here to relieve myself. It was always interesting to see the different posts whether it was anime, manga or just generic topics. I wish you good luck in everything you do in life and your future endeavors.
– Filly
gutted… take me home…
thanks for all your time and effort. it was a genuine pleasure reading RC over the years. don’t be a stranger on the others blogs and good luck for the future.
Well…. No more decent blogging sites to fill this void. Kudos to you guys! Not into reading much blogging stuffs but this IS the first and ONLY thing I ever tuned into.
If you ever return… Hope you use the same page! randomc forever!!
You were my first anime blog… I Hope you best of wishes. *Latches on to someone for a cry and hug* @Divine, you better put 2010 Spring preview,and update this blog regularly like Omni(Said in a good way)! *Cries on Divines shoulder saying “Fuwenn! keep it going for more years to come!”
As in the Evangelion ending…
Omedetto… Omedetoo…. Omedetoo…. Omedetoo…
goodbye and goodluck Shini I meant Omni
This is not the end, there are lot of otakus already started their own blogs inspired by Random Curiosity.
Anyway, it would be possible for Divine to continue on with this site if there are new bloggers would help out.
Thank you for blogging all these years.
This feels like the end of one really long slice of life-series… 🙂 Done with school, going to work… it feels odd. That is still far into the future for me. But you’ve been a huge inspiration.
i hope this is not an early april fools joke
maybe divine can take over and you can just be a on and off blogger 😛
Will I just follow PSGELS’s blog Starcrossed? I guess I will. But it has yet to reach the level of Random Curiosity. OMNI, GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR LIFE!
Man, this is kind of like Densha Otoko… T_T All these people we’ve never met before. It was kind of like some kind of online community… I dunno… it’s strange… Where can I find you now!? ;_;
I’ll cry with you.
@Sis & AznCoffee
I’ll cry with you guys too! T_T
Good luck and thanks for everything
@Acylia, Group Hug Anyone?
Best of luck to you, Omni! You’ve run a great site (one of the best I’ve seen online, and for such a consistent amount of time) and it will be sad to see you move on, but still onwards! ^_^
Thank you for everything!
CHEERS MATE!!! gonna miss this site alot since i’ve been regularly visiting this site 2-3 years ago so good luck with everything mate!!! 😀
Cheers again
Good gags… But it’s not April Fools Day today… You got the wrong day… *currently in denial*
*group hug* TT____________TT
woww has it already been that long..
good luck on your job and thank you!
@AznCoffe *Cries on shoulder*
sad to see you leave, but thanks for all the great posts that you have made and all the best for any undertakings that you are about to have 😉
I still cannot believe that it’s going to end. It has been ages already since I discovered your blog and it has always been an interesting read. The anime blogging community will be missing part of its heart, if not the very heart itself.
Thank you very much for every single thought you brought to paper and let us be part of.
Thank you very much for always being up to date and the frequent expression of aspects I’d otherwise have missed.
Thank you very much and good luck with your future life!
<3 Have fun!
Thanks for all your time these past few years. RC’s been my premier source of anime info since four years ago and is the first – and indeed, the only – anime blog I follow. Good luck in your future endeavors – and once again, thanks. Hope you had fun doing it 😀
I haven’t been following as long as a lot of other users, but I’ll really miss this blog! This was the first blog that I followed so regularily..Man, this is a sad moment. I’ll definitely never forget those season previews I looked forward to all the time!
Good luck and best wishes to your future Omni!!
I’ll miss you dude 🙁 *sad*
All the best man…..never commented before, but I feel like the least I can do is thank you for the great anime blog. Enjoyed coming to the site daily over the last year or 2.
Dammit this is like a crappy tuesday except its monday…
Whoa Omni, we haven’t talked in ages but sad to hear you’re retiring (hopefully just for now) from aniblogging! You and your various writers have done a great service for the anime community and it’s definitely not going to be the same w/o your blog around 🙁
But hey, life moves on right? Good luck with your new job and I can only hope for bigger and better things to come down your way! Hopefully, this will include making a comeback sometime in the future as well 😉
Noooo please don’t go!
It’s thanks to your blog that I discovered most of the good anime of the 4/5 last years, I’m sad but I only wish to say: Thank you for everything! 🙂
I’ve been coming here for more than four years now, even though I’ve never really commented before. I think I discovered RC when I was looking for a blog that followed Blood+, and was overjoyed to find yours because of the quality of your writing.
Thanks to you I’ve discovered quite a few series, and your summaries were so good and so detailed that I’ve even been able to follow others that I did not have time to watch anymore. I’ve also really enjoyed coming here just after watching an episode from an anime you were blogging and waiting for you to put up your entry so that I could understand what had been said 🙂 I’m going to miss that. To me this has always been the number one anime blog, and the only one I’ve followed so regularly.
So thanks Omni (and the others, too!), and good luck with your future life!
Congratulation on your Masters Omni!!!!!
I’m gonna miss this site very much. I’ve been visiting this site regularly for nearly 5 years, and have enjoyed most of the anime you’ve blogged. This site will go down as one of the best anime blogs of the 00’s.
This feels like a Densha Otoko moment.
Thank You for all the work you’ve put on this site, and good luck in all your future endeavors.
First of all, thank you Omni. I’ve been following your blog for nearly 4 years now and your site has been a major staple for my anime entertainment for as long as I can remember. Losing you and this blog is certainly a big change for me. You had a very enjoyable and creative writing style. You approached all anime with optimism, and never devolved into bashing a show undeservedly as many other blogs fall into the habit of. I really valued your opinion, and found so many enjoyable anime thanks to you. So thank you for all the hard work and passion you put into this site.
Secondly, Congratulations on your completing your studies and on your new job. As I too am graduating from my undergrad studies soon, I can relate to that phase in life where many things are changing, and a new but uncertain future is upon you. So I wish you the best of luck in all of your endeavors and I hope that you can find happiness in all that you do.
Also, I want to take a moment to thank Patrick, Divine, and all your past writers for their contributions to this site, and for helping make this site a wonderful place to visit.
I’m sad to see you go, but I am also happy for your achievements and success. Thanks again man, its been one helluva fun ride. So until we meet again, Good Luck and Best Wishes Omni!
Omni there are more 12 pages here of ur fans seeing u leave is a like an heart attack
its so so sad u have to leave but having a job now is more important but best of luck in the future we will wait for ur comeback lol.
I’m all types of depressed now. Spring ends and this happens? Man, this day just sucks.
Just to ask, does anyone follow any other anime blogs rather frequently aside from starcrossed? I went there and though it seems okay the anime selection is kind of out of my own tastes.
I’ve narrowed down my interesting sites to seaslugteam.com and THATanimeblog.com. Seaslug seems okay with somewhat frequent commentators, THAT is okay as well but it seems to have a less active community. Nothing as great as this site though.
Sigh…so depressing…
I will miss your great anime blogging. Thank you and GBU to you.
;_; . . . RC is been part of my daily routine so it’s kinda sad
@Sugoi, Sis, AznCoffee
what blog am I going to follow now 🙁
hopefully divine keeps going
@Acylia, Sugoi, AznCoffee and everyone else! (+Omni of course… or?)
Congratulations on your Masters, Omni!
Sad to see you go, omni.
I have to say that this certainly was one of best anime blogs to ever be created and it was for sure my most visited one.
The Disappearance of Random Curiosity is surely a sad sad event…
Too bad, you aren’t going to blog FMA or Durarara!! till the end. Will Divine continue this series?
I wish you good luck with your future life.
Thank you for creating this blog! 🙂
From what I’ve been SeaSlugTeam seems to be the next RC runner-up.
They update frequently, and have a fairly average amount of comments.
But… there’s like 5 bloggers there…. hhhnnnnggggggg @__@
‘Tis a sad day. I’ve always awaited your posts with bated breath and used them to measure when I would be able to watch the episodes myself, I will miss reading your reviews and insights onto the animes. Good luck in your future. Zhai’helleva.
It was fun talking with you about Kimi ni Todoke and stuff. Glad to see you too posted something here.
This truly is a Densha Otoko-moment. :’)
It was fun to follow your reviews for the past 3 years. Never commented much myself but always appreciated your good work. I’ll miss randomc. Thanks you for everything and the best of luck to you Omni, Divine and Patrick for the future : )
Hey, you guys! What other blogs update FMA as soon as it comes out?? T_T
it will indeed be a sad day once this site is technically gone. All the best for your future~
Before RC i had never really read any blogs i think it has been a great luck reading your posts.For 3 years reading RC had become part of my daily routine (One of few routines i like.)It is really sad to see you go.
Good luck Omni,thank you for all this time.
aww it’s hard to say good bye to the best anime-blog ever.
Thanks for every thing
I checked your blog every day, I’ll miss it for sure. It’s been fun, good luck!
i am sad real sad,for the past 3 years my daily routine after waking up in the morning was to check this site for any new update and now i have 1 less reason to wake up early in the morning…
But still wish u good luck and may u prosper in future ^_^
Been following this site for 3 years. luv your blogs on anime, Omni thank you for anything up to now.
I was about to say,
“HEY, let’s throw a party for Omni and the future ahead of us!”
But then I remembered…
“Lol, we’re like… spread all over the world.”
Throwing a party would be kind of weird AND impossible, huh. x’} Oh, well. It’s the thought that counts.
I guess my first comment here will be my last ;_; Not sure how many years I’ve been following this awesome blog, but it has been the only blog I check on a daily basis and I’ve relied on it for everything from episode opinions to screencaps to season previews. It’s the only blog that’s managed to keep my attention; I have no clue how I’m going to find something to replace it. I really enjoyed visiting every week after the new Clannad episode and I’m especially sad that I won’t get to see the end of FMA here.
But I want to think you so much for creating this blog and the years of hard work you’ve put into its upkeep. As I’m sure you know it was enjoyed by many and will be missed by just as many. But life comes first and I wish you all the best with your future endeavors! You’ll be missed!
Now excuse me, there’s something in my eye…
Star Crossed Anime Blog, Sea Slugs! Anime Blog, and Xebek’s Blog are doing a good job keeping up with FMA.
Sure, just tell me your home-address and city, I’ll be there. >:] Mehehehehe.
But seriously, I would have done it if it was a little less impossible. xD
Yeah, seaslug does seems rather active but no Bleach :/
And I think they have six writers now, at least according to the names on the first page. >_>
Ahahahaha. Funny.
Densha Otoko all over again T_______T
Let’s reach 2000 comments!! *good idea…?* Without exactly spamming. Haha.
I’m sad too. The end of FMA won’t make it on RC (unless divine picks it up… DIVINE, WE BEG YOU! No pressure, though. It was sort of, maybe, meant as a joke *partly*)
Wow can’t believe it will end. Thank you so much for you hard work. Your site was the only anime blog i needed.
Well come to think of it SeaSlugTeam mentioned Omni’s summaries….
I shall greatly miss that….. T_______T
lol @ divine hijacking first post 😉
Yeah, I’ve been to Star Crossed. 🙂 I comment there regularly. I’ll check out the other ones too, thanks!
I’m gonna miss talking to you on RC. 🙁 If we ever meet again on some other blog, I’ll be sure to remember you! And 2000 comments might be a lot without spamming, but hey, why not.
You’re absolutely right. I was looking forward to seeing Omni’s thoughts on so many things coming up in FMA now.
good luck with your new career path. thanks for blogging all this year.
Thanks ever so much for all your hard work over the years. I’ve greatly enjoyed reading your blogs and will miss them. Hope everything goes well with your job.
Thanks for everything
I really enjoyed reading this blog and will miss it
Good Luck with everything
go to sea slug and star crossed
One of my daily joys gone, huh. You were blogging about all the animations that I loved. Well, although it’s with utter despair to know that you won’t be around anymore, I wish you all the best luck in your life and everything. Thanks so much for your posts too.
This was one of the few quality anime blog sites that I followed religiously. It really breaks my heart to see you go.
Thank you so much for everything and I wish you the best of luck in the future. Your work has been greatly appreciated.
Well thats sad…coz this is my first blog EVER. Well i wish you luck man and hope that everything will be fine in the future. Still it wont be the same without RC…I so love this site!
Oh and… I dearly hope that you really will return, one day, to us. I’ll wait even if that takes years. If or when that day comes, well, I guess all of us will be welcoming with our arms wide open. Heh heh.
Thank you for everything you have done. This is my very first post, I have been lurking around for years and have never commented. Loved what you have provided us in the past years. Your commitment and blogging was great. I hope another similar site will arise in the future. I wish you all the best with path you choose to follow in the future. It will surely be sad for it to go. Again thank you so much, Random Curiosity forever.
I guess good things do end… Well OMNI you were the first “blogger” i’ve read and i wish you the best 😀
I have never commented before, but this is a blog that I like to visit and it’s a really great blog. Besides reading the wonderfully written reviews/previews, I have also used/stolen images from this blog (hehe). I want to thank you for putting so much effort into your posts and I wish you good luck in the future(it’s sad to see you go…=/).
thanks Omni for this wonderful blog, really enjoy so much reading your post, congrats on your new job, all the best!!!
THANKS, Omni & friends.
Enjoyed RC since 2007; will miss you all sorely.
All the best in your future endeavors!
Awww, when I think of it. I was such a small bud in both age and anime when I first came to this blog. I’ve learned a lot, really.
May your post-grad journey lead you to your ideal destination. 🙂 I’m going to be (re)starting my own collegiate life pretty soon, myself. It’s sad knowing that RC (at least, the RC I’m used to seeing) won’t be around anymore, but it was a joy while it was.
Same as many people above this site will be greatly missed, because i always looked in your predictions, analysis and comments, farewell, good luck…
Y espero que volvamos a ver o leer algo más de ti en un futuro Omni.
(Hope we will see [read] something of you in a future Omni)
I’ve never posted a comment before, but I just wanted to know I really appreciate everything you did. This is one of the few blogs I visited daily so it will be sad to see you go. I hope you have great success in your life and wish you the best of luck.
Best anime blog I’ve been to since I found RC around 2 years ago. Its sad to see it go, but like all things, it just cant last. Thanks for the great years and the great blogging and good luck with whatever you do
I am one of many who have never commented on this site before, but have been a long time follower. I just wanted to convey my utmost gratitude for the all the hard work you’ve done providing quality summaries for the past five years. Like many I’m sad that you are leaving, but am also excited for you as you move into the next phase of your life. Thanks for all the good reading and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Like everyone else this has been the first blogging site I’ve been following. Thanks Omni for showing me lots of great anime and best of luck.
Now, I won’t be able to scout for some good anime. I go here first before I watch the first episodes for preliminary auditions. This is indeed a sad day for all of us. But as long as anime fans exists, blogs like this will and continue to exist.
Good luck on the real world, dude. I loved your entries as much as the next person commenting. Your service will be honored. Semper fi.
Wow it’s sad that you’re leaving, but i wish you the best of luck! I really enjoy your blogs and read it almost everyday it’s a shame it has come to an end!
Over the years I haven’t commented much but I’ve always enjoyed reading your blog and it’s been a breath of fresh air when choosing what to watch.
But as you so nicely put it all good things must come to an end, remember though that every ending is a new beginning and every parting brings with it hope of meetings yet to come.
Like some of the others who posted, this is my one and only time to post here. It’s sad because it had to be a farewell. All I could say is thanks for everything, this blog has help me in more ways that I could have thought back when I stumbled upon it. Good luck on all you endeavors!
Sad to hear about the closing of Random Curiosity, but also glad that you’re going to have a bright future ahead.
Hope you’ll be successful in life.
It’s sad to see RC go down but we can’t really do anything since its your life and your decision. RC have been my main blog spot for the last 2 years and is the best anime blogging site i’ve ever seen. Thanks to this website i’ve found great anime’s such as Full Metal Alchemist, Code Geass, Gundam 00 and so on.
I especially want to thank the creator and others who worked on RC. It’ll be weird not having RC around since I visit RC everytime I go online.
It’s a great loss that your site is going down man. Big thank you for all the hard work, and there has been a plenty of that over the years.
I understand your decision, life gets serious for those who start working and adult life, good luck buddy 😀
Thanks alot for what you did all these years
This is also my first time posting. Every time I turned my computer on and go to the internet, the RandomC bookmark was always the first thing i clinked. Random Curiosity was a great blog, but when something begin its must have an end and we all must eccept that. Thank you all for your hard work over the past few years. I know that Blogging is not easy and I appreciate all the work that you have done for us. Wish you good luck in the future.
While I’ve never commented of your blog before I’ve been a long time reader, but your blog was one of the reasons I decided to start my episodic blog. I really enjoyed your coverage of series I never had the time to watch (too many hours at the job)and I especially liked your coverage of the Bleach series.
Congrats on earning your masters degree and your new job. Welcome to the world of productive adult life, after many long hours of work comes a girlfriend/wife, mortgage, bills, and kids, good luck.
I feel like a part of me just died. But you have your life, Omni, and we respect that, especially after you have contributed 5 years of it to RC. (So will you be working in Japan or back in your home country? ) So take care and thanks for the memories.
OTOH though, does you retiring really have to mean the end for RC? Couldn’t you just hand over the reins to someone else capable, like Divine, to carry out your legacy (or something like that)? And maybe hire more writers for the cause. We don’t really mind that the blog may be updated less frequently as when you were in charge. And RC, with its reputation, could easily rely on donations to keep the server up and running, no? It’s taken a long effort to build up such a community that it is too big a pity to see it disband just like that.
It’s truly sad to see this blog close, this has been one of my favorite to read, and will be greatly missed.
Good luck on your future endeavors, wherever it may take you.
thx man u doing a great job thx
wish you good luck
Just posting so i can look back one day and say i was there on the greatest anime blogging site ever for several years. ~
Good luck with your job Omni, and go out there and have some fun for me.
Wow, that was a shocker indeed.
Been a regular since this site started years ago but like many others I’ve never once commented on anything until today.
It’s so sad to see you go Omni T_T. All the best for your future endeavors. RC has been my daily staple and I would really like for it to continue the wonderful reviews and previews for everyone.
Please accept the baton Divine…
Warm wishes. Thanks and I love you OMNI. 😀
Thanks man for being with me for the whole 4 years of my anime-watching life :'(. You will be sorely missed!
Well, good luck to you, and live a happy life, Omni.
We will sure as hell miss you.
Btw by a longshot, Could you email me the pic you used for this post in higher res? 😀
I have also never commented on your site, but in any case, I truly appreciate all the hard work you have put through almost daily in keeping up with a lot of shows. As a used-to-be newcomer to the anime scene, your analysis has been the authoritative voice in guiding me for a lot of shows.
Good luck and thank you!
Thank you for all the work, been following this site daily for over 3 years now. Good luck with your future endeavors.
It has been very fun reading your reviews, sad to see randomc go. thanks for all the authors’ hard work and all the best to ur future endeavors ! 🙂
Thanks for all the hard work! This site has been my one and only favorite anime blogging site… I enjoyed reading your posts, summaries, and previews for years, but like you have said “all good things must come to an end”. It’s going to be very saddening without Random Curiosity, and it will be a memorable site with unforgettable bloggers. Once again thanks for providing your readers with abundant information! I wish you the best of luck wherever life leads you!
All the best in your new job! I certainly enjoyed the fun anime/manga reviews that you had written for all of us.
Good Luck out there bud, dont let anything hold you back.
I seriously thought this site will go on for ages. Sad to see it go really. I’ve enjoyed waiting for rss to load new blog posts. I’ve never commented before. but i thought i can’t let myself go through without posting here once.
NO WAYYYYY!!!!!!!!! =/ =/ =/ I’LL MISS YOU! thanks so much for those awesome 4 years where your blog’s never failed to let me down.
good luck and goodbye
we all wish you well and are sad that we will be losing you to real life you and your site have been a great resource and we will never be able to replace it thank you for these five years and may you succeed in the future and all you endeavours
OMNI! NOOOOOOOOO!! THIS IS MY ONLY BLOGGER SITE FOR 3 STRAIGHT YEARS!, oh well, thanks for everything! T_______T
I’ve been following your blog for about 3 years now, and I have to say it made my life much easier when it comes down to Anime. You’ve brought the public one of the best anime blogs there was, and we’re all thankful for it. make sure you go out with a bang. Good luck and have fun at your new job Omni, you’ll be missed.
This might be might first time and last time to comment in this website but I feel the need to say whats in my mind right now. So here goes… I have also been stalking this website for about a year now or more I think and it is such a sad moment to see one of the websites I usually visit to know more of the upcoming shows and to read reviews or opinions done by people such as yourself. This website has help me to find series that I would enjoy and series that I would not even waste by bandwidth downloading XD. It has given me reviews and opinions that I really find to be informative and for that I thank you but as people say life goes on and I hope that you will be happy with whatever decisions you make. I can only hope I will be able to find another website like this that gives information about the current season’s series. Now if you dont mind me suggesting why dont you just pass the baton to someone else in that way the soul of random curiosity will live on(yeah its a bit corny but who cares???? XD)? Maybe you could test the readers and ask them who would want to continue, of course you have to test them or something to know that randomc would be in the right hand and you wouldnt have to worry. Anyways again thank you for creating this website full of information and opinions.
Hey thanks for everything! and btw who the hell is patrik…. XD
Man, I’m going to miss this blog. It was really good (really, really good) while it lasted, so much that it’s become a habit for me to check it almost every day, even though I rarely comment. Thank you Omni, for making this incredible website, and I wish you good luck for the future. The good thing is that the blog will be archived, at least this means that all you’ve done will be preserved. Sayonara!
tis sad indeed, Ive been following this site for like a few years now. Good luck with everything. Hopefully u blog again someday well miss yah.
What On Earth Are You Doing?! Don’t Stop!! Just Continue your Site By hiring Other People And Give Them A small amount of money. There are alot of people who love anime and managing site, and plus your leadership will improve by managing other people’s time and plus your site is 5 years old site, a very significant site base in search engine.
Thank you for the past years blogging, was fantastic, and will be greatly missed.
All the best for the future..
Congratulations on your masters & new job Omni! Although it’ll be sad not to see you blogging anymore.
Thank you, so much, for making RC undisputedly one of the best anime blogs on the web. Your contributions to the anime community will be sorely missed. Take care and good luck with whatever you endeavor to do in the future!
(ヾ(´TωT`) いってらっちゃ
it really make me sad that you are leaving this site but you shoud take care of your business first so i should say that all of us will miss you and i hope that you will return one day to bloging
and i give a thanks to everyone that create this site because it’s freakin awesome
Been following this blog since Blood+ . Thank you for all your hard work. All the best to you Omni.
Hire young people to run your site and pay them some money
You and RC will will missed..wow i’m actually more depressed about it then I thought I’d be to see a site go..Good luck with your new job Omni!
Thanks so much for great anime blogging for the past 5 years. i started visiting this site when Gundam seed was airing and thanks to Omni and RC, i have been introduced to many great series then on. the frequent and informative weekly postings always made me check back here regularly.
so cheers to Omni, and i wish him all the best in his future endeavors. who knows.. maybe we’ll see omni back in action blogging again when he has some free time !
let’s continue to give our support to divine who’s gonna take over RC when omni leaves in march !!
Manage other people’s time and copy what success people doing, they have tremendous amount of free time and money because they master how to use other people’s time
All the best to you Omni. I’ve been following your blog for past 3 years. Having to refresh it daily and I’m sad to see it go, but I’m very thankful that you’ve made it such an enjoyable read for us all. Best anime blog ever!
I wish I’d discovered this site sooner! Wish you all the best.
I will miss you but i understand this is a big stage and your life and you had to make time for it… I’ve deciced that i’ll create an animeblog site and every week i post an tribute to Random Curiosity
thanks so much for all your effort, and all the best with your new job :))
Use the money from your new job to hire people who will run and maintain your site an dplus this will improve your skill in hiring people and managing other people’s time!!
Thank you for providing such a great website to learn about anime. Best of luck with your new endeavours.
I’ll miss you buddy.
Already bookmarked the new RC site.
Good Luck with your endeavors, I’m graduating college soon too but my degree is probably the opposite of yours. lol. Math.
Man..this kinda made me sad. I’ve been following this site for awhile and has always been a good place to keep me updated on what’s new and coming in anime. But it’s definitely been a good run and I enjoyed everything.
Thank you Omni for keeping this up for so long and best of luck to you man!!
been a reader for 4 years, those were quite some good time.
I seconded the “BEST OF Random Curiosity” poll, well, I have a rough idea of who’s gonna win though.
see ya, do what you got to do. Always loved your witty blogs, take care, and ill miss your material.
This is very sad, yet i hope you succeed in life….:) I have been using the site for the past 3-4 years and it has always given me what i wanted, it even led me to watch some great anime. I really will be missing this site, but がんばて! :'(
Say it aint so man!
I’m sad now.
I rarely comment, but for the past five years of work, we salute you.
A part of me is hoping that on April 1st you’ll post a big APRIL FOOLS on the front page, but if that doesn’t happen, then good luck in your future endeavors.
Nooooo Omni T^T~
You were so amazing when it comes to anime (and other things). It’s like a mentor leaving so I hope you have epic fun on your job.
(you can always come baaaack~)
I bookmarked random curiosity in any of my computers.. and it is one of my most visited sites, thus it occurs on my google chrome new tab… it was sad to let go of my habit for almost 3 years…
This is my first post in the 2-3 years I’ve been following this blog. I have several anime blogs in my bookmarks but this is the only one that I have on the Firefox toolbar. Something about it set it above every other blog out there, don’t know what it is but it’s great. Thanks for the great blogging Omni and I’ll be looking forward to your future blogging wherever/whenever it may be.
Good luck in the future, Omni. You were the only anime blogger I’ve ever come across whose posts were truly worth reading. With the help of RC, I went from a young anime fan who only knew about Bleach and Naruto to a well-versed anime nerd. =)
I’ll take your advice and begin my own blog – thanks for everything!!!
buena suerte amigo y valla trankilo , y muchas gracias por todo
Good luck with your career. Take care ^^ and thanks for many things =)
I have followed this site for 3 years now and enjoyed your writing and extensive previews. Thanks for all the years you have put in the blog. We will miss you.
Good luck with your masters!
about time this useless retarded shit website close down
Those with strong life goals definitely have to detach from the digital world eventually.
A decision that several thousands of fans will be sad about, but a decision that is definitely more healthy for your future.
Your writing has influenced several people over the years, Omni. Much love and good luck to you on the future career, which I’m sure will be successful.
It’s sad to see this site will disappear, I liked reading your posts.
So thanks for the fun ride! Hope everything goes well with your new job!
it is a sad moment for the anime community. I think randomc is like the most popular site for anime right now and ’tis very sad to see it go. I do hope divine starts blogging though i will definitely miss omni and the rc people.
All the best in your further endeavors. Cheers!
I’ve commented on and off on stuff, rarely at best.
I do want to thank you for pioneering a standard for regular, consistent blogging, something very few sites do. I will definitely miss your blogging, and I’m glad that you didn’t totally kill off the blog, and that a copy of all those posts and things will be continuing.
That said, I think you made a bit of a hasty decision. I know I run an anime website, and I know that at times, I’ve been pretty tempted to just give up and let go off the constant responsibility to be on time, and unlike like you, I rarely keep to a schedule.
That said, I think you could’ve just dropped to blogging one or two series, rather than you know, totally dropping everything.
I implore you to consider decreasing your work load, rather than totally abandoning something that you’ve spent 5 years doing, and that you do so well.
Either way, best of luck for the future, and Thanks for all the years you’ve done what you’ve done =D
Wow… this is sad but GOOD LUCK!
I enjoyed read your post on RandomC, and i’m surerly continue to read Divine!
Thank you so much to have taking the time to blog all anime post!
xxxxxxxx Asuka 🙂
*Sorry for bad english ><
Hello Onmi, Thank you and the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything you have done in blogging anime for the last six years and I hope soon you quit your job, later then return back to anime blogging in a couple of months or years. Doesn’t matter but thank you for everything again, well see you in future endeavors more. God Bless You Onmi!
-Highman from animesuki
Sad to see you go, thanks for all these times throughout these 5 years.. =)
Wishing you the best of luck in whatever you are pursuing!
Goodluck with your job Omni.
You’ll be missed.
Thanks for everything you’ve done!
; ^; <3
Yes, I do have to cry a tad bit, as I absolutely loved this blog to pieces. I always went here first everyday to see what was up and going on. Thank you so much for doing this Omni as it was really great reading here and finding out all the great shows and other blogs you guys watched/blogged/read. You helped me grow and branch out as an anime fan and for that I’m eternally grateful.
I hope everything goes well for you Omni and I hope your new job goes well! And I do hope you come back to blogging in the future, cause everyone here will still be waiting for you. 😉
And stupid question, but is the site itself still going to be up or will it be gone? Cause it would be sad to see it go with all the other posts and such still here.
Man i hope you have a good life man, this site is the reason i keep up with all the Animes, but of course life before play.
Thank you for everything and good luck!
Nevermind my last question.
Figured it out myself.
OMNI, dont leave us behind
i cant imagine life without RANDOM CURIOSITY
it is my favourite site and you are my favourite blogger
i’m going to miss you,anyway do your best in your new work and good luck
Sad to see you stop blogging, but I understand that everything has a start point and an ending point. I’ve been coming onto your blog for 3 yrs now, though rarely commented, I’ve enjoyed the times when I visit this site.
Truly. Thank you for your effort in blogging. Hope you might come back blogging soon. ^^
How sad, I’ve loved this site for a long long time. Good luck in every thing you do and try to accomplish. We’re all routing for you!
Please be some April Fools joke. >.>
Posted under a similar name, can’t remember, but basically been a follower of this blog for around 3 years now. Really enjoyed your blogging post on some of the anime I’ve been watching, and bloggers such as yourself always help open my mind to how we should also see/notice particular bits of the show the we may have missed. Thanks for bringing out some nice blogging reviews and good luck with your new job.
If you ever get back to blogging in the near future, there’s definitely more then one willing to read.
havent posted here posted. but just wanna let u know your reviews have introduced me to alot of anime i wouldnt have gotten to read about. Thanks for the wonderful time u have devoted to the site.
good luck in for the good things to come.
I’m sure going to miss those quick summaries and short insightful comments.
All the best in your future trials, Omni!
Dear Omni,
Thank you so much for this blog. I loved reading over your posts and have consistently done so for 2-3 years! I’m going to miss your posts! Good Luck in life.
Oh well, Thanks for the excelent blog!
Good luck to you!
sonna shinjirarenai
OMNI,don’t leave us behind
i can’t imagine life without RANDOM CURIOSITY
it is my favourite site and you are my favourite blogger
anyway, OMNI do your best in your new work and good luck
I’ve only viewed this site twice before (for fullmetal covergae), and i thought it was pretty good so i came back..just 2 minutes ago.. and i see a big “I’m retiring ” sign. disappoinment..aaaoo.
Just saying i love your site even though i haven’t been on it long. Thankyou for your work, and may the rest of your life be as successful as this blog, if not more.
Is it not possible to give control of the full site to patrick/divine?
It’s been fun. Been visiting this site every day for the past… pfft, don’t know how many years. Good luck in the future!
Hello! Thanks for all your anime reviews! I really appreciate them a lot! ^^ I truly wish that you’ll succeed in everything you do! 🙂 Good luck! 😀
oh well this is a really sad news.
I’ve been reading your blog for 4-5 years I think.
still, good luck Omni!
You are going to be missed greatly. Its going to be real hard to find such another good anime blogging site like yours. Wish you the best of luck in your life
Just come to say Thank you so much for blogging anime to this long
Good luck in your new phases and be healthy 🙂
Thanks to you have made with this blog. It was a pleasure for me, a Franch guy, to read each article here.
A big Thanks and good continuation IRL. =)
i’ve been watching this blog since 2006, when i first became truely interested in anime. it was the first blog i found and the first blog i come to after i’ve watched a recent episode to see your opinion. it makes me sad to see you’re closing it down but i understand and respect your decision.
so thank you 🙂 i really appreciate all the time and effort you put into this blog, and i wish you all the best in the future. you surely deserve it!
Are you still going to write up a final spring anime preview?
I don’t really comment here much, but I’ve been following this blog for about 3 years now, and I’ve loved every moment of it. This blog has opened me up to a world I didn’t know was worth visiting, and I thank you for it.
Blessings to you, Omni, in all of your endeavours.
Thank you very much for blogging all these while Omni.
Wishing you all the best in whatever you do 🙂
Anime forever! 😀
Thank you, Omni, for bringing us Random Curiosity. I’ve enjoyed many of your recommendations and reading your reviews. All the best in your future endeavors!
This is sad.. Wishing you the best in your future endeavors!
After seveal year that I following your blog.I will miss you
Thank you for everything you’ve done for us over these five years Omni!
I wish you well in everything you do in the future.
This site’s been a good read over the years, so I’ll really miss it.
Take care and good luck!
awwww this is a very sad news indeed. i always visit your site to read reviews and previews of anime shows and it helped me alot to decide which anime would i watch or just pass. we enjoyed your work and we are all damn sure that we’re going to miss you! thank you for all those years of blogging Omni.
thanks for all your effort and time you’ve given us over the years. Good luck with your life and your future pursuits! 🙂
“The Legend Ends, and History Begins.”
-Legend of Galactic Heroes, Episode 110
It’d be hard, considering RC was my homepage for the past 3 years. I may switch back to the Economist or BBC UK.
As a college student too, and with a possible way into the Federal Government, I’m glad you’re already starting on it. Just don’t forget us and the fun times here. Alright? Work hard, don’t forget to play around. And keep on watching Anime.
A new page turns in your life man, just remember to go back to look at past ones.
heck… how to get by without RC? gonna get hard…
but well, your real life should always be more important than this hobby. we’re all grateful for all the work you have done. thank you so much for it. good luck now!
I’ve followed this blog for so many years, feels like a close friend is moving far away. However i am very happy for you, and i thank you for all your time and effort you put into this blog over the years. Best of luck. You definitely will be missed.
All the best in the future!
Just remember that we love you man =)
Aw. I came here after Sub Culture Anime Blog stopped now I guess I gotta find another blog to go to. I think I liked this one better than Sub Culture. But with this ending I think I’ll wander over and see how I like Tenka Seiha.
Thanks Omni, Good Luck for the future/ I enjoyed reading your blogs
First time poster, long time reader and I have to say you will be sorely missed. Thank you very much for the time spent writing. I enjoyed your writing, as well as the writing of everyone else on the site. Best of luck!
My first post here, though i read everyday for the past 3 years
Thanks !!!!!! I had a lot lot lot of great time here!!
I also never commented before, but I always read all your posts and enjoyed them very much. I’m sad such a great blogger about anime is going to ‘retire’, but I get where you’re coming from, I’m going to start on my Masters degree also, and it will take pretty much all my spare time. Trying to study, going to classes, working and also having a social life with friends and girlfriend isn’t easy.
I wish you best of luck and I hope I’ll see some posts from you once a while.
Best Regards,
João Correia
You were not an asshole, reasonable, and expressed your opinions articulately. You made this the only anime blog I read and helped me pick which anime to watch for the last five years. Good luck with it all, and thanks.
Thanks for everthing, Omni, Have a great life !
Nooooooo… This has to be a lead up to an April Fool’s joke.
this has been the only anime blog i’ve been following all these years, so i’m really shocked by ur sudden decision! but life goes on, and so, i wish u all the best in your new job, and life! take care!
OMG! It’s so sad to see you go! I was waiting for the new K-On! Series… Good luck in your new job Omni! Thank you for blogging these anime series! Smile always and stay healthy! I will always remember RC! どうも ありがとう!
I’ve enjoyed reading your blog, as I am sure many of the other viewers have as well. It’s sad that you are finished here, but it is only a new beginning to bigger and brighter endeavors. I wish you well, and thank you for entertaining us so long ad introducing us to anime/manga we may never encountered otherwise.
this is so depressing!! go luck in ur future endeavours dude…
Having to work offshore and being a person who watches anime…this blog is important for me to catch up with the series I’m following despite not being able to watch it until I am back at home. Its going to be hard to follow newer series in the future but like u said, life has to go on. All the best in your future bro. No other anime bogging site has ever came close to yours. Kudos to u!
I have never commented on your posts before so this is a first. But, I just wanted say that it has been an absolute pleasure reading your posts. I have been following you for nearly four years now and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your reviews. This is also the only blog I read about anime.
The reason why your the only blog I read is because your views always somehow manage to coincide with mine. A show I thought was good was always reviewed as good and normally for the same reasons that made me believe that the show was good. Thus, I could always trust your opinion on anime. It’s going to be difficult not watching an anime without reading a review on how good it is or not. But none the less, you’ve done an excellent job. I sincerely hope that all your future endeavors are met with success. Good luck!
I always follow this blog because I was able to be updated with the storyline of a certain anime in spite of my busy schedule.
Thank you for the hard work and I really hope that you are going to be more successful on your profession.
*really, march 22 is the saddest day for this month. one of the japanese variety shows I always look forward to is about to end too… T_T*
I never commented before here, but I always enjoyed your posts. Thank you and good luck & all the best for the future 🙂
Good luck Omni. I’ve had a great time always going to Random Curiosity just to learn about what new shows to what and the different reviews. I’m sad that you have to move from blogging, and if Divine perhaps continues Random Curiosity, that you’ll drop by once in a while. We will greatly miss you as the Random Curioisty community, even if many of us differ on opinion lol.
If you ever feel like starting up again for whatever reason. We will come rushing to see what you’ve posted. And without further a do, GOOD LUCK WITH EVERYTHING. MAKE US PROUD IN YOUR FUTURE ENDEAVORS!
I never post here before, but I guess it’s good time to say a bit farewell now. I just want to say that I’ve followed this blog for some years now and really enjoy your blog. Good luck with everything, and thank you for creating such a great blog.
Good luck in your future endeavors.
Oh PS, don’t you dare use you coming back as an April Fools Joke. Seriously! I’ll hunt you down to make sure it’s not a joke. 😛
Thank you very much for your blogs. Your previews were always a great help when the seasons changed.
Live long and prosper, may the force be with you and kiyotsukete!
I’ve been following for years.
Truly, I am at a loss. Like many others have stated I don’t know where to go to continue keeping up to date with our anime lifestyle.
Is it certain that this site will be taken down? Can you recommend some good alternatives?
Without this site there is no way I would have known to watch for Code Geass, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Sora no Otoshimono and DOZENS of other wonderful series’.
Sorry to see you go m8. Much appreciated.
I think I’ve been reading your blogs for about 3 to 4 years and I’ve always loved it. I am sorry to see you and with it see Randomc go, But I wish you the best in everything from now on. I have laughed about you smilled about everything you thought on occasions and hope to hear from you again in the future.
Through you I’ve got pick my every anime over the past 3 to 4 years with your Previews.
So Bye Bye Omni Farewell en the best luck in your next phases life….
Damn it! Well, such is life. This was a great site and I relied on it heavily for deciding what anime to watch.
Bwah…I’m sad to see you go, Omni~ I’ve been following Random Curiosity since I was in tenth grade…that makes it like 4 years. It’s been a ritual for me to check every morning to see what was posted and stuff, and I relied on you guys to give me an idea of what shows in the season previews were worth watching > <
Bwah….I’m gonna really miss this place : )
But I’m glad that you’re at least moving onto something great in your life.
Change is something that’s universal and inevitable, so it’s not really a surprise that you would eventually stop blogging and move on to something new and exciting. I hope you’ll do well on your new job and that you’ll be successful at all your future endeavors.
Still, my time here has been well spent and I’ve followed this blog since it’s birth. It was always a pleasure to read your opinion as well as the opinion of others regarding different series.
I do hope you’ll return to blogging sometime in the future, be it just as a guest blogger of sorts that just writes a small piece of text here and there; Or by using Twitter to give your own short and conclusive opinion on the series you are following.
It’s with great sadness that I read of your decision to stop blogging, Omni. I have been visiting your blog on a daily basis for the last couple of years and it was one of my few sources for anime related news (and the only anime blog I really cared about).
You (and the others, of course) have done a wonderful job with this place. I thoroughly enjoyed every single post I read here and will truly miss Random Curiosity. I will never forget it. 🙂
That said, I wish you well. Here’s to hoping that one day you will return to blogging (at least every once in a while): Cheers.
It’s a pity because I’ve been following RC for years…frequently, and it’s the only anime blog I follow. No other blog ever blogged so good nor so constantly. I’ll extremely miss the seasons previews and the end of the year rankings. I really enjoyed your opinions.
Well, good luck! You’ll be missed!
Er.. anyone care to direct me to a place with good previews atleast?
Man, What a ride. I used to remember your first post, those time sure gone quick isn’t it huh? I have seen this site ups and down throughout 5 years and I’m sure do remember the time when I have to check this site before using Google. I wish all the writer who contribute to this site a very best luck. You guys are another page of my life, and a very nice one indeed.
Same! I’ve been keeping up with it since close to when it started. I think I came to this site regularly in the 2nd year, around 11th grade lol.
Wow, this truly marks an end of an era for me.
Good luck Omni!
It’s sad to see you leaving but I guess we all need to move ahead at some point. Good luck at your new job!
@Sora no Kaze
I don’t know what to do with myself now XD
RC was my favorite blog and all anime ones never really caught my attention~ They all fell short of this place > <
It’s a huge shock for me. I’m really gonna miss those days.
It feels like when i watched strawberry panic’s last episode. Farewell Omni, you are a true hero to me.
thanks omni!good luck for your new job!that blog is an hot spot on the web for non japanese anime viewers, so i’m sure that we’ll continue to follow the other projects above mentioned. 😀
Never commented, but loved this blog :'(
Thank you for blogging and good luck for your future!
Otsukaresama deshitaaaa!!! This blog has always had a special place since it was the first anime blog I’ve seen, and it’s sad to see it going down. Anyway, good luck with your life Omni ^^
I first found this blog while searching for information on Mai-Hime and Mai-Otome. But what kept me hooked to this blog were the great summaries, screenshots and impressions written here.
So to Omni, I farewell you as you move on with life’s endeavors and congratulate you on your 5 years in the blogsphere.
Should you return back to blogging and perhaps Random Curiosity v2.0 in the future, I am sure many of us as well as myself will be waiting for you to open the front door back into your blog.
I found this place two years ago and I’ve really enjoyed your writing, Omni. The anime blogging community isn’t going to be quite the same but as they say, life happens. Good luck with your new job and thanks for everything.
It’s the first time I post here, but I wanted to tell you that I have been fan of your blog for like 2-3 years now. I wish you well with your new job, I know how THAT goes, and a big thank you for all your very hard and good work you have done for us all.
Will miss you dude. Appreciated for all the things you have done for us and ofcourse I hope you will live the good life!
Thank you!
Never commented before either, but I’d like to say thank you.
Thank you for all the awesome blogs we’ve had the the privilege to read over the years.
And another one down. Thanks for many years of informative entertainment, you’ll be missed.
Thank you so much! I love you! ;___;
Sad to see another great bloggger leave the scene. I’m sure you will succeed in whatever areas you choose in future! ^^
My first post here even though I’ve been coming here for more than two years…it’s sad to see the end of it but I hope you do well in your new job and have fun. I’ll miss this blog though as it’s the only anime blog I found interesting, it also helped me find so many great animes (Hayate, Clannad, Geass, Index). Hope you find success in the future and remember, Yukkuri shiteitte ne!
Man, I feel very sad, but I really desire to you good luck in your new job. This site is one of my favorites, I really enjoy read the reviews of my favorites animes, almost every day I access this web.
Good luck and thanks for your time all this years!!! I really apreciate all yours efforts for write all the reviews and thanks too to the others writers, for me all of you are unique and this web is prove of this.
That is depressing. As far as I remember I followed you when you blogged Kanon 2006. Is my first and thy only one anime blog I ever visited for 4 years to get my groove on. You introduced me to shows like Ouran Host Club and Gurren Lagann, you made this blog site I find to be a great example of, I also think you also lead me to sankaku complex too (or was it the Baka-Tsuki guys?). Well Omni like everyone here have a life and we all go through phases so I got to go do my art. Goodbye Omni it’s been fun while it lasted.
It’s times like this when i think that a fan page for random curiosity is in order. just so we do not forget how it brought us to anime. and keep us hooked.
This was quite a shock! Good luck in your future. Maybe if Divine keeps posting, you’ll comment from time to time? Maybe?
Thanks for all the post over the years. It’s sad you won’t be blogging anymore, but it’s great that life is going well for you. I’ll miss this blog, but I won’t forget the great times I had here.
Good luck and thank you for everything you’ve done for all of us.
You know, I’ve been over at this site for 5 years, 5 years(yes, the time when G.S.D. was airing and Bleach was in its very 1st season/arc), and I’ve never even commented once.
For that, I thank you, OMNI, for you have been providing detailed anime episode viewpoints for these 5 years, no matter through rain or shine.
For that, I am also sad that you must carry on with life itself. Nevertheless, congratulations on your Master’s and on your hiring.
If you do however open a new blog or perhaps something else, do tell, for when the name OMNI is mentioned, we shall listen.
It’s been… what, 3 years maybe, since I started reading your blog. It was what got me into anime in the first place, to be honest. It’s hard to see it go, but I can understand how your life is turning and adjustments must be made.
I wish you a successful life with your job and other related life things, Omni.
Owwww… I’ve been following for three years, never considered another anime blogger… Thanks so much for these years, and best of luck with the masters deg and job!!
I’ve greatly enjoyed this blog and I’m sad to see it go. Good luck in your future!
You’ve done a very good job all this time, I’m really gonna miss it!
Thanks for everything! <3
Ouch… why don’t you set some funds for the Server but hire new writers to replace you? 🙁
Thank you very much for everything you’ve done so far.
I really had a great time reading this blog.
Good luck.
Actually, now I’m kind of curious. What is the picture at the top of this post from?
Its been 3 years and half and now suddenly gonna end…. sad but thanks and best wishes, goodluck on your your job and future things to do~
Congratulations on the degree and the job. I wish I had been as successful in the job hunt so far.
This may be needless, considering there are already 400 plus comments here but–WHATTHEF****!!!!!
I would only be 100% angry if no action were taken from this- at least Divine will be continuing to blog anime on her site.
Now, if only we can solve the whereabouts of JAALIN: one of the biggest mysteries of the world.
You one of the best anime bloggers out there and I consider this blog to be very professional when reviewing anime and your insight most of the time was unbias which made me enjoy reading your overall thoughts on series. I’ve been following for three years now and everytime I log into the internet its become a habit to check what are the new up dates on this site. I will miss you dearly and I wish you good luck on the new opportunities that are now available to you. Good Luck and take good care of yourself ok?
See you in space ^_^
Thank you for your every post and good luck with your new goals!
Until your next blog, or your comeback to Random Curiosity, it was great to have this blog all these years.
Good luck mate in your new life. Hope you will have a great success ahead of you. This is certainly the best ever blog for anime I ever been to and wish it to continue forever and even pass on the next generation. All the best and god speed.
Sad to see you go, but it makes sense that people have to change things up a bit when life changes. Good luck with everything in the future! This site has been great for figuring out what I like to watch. Hope to see you later!
Its been a true pleasure to read your reviews on ongoing anime,
Whilst it’s sad it is ending, I wanna wish you the best of look with your new job and the future.
Thank you so much
Have been following the blog regularly for the past three years, and greatly appreciated the time and effort you had put into the entries. Thank you and all the best in your future undertakings OMNI!
We’ll miss you, Omni. =[
Thanks a lot for all your blog posts. I’ll miss having something to look forward to read on new animes.
Thanks for all your work. I enjoyed reading this blog a lot for the past few years. My primary point of interest was FMA, of course. But I’m glad to see I’m not exactly the only one who was happily lurking 🙂
Making time for yourself is a hard but wise decision. Thanks again for all you’ve done, and have fun in the future!
So long, and thanks for all the screencaps.
Thank you very much for all the years that you generously dedicated your (free) time to blog anime for us. It was very much appreciated as you can see by the numerous replies.
I give you my sincerest congratulations for obtaining your Master degree and wish you the very best with your next project(s)!
I always come here at the end of each day. So very sad. Thank you for everything!. All the best in your new job. You’ll be missed :(.
Sorry to hear about this, Omni, but thanks for keeping the site up for so long. Would you reconsider posting the spring preview one last time? I’ve relied on Random Curiosity for that for the last two years.
Kudos to Divine for thinking of making a copy of the site. It seems a lot of people who quit blogging don’t give much of a warning to readers about down time or blog deletion.
I wish you the best with your new job. You just make sure you drop by the blogosphere for a visit every once in a while, you hear?
Goodbye, farewell, and amen.
being able to run this blog site for 5 years, informing and spoiling people of seasonal anime series and manga, that is quite an achievement in and of itself. good luck in your endeavors. while you might become busy in the future, i do hope you get to drop by and share your insight on the copy of this original site regarding timely anime/manga issues. you will be missed man!
Rame~~! Fuwenn! Dont go plz! Divine you better takeover and do a good job like Omni! I really cried from this but, I do wish you the best of luck. Heres this video that describes how I feel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1WhfIHOYxU It would be really cool if all of us had a goodbye party,but since were all scattered all over the world, second best thing, Worlds biggest Webcam Party!
NOOOOOO! (histerical sobs)
ok, ok , im better (still wimpering).
I am glad that you are moving on to new and different things. I have followed this bloog since it started five years ago around when I started getting into anime and opening up my mind to new and different things. It was around the time I started college when I followed this blog and it has been fun reading all the bloggers comments along with opinions from viewers. This gave me an oportunity ti see waht is aout there and what was worth watching. (sigh) I will miss seeing those updated but congratulations on your new career. This is one of the best blog sites ever and I will miss it when its gone.
Hey omni, your posts and information will be missed. I really enjoyed reading this blog for the past few years and often agreed with your posts so enjoyed being directed to good series to watch and fun moments of those series to enjoy. Your wisdom and input will be hard to find again. I wish you all the best for your new job and hope you’ve done awesomely with your degree!
Oh noes! But good to go out on a high. Thanks for everything Omni. You’ll be missed, but I wish you all the best for your future life. Life-post study is indeed exciting!
Lots of luck with your future endeavors. Random Curiosity was one of the best episodic blogs (I’ve always loved all your screencaps). It will be missed!
Hi Omni,
I have never posted before but have been pretty much checking out the thoughts of yourself and others here for a long time. RandomC has been part of my anime experience for as long as I can remember. I may not have always agreed with you on shows or had the same taste in series but I would be damned if I didn’t watch something and afterwards check out what you guys thought of it as well. It may have been one way, but coming here to read the thoughts of yourself, the other writers and even the commenters reminded my that my love of anime wasn’t something that I was alone in.
/You/ gave me that.
Congratulations on your new job and I wish the best for everything you guys proceed to do in future.
Thank you for everything you have done for us fans over the last few years. Believe me when I say you all are an institution that will be greatly missed.
Ah hell. Now how am I supposed to know what to watch?
How I wish for this to be an elaborate April Fool’s Joke cos if anyone can pull this off, it would be you Omni.
If not, I just dropped a comment to show my respects to a wonderful blog. As they say in the hifi industry, your blog has been a reference and inspiration to us all, to the point that you’ve inspired me personally to start my own (Ill never forget the email and day that you added my last venture onto your blogroll. That was really amazing to me)
As for the future, I hope this isn’t the last we here from you and sincerely, all the best for the future.
PS. I’ve been wondering, what did you study? I’m currently studying architecture and just finished my first degree in building science. I have 4 years left until I get my masters XP
Best of luck to you – sounds like you have your priorities straight, I’ve enjoyed your site but I can also understand it’s a lot of work and as fast as life passes by you probably have things you’d rather spend your time on too. Good luck in whatever you do in the future and thanks!
This really makes me sad, but I understand. I’ve been on the same boat a couple of times. Congratulations in advance for getting that Master’s degree, and good luck with your job and other future endeavors. 🙂
I whish you the best of luck.
And it really is too bad. Random curiosity had such a diversity in series the post were always really good and funny (reminds me of some of the captcha’s during “Saki”). really a shame to see it go, but hey looking at other sites which don’t nearly keep going on like this one you’ve become pretty old :).
Take care now!
Oh men! I can’t believe this is happening. This is the first blog I have read about anime, and it was a daily source of information and entertainment. I had always considered your opinions about new series and “final thoughts” when I wanted to choose a new anime to watch. However, I’m happy about your master degree, and I wish you fulfill all your professional goals in the future. Thank you for making me a better anime fan.
its been a great run, and def the best anime review blog ive read. ive been following prb for 2-3 years now, just been great stuff. wish you the best of luck with your new job. cheers!
Hey, sorry to see you go. I’ve never posted before, but I’ve been reading your blog for years now. I basically have been using it to determine what animes to watch or not.
Thanks for all your hard work over the years. I’ll really miss this site!
Good luck with your new job!
Everyone have said everything already and I probably don’t have anything new to add, but well all I gotta say is that I’ve been following this blog for around 3 years and it has been quite an amazing ride.
I’ll definatly remember Omni and all you other guys as a kind of “teen years heros” for me when I grow up.
Until then please take care and have fun!!!
Thanks for dedicating all of that time to writing your summaries; I have enjoyed reading them. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
omg I can’t believe this… Random curiousity is one site I visited on a daily basis. You will be sorely missed. No one else produces screencaps, summaries, and reflections of the same quality you do.
Best of luck for the future. Maybe someone can succeed the website.
I’m so sad you quit, and so happy you have a job.
You don’t know, I’m a french student, without ideas for future now, I envy you a little 🙂
Hard to believe that’s the end ! I’m reading you from so long…
I don’t have more to say, so good luck !
I’ve never posted here before but I just wanted to say thanks for blogging for the past five years. I’ve always enjoyed reading your blog everyday and your posts always gave very nice insight into a series. Your blog has even help me discover series I would have otherwise glanced over. It’s certainly sad that you cannot continue blogging, but I wish you all the best with your future career. Take care, Omni!
Thank you for making summaries of anime series, it always helped to read some feedback to find the series I may like and may want to avoid. Good luck with you new job and with the rest of your life ^_^
Nooooo! – was my first reaction when I read this post. I don’t even know what to say, this is/was my favorite blog, and this is the page that I’ve always visited first when I got to the computer. Well, good luck and all – I will really miss this blog.
I almost never posted here, but I was addicted to your Bleach reviews. Don’t know why, cause most of the time I didn’t agree with you, but I loved reading what your point of view was. So I’m really gonna miss this.
I won’t say “good luck” ’cause I’d rather wish “success” to people who I believe that can succeed. So… SUCCEED! 🙂
Well, don’t know what to say. It’s really sad to hear that you no longer have the time for blogging.
This has been the only blog I enjoyed visiting and one thing that made me like watching anime. And the fact that this entry got ~500 comments in just 12 hours shows how much people cared about this blog.
I really wish you continued blogging with the awesome design you were planning to switch to (I loved the header image btw). Though I’m happy for you, hearing that you’re settling your life.
Thank you very much for all the time and effort you spent on this blog and good luck with your future endeavors!
dam…its really sad to see you go. Although i rarely posted in here, ive been following your blogs probably for the past 3 years, and i thought it was the best blogging site out there…but as you said, change is always inevitable and all good things must come to an end sooner or later…that and RL is well a bitch, rofl. Hopefully sometime in the future, you might return, but for now I wish you the best with whatever Fate and the future hold for you.
Thanks for everything Omni!!!!!
Thanks for all the hard work over the years, it’s really shown and I know a lot of people appreciate it; sad to see the best Anime related blog out there go.
Best of wishes and GL at your new job! <3
first post… like many, this blog was the favorite and was my reference for anime. Thanks a lot! And good luck!
*Sad face* :'(
Wow… I’m just speechless at the moment…
Anyways, I always go and check up your blog almost everyday, and it’s sad to see you go, but I agree that all good things must come to an end. Goodluck with ya’ new job, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy all the upcoming animes in the future. I’m sure that you’ve inspired a few people to become a blogger themselves, and that’s as good as blogging here forever!
Hope that you have a nice future, doing things you really want. This blog has practically changed me and my views of shows. It’s such as great blog. All the best.
Good luck with whatever new adventures that you go on in life. I’m glad I found this blog I certainly enjoyed reading all the witty reviews, best of luck to you~ Was a great trip.
i will never forget abt you !!
take care !!