
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
10:55 NTV (10/2)
Recorder to Randoseru Mi
22:25 AT-X (7/1)
19:30 AT-X (7/2)
Tamayura ~More Aggressive~
21:30 AT-X (7/3)
Ginga Kikoutai Majestic Prince
22:30 MX (4/4)
Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation
22:00 ANIMAX (7/12)
Kiniro Mosaic
20:30 AT-X (7/6)
High School DXD NEW
20:30 AT-X (7/7)
Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou
25:00 MX (7/1)
Senyuu. Season 2
25:35 TX (7/2)
24:30 MX (7/3)
Gin no Saji
24:45 Fuji TV (7/11)
Ro-Kyu-Bu! SS
22:30 AT-X (7/5)
Futari wa Milky Holmes
22:00 MX (7/13)
Uchouten Kazoku
22:00 MX (7/7)
Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami Hen
25:35 TX (7/8)
Gifuu Doudou!! Kanetsugu to Keiji
25:40 TX (7/2)
Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-Bu
25:28 TBS (7/4)
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S
23:30 AT-X (4/12)
Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou
23:30 MX (7/6)
Teekyuu Season 2
22:27 MX (7/7)
Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui!
26:05 TX (7/8)
Danganronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation
25:35 MBS (7/4)
25:58 NTV (7/12)
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya
23:30 Niconico (7/6)
Hakkenden -Touhou Hakken Ibun- Season 2
22:30 MX (7/7)
Rozen Maiden
25:58 TBS (7/4)
Kimi no Iru Machi
23:30 TX (7/13)
Blood Lad
24:30 tvk (7/7)
Love Lab
26:05 MBS (7/4)
Kingdom 2
23:45 NHK-BS (6/8)
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist
25:05 TX (7/7)
Senki Zesshou Symphogear G
26:35 MBS (7/4)
Monogatari Series: Second Season
24:00 MX (7/6)
Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku
26:43 NTV (7/4)
Genshiken Nidaime
25:00 MX (7/6)
Servant x Service
27:08 ABC (7/4)
Shingeki no Kyojin
25:15 MBS (4/6)
Kami-sama no Inai Nichiyoubi
25:30 MX (7/6)
Fantasista Doll
27:28 MBS (7/6)
Legend: 2 3 3 2 2
2 2 2 2 Not covering


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Weekly Shounen Jump
Weekly Shounen Magazine
Weekly Shounen Jump
One Piece
Weekly Shounen Jump
Legend: 1 1 2 Not covering

Now that the summer preview is out, it’s time to let you all in on our own plans for the coming season. This is Random Curiosity’s summer 2013 blogging schedule.

As always, this is a tentative overview of our plans for the new season. We’ll also be doing introductory posts on many of the shows we’re not covering, so if something catches our eyes, things will be shifted around to accommodate. The schedule will be updated to reflect any changes.

The first thing you might notice is my glorious return to episodic blogging, woo! I enjoyed my break and it was fun doing editorials for a while, but in the end I think I enjoy episodic blogging more. My column will thus go back to a “whenever I feel like it” thing, which is a polite way of saying don’t expect regular posts.

In series news, after the occasional tantalizing post Enzo has decided to finish out the last few seasons of Hunter x Hunter! And before any of you start freaking out about how Free! doesn’t have a blogger yet, fear not – we’re planning on picking it up, we’re just not sure if the writer most interested in it will have enough time to cover it. Takaii will be doing at least the first episode, and we’ll figure it out past then.

Speaking of…nothing of the sort (wow, what an awkward segue), a quick note: Zanibas will be away for a few weeks at the beginning of the season, so we’ll be covering his shows for him until he returns. In particular, Asobi will start the fun with Uchouten Kazoku, while I’ll be taking care of Kami-sama no Inai Nichiyoubi. Zanibas will be back to save you from us soon though, so have no fear!

Next, you might start seeing more short-form posts starting this season. You’d be surprised how long it takes to get those 36 screencaps we put in every post, and sometimes the extra time it takes makes us think twice about covering a show. That’s why we’re giving each writer the option to cover shows using half the caps (15-18). Worry not, though – the big, popular shows will still get the full 36. This will be confined to other shows that might not get covered otherwise, or comedies and slice-of-life that don’t “need” so many caps.

Finally, this season we’re going to try something a little different. At RandomC we’ve always tried to be some of the first to post about the shows we’re blogging, but with the big, detailed posts we do (and considering the fact that none of us get paid), we don’t always live up to that ideal. We’re still going to try, but this season we’re putting an extra emphasis on consistency. We think the most important part is that a post consistently come out when you expect it to, even if it’s outside of our usual 1-2 days after release. If there are any series we think this will apply to this season, we’ll edit this post and list them below. All days and time will referred to in PST. Feel free to check back here as more series are picked up.

  • Prisma Illya will be blogged with the TV airing a week after the Niconico airing.

Okay, I’ve yakked on for far too long. Those are our plans for the upcoming season. I hope you’ll continue to support us as we all enjoy a fun-filled summer of anime!

6/26: Quick change: to get a little better spread for each writer’s shows, Cherrie is going to take care of Blood Lad while Zanibas blogs Kami-sama no Inai Nichiyoubi.
7/16: It turns out Enzo just can’t leave Tomoko alone – he has decided to pick up Watashi ga Motenai no wa dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
7/20: Give into your ridiculously stylized despair. Stilts has picked up Gen’ei wo Kakeru Taiyou.
7/22: Nothing could keep him away from those shirtless men in the end. Takaii is now officially covering Free!
7/22: It’s official, the tall man wants to talk about basketball all season. Le gasp? Stilts has picked up Ro-Kyu-Bu! SS.
7/29: Let the killing blogging game continue – Asobi will be covering DANGANRONPA: Kibo no Gakuen to Zetsubo no Kokosei – The Animation.


      1. But how exactly did it redefine the shonen genre? I mean, I love HXH and all, and it certainly sticks out as a shonen, but I’d hardly say it redefined anything.

        Doesn’t the final boss end up essentially being a nuanced Cell from DBZ?

      2. Dude, half a year? It’s closer to 16 months at this point. The anime certainly will catch up to the manga, but Chimera Ant is a big arc – Madhouse can probably get three more cours out of it, from what manga readers have told me.

        There are all kinds of wild theories out there, but among the more believable ones are that Togashi has a chronic illness that severely affects his stamina or ability to draw (there are quite credible sources who believe that) or that he’s been leisurely writing during this latest break, planning to release the chapters once the hiatus is over so he doesn’t have to worry about deadlines. It was also suggested that he’d written two complete story arcs at the time he went on hiatus again last year, but there’s no proof of that.

      3. …REALLY?! I was going by the last tankoban release, which was in December, but…shit, dude.

        Well, here’s hoping The Dark Continent Arc picks back up before 2014. That’s not too much of a reach…right?

      1. Yes, finally! HUNTER x HUNTER will be blogged at RandomC!
        Thanks for the shout-out Enzo, love your posts and looking forward to reading the comments over here at RandomC 😉

      2. Nice idea kage! 10/10

        He’s right Enzo. What you write here, you should just go and post it over there! Granted it looks a bit lazy but you’re the blogger. It’s your blog anyway.

  1. Whoa, I’m really surprised that no one is covering Makai Ouji. It’s really quality stuff plot-wise and the characters. And it’s incredibly different from what we always get with these kinds of supernatural time period shows, particularly the main protagonist’s attitude towards everything going on. He’s quite refreshing, that Realist. Not to mention entertaining to boot if they keep the same balance of comedy and seriousness from the manga. I just don’t understand. =\ Is it possible it could still be picked up before things get underway?

    1. Well we’re previewing shows not listed here, so it depends on what happens then. Hataraku wasn’t listed last season either; we’re going on a bet that we want to blog these, but there are always surprises we don’t expect. So it’s possible yes, but right now there isn’t enough interest for it to be listed up there as a must blog.

      Course I’m just a kouhai. ^^;

    2. What Kairin said. I can tell you that there’s interest in it, but with shows like that it’s not always lack of interest that stops us from covering them. Time is often a factor, or just barely being beaten out by another series that a writer wants to cover.

      Fear not though, it’ll get an intro. After that, we’ll see.

    3. Yeah, I’m interested in Makai Ouji as well – it’s just a question of having the time. Almost every season there are shows that aren’t originally on the schedule at RC that get picked up, and shows I hadn’t planned to blog at LiA that I end up covering.

    4. I got three writers replying! Let me take a moment to bask in this moment………. Ok basking over. I see what you guys mean. Thank you for taking the time to reply and I will look forward to the intro for the first episode. Hopefully it can still make the cut later! I shall keep my fingers crossed, but otherwise, I’m excited about most of what the summer has to offer this year.

      And you guys are all so awesome! All of you offer great reviews and quality writing every week for so many shows in such a short turnaround (considering that you all have real lives too), I applaud the whole team. Keep up the great work. You’re definitely appreciated. Keep dusting off the haters!

    1. We accept a lot of criticism. Critiques that come from a good place, from wanting the site to improve and everyone to have more fun, those we even thank people for. But hating on not only one, but two of our writers like this? Insulting my friends?

      If this is going to be your attitude, get out. We don’t need it around here.

    2. I have a feeling that someone is IP stuffing their votes here, and it’s not Stilts.

      Don’t worry Takaii and Zephyr, I believe you two to be good authors. That doesn’t excuse improvement, but your style right now is nothing to be worried about. Keep on writing you two!

      1. Well the voting system IS flawed, even if we consider the main two options:

        Reading IP: proxies, vpn, anything to hide or change the IP
        Reading e-mail address: change e-mail address

      2. Honestly, the only reason I can actually see people hating on Zephyr and Takaii is that they don’t crack enough jokes. Being humorous may make for a fun read, but that’s far from what makes a good writer.

        Zephyr, in particular, I find to be very informative and insightful. In my opinion in no way is his coverage inferior to Stilts’ (Who is probably considered the best writer on RC atm)

        I do find Takaii’s blog posts kind of short, but the content is generally solid and calling him a bad writer is, quite frankly, arrogant and stupid.

    3. I don’t agree with Archie’s language, but when I found out Takaii was doing Monogatari, I was a little bit disappointed. I kinda wish Moomba was blogging Railgun in this season too. Sigh… But at least both shows are getting blogged.

    4. Different bloggers have different writing styles, this is true. I personally am quite fond of Stilts’ style and was fond of Moomba’s style, just to name a couple. And yes, if I am being completely honest, it can be disappointing when one of your favorite shows is being blogged by someone whose style you do not like as much, because you may feel that they’re not addressing things that the other blogger would have covered. But that does not give us an excuse to insult the people who are doing the work.

      I believe every blogger here is writing each review to the best of their ability, in the style that is suited to them. They will all talk about the things that they believe were important in the episode. Even if it is not what we might think was important in the episode, or it is not what another blogger might have said about the episode, that does not mean their reviews are bad, nor does it give us the right to insult them. They are putting their free time in on this for us, and giving us their best efforts to tell us about these series. They deserve better than insults from us in return.

    5. @Archie – If only you used the time you use for these comments to actually make constructive comments instead.

      One of the things I find rich about commentators like you that do nothing but say “so and so sucks” (which you’ve said to not one, not two, but at least three writers now), is how all you do is say that, but never exactly bother elaborating on what it is you think sucks or that the writer missed out on.

      If there’s something really critical you think the writer missed, then by all means, write it in the comments. You’ll get a response accordingly and the entire community will be better off having another thing to discuss.

      Just going to leave empty feedback/criticism? Keep it to yourself and try not to get hit by the door on your way out.

    6. I honestly fail to see how a blogger can screw up a show. Does Takaii have connections to Shinbo? If true Takaii, get me an autograph and I’ll love you for life.

      *puts on serious face*

      Get over yourself. Zephyr and Takaii are doing absolutely fine jobs with their writing and really don’t need to take any sh*t from some random scrub who has done absolutely nothing noteworthy outside of making an ass of himself. Stupid is as stupid does I suppose.

    7. Hi Archie,

      I may not be your favorite writer but I wanted to thank you for actually reading my posts and forming some sort of opinion on me. A lot of people tend to just skip the writing and leave shallow comments.

      If there’s something you don’t like (or hate) about something I’m doing, I’m completely open to criticism — I just ask you phrase it in a way that I can actually do something about. Since there are plenty of ways I can screw things up while blogging ya know.

      Anyways, hope you tone things down a bit since it’s no fun when people are arguing with others over things as petty as bloggers. We should be arguing about dumb things like who Stilts’ favorite loli is.

    8. As much as I hate to say this, but I have to agree with Archie for both Monogatari and Railgun. I’m not sure who decides who blogs what shows but some decisions are disappointing.

      1. And so, the million dollar question is once again: What exactly it is that you have against the Takaii and I in the first place?

        Because while we’re on this topic, I would like to know what exactly it is that I supposedly did to “fuck up Railgun” and what exactly makes you think Takaii will screw up Monogatari even before he’s covered it.

        Maybe this way we can actually get something constructive from this. Because like Takaii, I’m completely open to criticism. But what we have here isn’t constructive criticism, and it’s kind of pointless if all you do is just say I agree with so and so, or “he sucks” or “he will suck covering this.”

      2. I’m a big Index fan which I read all and seen all. I’m current even in my railgun manga as well. I can see how Ghost Zephyr could fuck up on his blog if he’s only taking what’s being shown for the episode he’s blogging at the time. He’s not blogging all of index universe and there are plenty of people in the Railgun comments that expand further in detail using the spoilers. Yes I know Index seasons aired a long time ago, however, many people out there haven’t even seen Index (Which is sad in my opinion). Yet he can’t be spoiling of that because it would ruin others.

      3. Its depend on idea and thinking how to make one review interesting.

        If you want to complaint,I suggest you to make your own review and looks how good or bad it is.

        On side note,people will not move forward if they do not accept criticsm.

        QUOTE SOURCE:Somewhere on universe.

      4. Though, I really enjoy Zephyr and Takaii’s posts, it’s understandable if you don’t really like them as writers/bloggers, but bashing on Takaii without him even covering the show yet? Come on man, at least give him the benefit of the doubt. He may even exceed your expectations. We don’t know. Plus, I’m a big fan of the Index and Railgun universe, and I don’t think I’ve been disappointed at all. Zephyr has different opinions and things that he find cool that I didn’t notice or think about. It sometimes gives me a new look on things and makes the episode much more meaningful than it was. I enjoy the episode more, and bask myself it in just a little longer.

        Takaii and Zephyr, I got your guys back! You do a great job, and most of us are thankful for it! I wouldn’t have a great time every week looking at discussions and posts if it weren’t for you guys!

      5. I’m disappointed that my comment over here was deleted just because I said I agree with Sukinayo. I didn’t start this discussion but my comment was the only one that was deleted. I expected better from RC

      6. “I’ve upvoted this comment for speaking the truth and also the butthurt reaction from the writer ROFL”

        If you’ve read the thread, you should already see why your comment merited deletion (i.e. the part about constructive comments). But for the sake of clearness: you’re not only adding to an nonconstructive conversation with your own similar brand of comments, you’re also trying to turn a genuine inquiry into something it’s not. You say you expected better, but the same could be said of you as well.

        Ultimately though, the big reason is that the entire comment chain has been noted to be suspicious, as virtually all of them are new accounts opened recently or accounts that have never posted here before (which is a huge coincidence on a site such as this). They also have disproportionate upvote/downvotes to other comments as well, and it mostly looks like it’s just a general trolling maneuver via proxy. This is evidenced by the lack of response to my inquiry and lack of further commenting elsewhere after the fact (literally, only two comments each from each account, and then nothing after) as well.

        So your comment was partially removed because it was of a similar nature and because it partially served as a way to ensure that the potential trolling not be contributed more to than it already has been.

  2. Welcome back, Stilts! 🙂

    And thank you to all the amazing writers on RC who give up your free time to make RC one of the best anime blogs on the web. I’m totally happy with less caps if it helps ease the burden on you guys! Except maybe for Free!…haha, I jest. Maybe. 😉

    1. Thank you! Glad to be back blogging shows every week : ) And thanks for the nice comment…these are the type that put a smile on our faces and make this all worth doing.

      1. Suffice to say,both of you have proven to be great additions to the RC team and I think it’s safe to say that we can expect good things from you two.Also,hoping that you’ll continue to be part of the team for as long as possible!

    1. To be honest, I’m a bit surprised myself 😡
      I didn’t even fathom the possibility until I was told it was an option. I’ve had plenty of practice with Hyakka Ryouran this season, so rest assured I’ll be doing my very best to keep you guys satisfied 😉

    2. Yeah, I was somehow expecting a huge reaction in the comments to Stilts not doing DxD. Maybe it occurred in the IRC channel (I’ve never been there, so that’s a random hypothesis).

      I didn’t see anyone mention BakaMochi not being listed either, so I’m guessing people just have short-term memory. In my case, I have a mental list of the writers I remember well, and the first thing I do is glance through to see what they’re doing. I’ll look forward to Seishun’s coverage of DxD though, as he was one of the 3 people in that aforementioned list (I’ve named them all).

      Keep up the great work, Random Curiosity. I (a random anonymous) will be following the coverage of at least DxD and Rozen Maiden.

    3. I’ve been telling you guys for over a year now, I-I’m not the ecchi blogger! *tsun tsun*

      In all seriousness, my schtick has always been fantasy above all else. I love me some fanservice, but I couldn’t let Illya-tan go uncovered, especially when I knew Sei-chan could step up and give Rias-sempai and Akeno-sempai the attention they deserve :3

      1. >I-I’m not the ecchi blogger!
        >has Strike Witches S1 uncensored

        Yeah right. Convincing argument, man.

        Anyway there isn’t much ecchi shows this season, unless you count Watamote being ecchi with

        the MC asking her brother to see his penis.

  3. I never understood why the need for 36 screencaps in the first place. Id rather see more shows being covered with less screencaps.

    I think its a good decision to allow this, thanks!

  4. Yes I know this is a tentative overview, so I’m sure more stuff will be picked up (hopefully)!

    I’m quite surprised that a couple of (insert X) titles aren’t being covered, yet. Though that said given the fact that everyone is scaling down to <2 (gogo consistency), it isn't all too surprising.

    Dangan Ronpa 🙁
    Now poor Croos will have 1 less outlet to spoi- I mean fanboy about.

    1. Dangenronpa is definitely squarely on my radar screen. I haven’t had great luck with Kishi/Uezu’s game adaptations but they’re capable of excellence at any time, so I always have hope. And it does appear to be an interesting premise.

      1. You’ll be making a huge mistake if you don’t pick Dangan Ronpa..
        Seriously, it’s on the top 10 of the site’s poll!!(you do check the poll results right? XD)
        A lot of people were expecting this show and you guys are covering
        several obscure shows and not this one?
        Ahh..sorry, don’t get me wrong.. I thank you all for your hard work and
        know about your time constraints.. but please, It’s Dangan Ronpa!!

        Helvetica Standard
      2. I concur, Dangan Ronpa will probably be a great show. I’m currently playing the game (an english translation just came out) so I’m pretty hyped about the show (will they do the original cases from the game or will they go with an alternative version?).

        It would be great if it was reviewed 😀 UPUPUPU! (that Monokuma!)

  5. Screencap stitches in bulk are the primary reason I visit this site if I’m too lazy to make my own or look up other channels, if there’s no change to the big shows, I don’t really mind.

    Kiniro Mosaic, C3-Bu, Neptunia, Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou not being covered? What a shame.

    Giorno Giovanna
    1. Not being covered yet…maybe. I wouldn’t hold your breath on the slice-of-life shows, though – even with the short-form “half-capping” post format, it can be hard to write about comedies and slice-of-life, so they don’t get as much coverage even when they’re deserving.

      1. Are you kidding me? They’re hard to write about? Let me try.

        Kin-iro Mosaic: Aww… look… cute Japanese and English girls doing cute things, this is clearly a sign of racial harmony coming together to explore new territory in crossculture moe, surpassing Ikoku Meiro no Croisée. These girls are so cute.

        C3-Bu: Aww… Look… cute girls doing cute airgun games, this is clearly a sign of modern hobbies like survival games being presented as a gender neutral hobby, another deep story just like Upotte! These girls are so cute.

        Neptunia: Aww… Look… cute girls doing video game country management, this is clearly a spin on our modern video game culture that has the stigma of being male orientated. Watch as Neptune lazes around all day with her friends without doing anything productive. These girls are so cute.

        Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou: Aww… Look… cute girls doing cute Tarot card super powers just like Jojo and Persona. The plot is so dark, will our lolis be able to use their friendship power to seize the day? These girls are so cute.

        Alright, you win, slice of life is a little bit hard to talk at length about.

        Giorno Giovanna
      2. Nyahaha! Though to be fair, Genei doesn’t look like slice-of-life, and I’m not sure about Neptunia. I was more talking about the other two…especially Kiniro, since C3-bu might have a sportish bent. I hope at least!

      3. Genei Taiyou makes me a little sad. It obviously will be compared to Madoka, which reminds me of the still ongoing belief that Madoka’s target audience is for children and just giving it a pass.

        Even more so is that even if Genei Taiyou turns out to be a series with a substantial plot and superb animation, most people won’t be able to look past the character design, but is that really the only flaw? (Also, I’m totally not watching it as a bonus to Prisma Illya since they both have Mai Kadowaki voicing the leads. or Eri Kitamura)

        I look forward to hopefully be proven right about it being a good series to those people who rather watch Fantasista Doll, because of the better character design and the similar plot keywords being “battles with cards”.

        Giorno Giovanna
      4. I’ll do it! I can talk about nothing for hours on end!

        On a more serious note, though I understand that it is difficult to blog about the slice-of-life series and you want to give time to the more plot-oriented and highly anticipated shows, it is possible to do well. I really enjoyed reading the blog of A-Channel back when it was airing, so I know it can be done.

        It also saddens me that of the 10 series I plan to watch this season only one is being blogged here. Or maybe it says something about my tastes?

      5. I think that the decision not to blog Neptunia is fair.
        The preview made the impression on me that there aren’t any fans of the games among the writers (correct me if I’m wrong about this) and due to the nature of Neptunia, this might lead to a lot of missed allusions.

        Although, if you need more writers for this site, I would be glad to cover Neptunia (and at least one other show).

  6. Nothing is standing out for me to watch this season to be honest. I think the Spring season offered so many great animes like Chihayafuru, Hataraku Mouo-sama, Seusie no Gargantia and Yahari ore no seish love come wa machitgeru.

    Though, I always wait for the first impression post on here for episode 1 of the upcoming anime’s to make up my mind! Can’t wait. Cheers, M.

  7. I dunno how many times this has been said but Stilts is not reviewing High School DxD NEW!? that’s news. Seishun has quite a big shoe to fill. But i believe he will do a great job. I haven’t checked out Hyakka Rouran so this will be my first experience of your blogging. Godspeed man!

    No better person could blog Fate Kaleid Prisma Ilya though. I’ve noticed skepticism over this series, let’s change their expectations together!

    On a completely unrelated note, will Berserk movie 3 be reviewed?

    1. Your faith will be well placed, just as ours will be in Illya-chan! At least I hope. On the Illya thing that is, not Seishun…we’re totally good on that. Don’t fail me now, Silver Link!

    2. From Seishun’s coverage of Valvrave, I can safely say that High School DxD is in good hands.

      Now Stilts… don’t be surprised if you wake up in a dark room and the first thing you hear is “Hello Stilts. I want to play a game.” 😛

    3. Thanks KingofConquerors, I’ll do my best. You should definitely check out Hyakka Ryouran if ecchi comedy is your thing. It’s a very good show, much better than what people give it credit for – certainly has one of the best-looking harems 😉

    1. No one’s covering Dangan Ronpa? Seriously? That’s just stupid..
      D-R is going to be the killer hit of the season..It’s seriosly pissing me off that RC writers discard/dislike a show without knowing nothing about its source material.
      (Example: Little Busters)

      Helvetica Standard
      1. As always, this is a tentative overview of our plans for the new season. We’ll also be doing introductory posts on many of the shows we’re not covering, so if something catches our eyes, things will be shifted around to accommodate. The schedule will be updated to reflect any changes.

        Those who are patient might be pleasantly surprised. Those who call us stupid for what we choose to do in our free time? Well, it doesn’t help.

    2. It’s getting a preview, and it’s possible it’ll get picked up if someone has time and likes it enough. I might pick it up on LoQ myself, but two Thursday shows on RC is a lot more stressful for me. Who knows though. We’re still fighting over details.

    3. If it’s any consolation, it’s one of the “unblogged” that we have plenty interest in; just that, as Kairi already said, we’re still trying to work through the schedules to see if anyone has the time and enough interest to blog it.

      I’ll be writing the intro episode at least , so look forward to that! And don’t read too deep into this, but if we see enough to convince us there, like Stilts said, you might just be surprised. Everything’s up in the air, but so far the source material has been wonderfully entertaining; I’ve been slowly playing through the translation since it came out a few days ago, and I’m really digging its stylistic blend of macabre comedy and mystery fiction. A sign of good things to come, hopefully!

  8. There’s no point blogging Dangan Ronpa.

    People hyped for it already know the ending anyway, so what’s the point of blogging the series and giving trolls a place to spoil everything in the comments. Given the ridiculous amount of bias toward Kishi and Uezu (I bet most didn’t even checking the episode credits for P4 nor DeSu2), I bet most of the responses will be that game fans complaining about their favorite “social links” not getting animated—a fact that is already confirmed in the radio show that most of the social plot will be axed.

    Fully supporting no Dangan blogging.

    1. I agree with Kunagisa.
      As a player, who just finished the game 2 days ago after the English Patch was released, I feel that a post shouldn’t be posted here in RC. Minor spoilers will just ruin how good the story is.
      All you Dangan Ronpa Players should understand what I mean.

      1. Once again, agreed…
        nevermind the mild spoilers, Croos-san. Now that I Think about it.. Pretty much everything concerning Danganronpa could be a huge spoiler :/
        Blog posts would need to be heavily moderated and perhaps screens would have to be reduced..

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      2. Honestly, this is sad. To remedy this, all you really need to do is exhibit courtesy and self-restraint. However people nowadays can’t even be trusted to do something so simple.

    2. For those you who voted me down, I’ll just say a little bit more.

      To the readers:
      None of the writer chose this series as their first choice. Sure they might be interested, but this is not the top pick. Do you really want your favorite series to be treated like some sort of 2nd class citizen just because “it’s anticipated by a lot of people?” I rather have the writers blog the ones they anticipate the most because they would have more personal attachment to the series.

      To the bloggers:
      Dangan originally is a game for single player. The difficulty of the “puzzles” decrease rapidly if you have a ton of people discussing the series. If you blog this series, sure you have people speculating (if not spoiling), but the amount of discussion will actually decrease personal enjoyment of this series, which is the opposite of the purpose of blogging the series. People are all going to end up going, “LOLOL THIS IS SO EASY; SERIES OVERHYPED,” because they already read all sort of speculations and excessive discussions. Do you guys really want to be the ones to exacerbate this phenomenon?

      If you guys still think you should blog this after all that. Go ahead.

      1. I hate to admit it, but you have a point.
        I think it will happen the same thing as when some “rude people” spoiled all they could about Shingeki no Kyojin when I read the first post about it (I was a newcomer, so yes, I raged).
        I know about D-R’s reputation and what it is about. I’m not exactly a veteran but
        I started pleying the translation too a few days ago like Asobi said and so far the material
        is godly. Of course I’d want it animated and why not; blogged.

        but yeah.. with a show like this. I do think we might fly into spoilersville…

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    3. This man has a valid point. Two valid points actually. I’m just going to enforce his notion that Dangan should not be blogged despite the amount of people wanting it to be covered (myself included), and here’s why:

      Note: I’m not saying that it shouldn’t be blogged, but saying that there are genuine concerns/reasons on why it shouldn’t be covered.

      Not a #1 pick
      This speaks volume about the interest levels (someone’s name here) has for Dangan. I’m NOT saying it’s low or not enough, but it is not at the stage where he/she goes: “I HAVE TO BLOG THIS NO MATTER WHAT”. It is more of a “I’m interested but will have to see how the premiere goes and whether I can fit it in my current schedule”. Not doubting their commitment levels, but in reality picking up another show is in fact a fair amount of commitment to make.

      Them spoils
      First and foremost, Dangan is a murder mystery show above all else. So what kills the suspense immediately? Spoilers. Spoilers are inevitable, yes. People who want to be spoiled, will have already been spoiled, since spoilers are readily available on the internet. Unfortunately we live in an age where we can’t have nice things, as the black sheep will always try to ruin the enjoyment for others.

      For people wanting to have a legit discussion/speculation, it will be hard to avoid chancing upon spoilers (even if the comments are heavily moderated). And no one likes spoilers (except those who have already been spoiled) So this is a lesser of two evils – see no evil, hear no evil.

      Is this enough reasoning to not blog a show? Of course not, because if that were the case nothing would be blogged at all, but remember – Dangan is a murder mystery above all. Spoilers can and will ruin the enjoyment and suspense of the series.

      tl;dr – End of the day, the decision lies with the writers, and also the readers. If anyone chooses to cover this show, he/she knows fully the potential consequences they may face (moderating spoilers and whatnot). Like-wise, readers have the full option of not reading any of the Dangan posts, and if they do they should be fully prepared to be spoiled (and really if you want spoilers just look em up). For those wanting a legit place to talk about about the show, it’s all about risk vs reward.

    4. We could just blog about reactions about the episode, and the difference between the game and the anime. That way, no one will be spoiled, except people who don’t have PSPs.

      1. Readers would still have to deal with “speculation” sometimes those seeminlgy innocent conjectures would summon unnintentional spoilers.
        Insightful readers are to be feared if that’s the case..
        I wanted so badly for this show to be covered… but @Aki-chan, @Croos and @LightnDark all made valid points that changed my mind.

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  9. I also know how DR will end – does that make me a spoiler troll as well? I just wanna see my favorite review site covering the probably only anime I’ll be watching this summer, Danganronpa. Sure there will probably be spoilers so what? SnK has tons of spoilers and was also pretty hyped to the max so what’s the difference? Comments CAN be moderated as far as I’m aware. Oh well, it’s all up to you guys.

  10. About the screencaps, holy cow, I had no idea you had a rule for 36 caps per episode. That really is a lot! Less is fine, assuming you don’t give up important caps 🙂 And on that topic, someone must do the fullscreen caps for Takaii for Monogatari Series!!

  11. If they stay true to the novels High School DXD will be by far my favorite show of the season, other than that and Monogatari don’t have much interest in the other shows I’ll give Rozen Maiden and Blood Lad a chance but not that fussed about them.

  12. Really looking forward to Gin no Saji and Uchouten Kazoku. I’ll admit I’m intrigued by FREE! and although it shames me to say this, I haven’t watched High School DxD before. I’ll be giving Rozen Maiden a peek along with A Town Where You Rage Live.

  13. Kind of a random question….but what happened to Bakamochi?? She seems to have disappeared halfway through blogging Hiiro no Kakera: Dai Ni Sho in the autumn of last year…

  14. Just checked the episode count for Dangan Ronpa…
    Oh lord.. 13 episodes, really? 13!!??
    nevermind.. don’t blog it.. heck i’ll probably won’t watch it.
    either it will be a rushed flop or it will be anime original stuff…
    Too bad since the game is sublime…

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  15. Can anyone confirm or shed some light on this? Supposedly there was a tweet that Eureka Seven Ao is getting another season. I am very skeptical about it but id really like this to be true. There has been rumor that bones is planning either to go back to an old series or do something new so maybe this might be true

  16. Stilts – great to see you back in episodic blogging action this season, and also Enzo on the HxH tip. Enjoyed reading your posts over at LIA so will be nice to see them here and hopefully winning the series some new fans. Psyched that Kairi is covering Servant x Service too 🙂 I’m totally fine with the less caps for consistency’s sake and hope you all still have time for your awesome podcasts. Summer is looking good!


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