Branching Out, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love…

Don’t try this at home.

Before I begin in earnest, all of you should stop and click on the picture to the left. See that glorious, full-sized image there? That was drawn by our very own Stereoman as a special treat for this post. Why? Well, because I’m a massive nerd who thought a Dr. Strangelove reference would be hilarious, provided the boisterous Texan was replaced by a cute anime girl. The unfortunate implications of her riding on a missile-shaped bomb only became obvious later on. So, an added bonus!

Now, I’m sure you all have a few genres you really love, right? I know I do. My absolute favorite is definitely fantasy, as I’ll watch or read almost anything that involves swords, magic, quests, and maybe a good old war or two. Sci-fi is also really high up there, especially when it’s detailed and thought-provoking, as are romantic comedies for the funny things they do to my insides (because of the laughter, you perverts). And speaking of funny things, yes, I do enjoy a good ecchi show…but I’m not the ecchi writer, I swear! *tsun tsun*

So, does this mean that I only watch shows that fit into those genres?

The surprising answer after the jump…

Stilts Out Loud – Ruminations From a Randomc Writer

You should read this post. We have ice cream!

Welcome, one and all! Thank you for joining me on this illustrious completely random and otherwise unimportant Tuesday evening. Today, I would like to announce the launch of something a little new here at Random Curiosity. And by new, I mean we’ve done it before, just not in a few years.