So before I get started, I’d like to point out that Rayleigh swam across the Calm Belt. ..yes, he’s the Chuck Norris of One Piece. I think he even made a stop at Crocus-san’s place, to have a little bath. Not only can he SWIM in the calm belt, he can also navigate and know where the islands are, without a log pose! Ah, logic. Just throw that useless thing out.

Anyway, (lol), the story’s really moving along now, with Luffy over his slump rather quickly. I’d expected him to mope around slightly, but he did refrain from smiling this chapter. I was surprised that Law just up and left, as I thought he might have at least stayed for a bit, but I suppose their relationship isn’t exactly friendly either.

At last, the reason for Kuma’s actions in sprawling the Strawhats has been revealed. Though I have to say, I wasn’t too surprised. Regarding his words “I have no more time left,” I believe he’s talking about how he’s soon to be fully mechanical due to the government’s orders. The question still remains, is Vegapunk evil?

Delightfully, Oda decided to change the focus back to the crew members again. If you’ve been watching the anime, you’ll notice that what the anime added was sort of the “backstory” to what was shown now. It’s as if the manga picked up where the anime left off. It was pretty funny that Chopper actually got the birds and humans to stop fighting, but you can’t help but think that the island was completely pointless. I guess that makes me slightly disappointed? Regardless, he really did fly off with a bird. A good twist, if you can call it that, was that Chopper and Usopp found out about Ace’s death throughout the newspapers. I wasn’t expecting any of them to find out until they all met up, but this is actually a better development. Hopefully the next chapter will continue to cover the rest of the crew.

Of course, a good chapter is not without cliffhangers. What is Rayleigh’s idea? What did Chopper see? I couldn’t even begin to guess what Rayleigh’s thinking. Chopper’s a bit easier. Obvious one would be his bounty raising, possibly to absurd levels given his involvement with the war. Anything else.. anyone got any ideas?


  1. Rayleigh begins the Haki training. I’d also imagine that Luffy is going to be made out to be enemy numero uno for the World Government. Huge bounty increase, as well as them trying to connect him to the Revolutionaries.

  2. I think Rayleigh will propose Luffy start a new crew with Jimbei and Hancock. He implied Luffy’s current crew isn’t strong enough, and the gov’t will be coming after the former shichibukai anyway.

    Of course he’ll never go for it, but it’s an interesting concept.

  3. I’m probably just being pessimistic, but I’m thinking what Chopper saw was related to the idea that Rayleigh had for Luffy. And that it’s not something good (because Chopper looks too panicked and scared) on the outside. So, I’m thinking that Luffy’s “caught” by Boa Hancock and was “killed”. Just something along the lines that will trick the Marines into not actively chasing after Luffy’s crew, so the whole defeat at Shabondy won’t be repeated.

    1. ^ This is probably the closest to what will actually happen, since when has Oda ever done something so predictable as a training arc? I’m 100% sure there won’t be haki training and 99% sure Chopper is not surprised because of a bounty increase

  4. I’m so glad to be out of that flashback and back into the main story. Seeing Rayleigh show up at the island after casually swimming from one ocean to another was pretty lulzy, although that confirms he’s not a Fruit user at least. I think the plan that he has in store for Luffy is to teach him how to use Haki to better protect his nakama, but we’ll see.

    Personally, I think what Chopper saw on that flyer was Luffy’s new bounty, which is probably up into the billion mark now. I mean, between Water 7 and the end of the war Luffy beat another Shichibukai, punched a Tenryuubito and escaped marine capture, broke into Impel Down, raided it, released numerous prisoners, and then broke back out, and then came to the war and was revealed to be Dragon’s son. If he doesn’t have at least a billion beri mark on him I’ll be surprised. Of course, what Chopper read could also have something to do with Rayleigh’s plan, but I’m hoping it’s the former for now.

  5. Rayleigh’s one is obvious, Luffy is stuck at AL for two weeks surrounded by Haki users including Boa who shares the same type of Haki and the seemingly king of Haki Chuck Norris, I mean Rayleigh. I presume haki training against the sisters with Boa thinking about what marriage is on the side.

    Chopper on the other hand is not as obvious. Chopper was happy for Luffy when he got his bounty increase and congratulated him on it, why would he freak out so badly if Luffy’s went up again? Fair enough he got annoyed at his only being 50 last time but that sent Chopper into a state of depression not going crazy like he did. Chopper does mention he knew of Ace’s death and Luffy’s involvement of the war when he says his goodbyes. As he receives the newspaper he wonders if the details of the war have been sorted out yet. I’m presuming that Luffy has been blamed for the death of Whitebeard or its been revealed he’s the son of Dragon (didn’t Chopper have the same reaction to Garp being the grandpa?). Either way I doubt its something as simple as a bounty.

      1. Haha I didn’t mean for that. I had a slow day at work after reading it so I had a lot of time to think about it. I’m going to feel really stupid when it is just a bounty increase >_<

    1. I read scanlations so it might not be 100% correct, but take note that Chopper exclaims “Why again!!?” so I’m assuming it is something that has already occurred before, eliminating the possibility of Luffy being blamed for Whitebeards death. Also, when Garp revealed Dragon as Luffys father in chapter 432, Chopper was evidently in the room so I see no reason as to why he would be shocked about this revelation. Anyway, that’s my 2 cents. Feel free to criticize 🙂

  6. Ima guess…he was captured by the marines. By captured I mean gave himself in for execution, like roger. This, to me, sounds plausible since he could be executed in his home town, which is a weaker sea comparing to the grand line. I’m guessing he’s putting his faith into his crew to come and get him. i think that’s the plan Rayleigh talked about.

  7. A long shot, but maybe the newspaper showed that Amazon Lily was “conquered” by Luffy and is now considered his territory. He can learn haki and gain land at the same time.

    On a side note, who else thought Hancock was funny in this chapter? Her reaction towards Jinbei was priceless.

  8. I was a bit down to see Chopper not getting an obvious upgrade. However, there are stuff we didn’t see. Maybe he learned something from the locals.

    Even without a power upgrade, Chopper went from the socially awkward freak shunned by both animals and humans to a guy who stopped a long conflict between animals and humans. On a personal growth level, that is quite the level up.

    (Now I can’t wait for next week. Darn it.)

  9. What Chopper saw was probably the same news article that Usopp saw describing the events that took place during the Marine/Whitebeard war. I think what he meant earlier (before reading the News paper) when he stated ‘treating his wounds’ were actually wounds Luffy might have received during the Kuma encounter, or given that Chopper had gone giant-monster form during that fight, he could just be assuming that Luffy would have gone and gotten himself seriously injured fighting someone or another, as he always does.

    What does Rayleigh have in mind? Who knows, but I bet almost everyone here hopes it is: HAKI TRAINING!!
    It’s been over two or three years (maybe more? .. our time) since Luffy first showed signs of haki ability. Now I respect Oda very much for not doing what Bleach does and continuously invent new abilities and back story as the story goes on, but instead taking his time to put in subtle hints about what the story might hold in the future. But I personally feel, probably the same way many of you might, that it’s ABOUT TIME WAS SAW LUFFY UNLEASH SOME HAKI WHOOP@$$!

    (Hahaha, now thinking about it: If this was Bleach, Luffy would already have Gear 4 and he’d probably be diving into his own subconsciousness (for the Nth time) in order to have an internal battle against the rubber-demon so that he might unleash the final true rubber power form; And this would take place in a training story arch that spans 3 or 4 chapters)

    On a side note: I hope Zoro gets some haki training practice of some sort by trying to cut Perona’s ghosts; and thus truly becoming ‘someone who can cut nothing’ .

  10. I love how the OP manga puts little stories on their title pages – the anime isn’t so much making it up, as it is expanding on what was on those covers. I used to not bother reading them, but I went back and checked them all – I especially like the little story of how Ms. Goldenweek, Ms. Valentine and Mr. Four went to reunite Crocodile’s team, and they all somehow ended up in prison.

  11. Kinda going on a Limb here, but couldn’t the Paper that chopper was reading have something to do with another crew member? Theres a whole bunch of places they got sent and the Anime aside, its easily possible one of em got into trouble by themselves or from Luffy’s recent actions.
    Rayleigh swimming the calm belt from another sea to give has plan isnt all illogical. Seeing as while its quite a feat, Its shown that he atleast knows the Grandma quite well, and has probably been to the island before. And it may have been where he learned to use Haki as well as he can … so Boa may very well end up teaching Luffy how to use it

  12. hmmmm. not to be an ass or anything. but i dont remember any training arcs/chapters in one piece, all of the straw hats just show us their improvement each time they fight a major enemy. i mean, just look at the water 7 and enies lobby arc. all of the straw hats just received their killer techniques. for luffy its gear 2 and 3, for zorro its asura 9 sword style, for sanji its the diable jamble, for chopper its the monster point, ussop = sogeking/fire bird star, nami = climatact tempo, etc….

    but if its indeed a haki training, then it would be the first in OP.

    on the other hand, im pretty sure chopper saw luffy’s new bounty. it gave him a WTF look on his face, it should be a billion or more berri for him to have that expression. and he did said “WHY AGAIN” so i guess he’s wondering why luffy received another huge bounty increase..

  13. Rayleigh arrives swimming in Amazon Lilly! HOLY CRAP! Need I say anything more about this week’s chapter of One Piece. This alone has earned me the entire chapter. I need not have anything else. But Oda is the face and still stuffed the chapter this week with a pile of news! Alias the first page, when a master of the seas is slaughtered and a dark comic page appears at the end of a body part and the leg got to thinking “dammit, it’s the Chopper?” Because the character in his human form looks like . Of course it could not be (Akuma no Mi, I know), but the seconds that the web page slow to open, I got this idea in his head. Then when I saw that it was the Rayleigh was “Wow, but he was not user some fruit of the devil?”, But again my memory played a trick on me. Rayleigh is overpower and is a mere human … blows. Now is the queue of fans of the guy goes crazy with a character who can simply goes through the Grand Line to the ocean swim. Seriously! That’s because I had kept my mouth open for a looong time ago when Aokiji comes with its little bike walking through the seas like a clue whatsoever. The faces of the New World as well as Roger’s crew are really “monsters.”

    We had a chapter with a dynamic common to most series, like that which I worship. Without the melodrama that was in the past. He took time to laugh with the Good Hancok a Luffy calmer, with Jinbei and even with the Bear crew Law. One Piece for me this is where the impossible happens and still makes sense within the universe of the series . The Hancok traveling, still thinking he is married with Luffy was great, not even noticing right away the presence of Rayleigh, still with the belief that it is quite possible that among the crew of Straw Hat, the Jinbei already dismissed the possibility long ago, though still think it’s possible that he stay with the crew to the island of Merfolk, which is obligatory path to the new world. How Good is in the background of the scenario in this chapter demonstrates that it could naturally act as a “mugiwara. Ah, it is clear that this chapter Rayleigh also knows the island of Amazons longstanding as well as the old lady, that comes from the times when they were slaves from what I understand, anything that is necessary to discuss, as well as the old lady says, is a coincidence that crossing of characters who already know about Luffy.

    Oda has deceived me in that chapter again, because when Rayleigh arrives on the island at the time I thought of the vivre card and everyone would gather there on the same island, but it seems the meeting point will be the crew sabaody archipelago. Alright then. But everything indicates that it will actually have a training for Luffy Haki, since Rayleigh’s strong abilities with Haki by without mentioning the presence of good over there. Jinbei could also teach a bit of those cool moves that he showed in chapters Impel Down, the kind of karate fish. About the fact that Law had left the island, there is no problem. Has the ship Hankoc and Jinbei and skills to talk to the fish, then there is no need to worry about it.

    Ah, I must mention that I thought it was fantastic finally revealed the contents of the Kuma to whisper in Rayleigh Sabaody, saying in so many words that is an ally of the revolutionary army and was infiltrated into the world government and that it already knew to be in their final days. Sensational! Although I think if it were not for real Sabaody Kuma coming in, I still think that the crew would escape in one way or another, after all they always managed, perhaps with Admiral Kizaru things got more complicated, but against the little guy Axe (forgot his name) still think that the crew could take care of him.

    Mr. T.A.C
  14. The chapter still has room to display Usopp and Chopper. Oda is a genius at managing perfectly the pages of his weekly work. Chapters are so rich in content which is one of the conversations manga more complicated for me to write. The first thing that came to mind when I saw the part of Usopp was that the fillers “The Whereabouts of Nakama – Part 2” aired a few weeks ago was actually written and scripted with the help of Oda in the details, so that the anime was the first to show that the island of Usopp is really a giant carnivorous plant! I’m worried about the look of liar crew. Do you want to leave Oda Usopp gordão from now on? Will change dramatically and visually, I think the weight loss of the character will be done gradually, though still not imagine how he will get off this island. However I loved the fact that now he is more brave than when he arrived. The Hermit of the table above is proof of that, though the character is still weak. The last sentence of it, when the fact that he is not near as bad this time Luffy was exciting. It’ll be great when this scene is lively.

    Already the Chopper, ha! He left the island! Show! When I saw this half-episode with him in the anime I wondered whether he would coming out through these birds. But it was nice to see that he reconciled the islanders and animals. Just that he was always a character who constantly scorned by some animals and some humans, since it is not one or the other and literally. To see him learning to take care of himself and even to resolve this impasse between the inhabitants of the island was interesting. Alias the trace of the character got more ridiculous is not it? It’s been awhile since I’ve been noticing this, either in anime or manga, the little body and dropped his head increased. It was more “cute” though sometimes strange that, mainly because I’m seeing through my DVDs Arabasta saga again and here he is with the more traditional trait.

    As for the hook end of the chapter, the only thing I can imagine being there in the newspaper is the new reward Ruffy. Alias hope that Luffy now has one of the greatest rewards of the entire universe of the series. I think the only one who should have a greater reward than his at that time should be Blackbeard. While still barely know how the rewards of the new world of pirates or of emperors pirates. But it will be very funny to see Luffy with an absurdly high reward now.

    And more generous than has been the chapter this week, I got that feeling that I wanted more! Hopefully next week appear more a nakama.

    Mr. T.A.C
  15. wow.. people have a lot to say about cliff-hangers!
    Chopper said.. “Again” after what happened in the war, so I don’t think it’s about the bounty (Luffy didn’t really stand out in the war as much as WB or other big heads.. and the impel down incident was to be a low profile). Luffy might have done something publicly stupid in accordance to Raylight’s suggestion..

    1. Man, it’s been a forever since I replied on this site. I mean, I think my last reply was for the Code Geass Season 2 finale.

      Anyway, I agree here that Luffy did something stupid on Rayleigh’s suggestion. My guess is he punched another Tenryubuto/Celestial Dragon, which would explain Chopper’s surprise and comment.

  16. “I’d like to point out that Rayleigh swam across the Calm Belt. ..yes, he’s the Chuck Norris of One Piece.”
    lol yeah that was just badass. it proves he doesnt have a devil fruit power either, which is amazing!

  17. 1# Luffy got over his slump in 2 chapters

    2# Tony Tony Chopper got the birds and native to make nice in 1 chapter

    MAN I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE SWIFT PROGRESSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BROOKLYN otaku
  18. i think that the item One Piece is like seeing and knowing everything about the world’s secret. that is why i think Rayleigh wants straw hat pirates to travel all first before obtaining it. makes me think of One piece as a cheat item on a game.

  19. i don’t think its haki training. Rayleigh said “i have a plan. of course its up to you wether you go along with it or not” -so it must be somewhat dangerous right?
    but then maybe the haki training is dangerous, who knows…
    the idea about ruffy letting himself be executed to get his crew back together sounds pretty cool imo.

    and it seems like law knows about “D”

  20. my opinion:
    a new character will appear and train luffy
    the dangerous part is this new characters training isnt what u can call…well…training,more like punishment

  21. I’m so glad to be out of that flashback and back into the main story. Seeing Rayleigh show up at the island after casually swimming from one ocean to another was pretty lulzy, although that confirms he’s not a Fruit user at least. I think the plan that he has in store for Luffy is to teach him how to use Haki to better protect his nakama, but we’ll see.
    Personally, I think what Chopper saw on that flyer was Luffy’s new bounty, which is probably up into the billion mark now. I mean, between Water 7 and the end of the war Luffy beat another Shichibukai, punched a Tenryuubito and escaped marine capture, broke into Impel Down, raided it, released numerous prisoners, and then broke back out, and then came to the war and was revealed to be Dragon’s son. If he doesn’t have at least a billion beri mark on him I’ll be surprised. Of course, what Chopper read could also have something to do with Rayleigh’s plan, but I’m hoping it’s the former for now and also i think the tenruubito that luffy punched was sabo’s adopted brother (and i think sabo might be still alive)

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