Gundam AGE – 20

「赤いモビルスーツ」 (Akai Mobiru Suutsu)
“Red Mobile Suit”

In case it wasn’t already apparent from the opening sequence, Zeheart is well on his way now to becoming the Char Aznable of Gundam AGE. His red Zeydra mostly resembles the other Vagan mobile suits, but comes in a red just like Char’s Rick Dias, Sazabi, and most the recent addition that’s graced television screens, “Full Frontal’s” Sinanju.

Papa no Iu Koto wo Kikinasai! – 08

「ゆるしません!」 (Yurushimasen!)
“I Will Not Allow It!”

I really like the way Papakiki handles the problems that are given to its characters. Some of you may call it a cop-out but I loved how so many different things were all tied together in such a cohesive manner. Who would have thought that a few side characters would have had such a huge role?

Rinne no Lagrange – 08

「鴨川ロリータ」 (Kamogawa Roriita)
“Kamogawa Lolita”

Ika Musume as a blond-haired pushy loli in my Lagrange? I didn’t even realize it was Kanemoto Hisako voicing Asteria Lizamarie de Rochefort until I saw the credits, but it sure proved to be a highlight after the fact since she ravaged Madoka and supposedly brought the U.S. President to tears over the phone.

Mouretsu Pirates – 08

「姫と海賊」 (Hime to Kaizoku)
“Princesses and Pirates”

No “bodaciousness”, no mini skirts, and no pirates! One would think that I’d be disappointed at how misleading the title of Sasamoto Yuuichi’s novel is, but I’m really not as it continues to redefine my understanding of what it means to be a “space pirate”.