Oh Yeah. We Were Recruiting a New Writer, Weren’t We?

“Aren’t you supposed to be doing something, Stiltsanashi-kun?”

It’s summer, I thought. That means people should have extra time to read applications, right? Bring someone in early and we’d have plenty of time to get them settled in before the autumn season, I figured. Maybe they’ll even have time to help us with previews!

Only it turns out, everyone who reads the applications isn’t a student (which I knew), and the summer isn’t any less busy for us full-time workers. (Related: The monthly impressions will be back when our monthly review ringleader, Cherrie, doesn’t have four billion things on her plate.)


We did finally get through all the applications though, so we do have a new writer incoming! (Woo!) And, as is quickly becoming standard, it was a difficult decision, because there were a bunch of great writers (and cool people) among the lunatics who applied.

Seriously. I don’t say that just to assuage your wounded pride. There were several applicants who didn’t get the spot by a razor’s edge, people I would have happily brought on. It’s an embarrassment of riches around here. Probably ’cause you all rock. Also: Are smart, intelligent, savvy, and handsome and/or beautiful. And easily flattered? (I can only hope.)

More after the jump.