Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo – 03

「近すぎて遠い…」 (Chikasugite Tooi…)
“So Close and Yet So Far…”

The third episode. This is the third episode, and already they’re throwing emotional fastballs like we’re sprinting down the final stretch. Except we’re not, because they still took the time for some hijinx, and they’re still only beginning to build up the characters. This show…this show has been gravely underestimated. So far, it’s great!

Shin Sekai Yori – 04

「血塗られた歴史」 (Chinurareta Rekishi)
“Bloodstained History”

The reveal of Shin Sekai Yori‘s bloodstained history brings a change of pace to the show as developments start kicking in and the cogs of the story start moving. All signs point to one hell of a ride.

Magi – 03

「第三夜創世の魔法使い」 (Dai san-yo: Sousei no Mahoutsukai)
“Third Night: Wizard of Creation”

One adventurous night ends, but a new dawn indicates another adventure lies ahead. A new journey begins, as three individuals find out who they are.

Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse – 16

「蒼ざめた焔」 (Ao Zameta Honoo)
“Pale Blue Flame”

The TSF mock battle tournaments begin and what a visual treat it is. I guess now we know what all the budget was being saved for. And I must say, they chose a darn good episode to use it on. There’s just been a continual rise in quality since the main plot started kicking in, and this continues that trend.

Sukitte Ii na yo. – 03

「人を信じれば……」 (Hito o Shinjireba……)
“When You Trust People…”

Maintaining a relationship with one of the most popular guys in school isn’t easy for Mei, and that doesn’t seem to change for the better when she meets Aiko, a girl who apparently shares a very intimate past with Yamato.