Random Musings – Extra Episodes Edition
A couple of quick, important tidbits:
A couple of quick, important tidbits:
The third Mai-Otome DVD came with a special called “Juliet’s Conspiracy ~Otome’s Lingerie Party~.”
Traveling through the Sprites’ Forest, Nao and Natsuki’s car enters a foggy patch that leads it right off a cliff.
The king of Annan apologizes to Natsuki for Erstin. TON OF IMAGES, HUGE SPOILERS!!!!
As the Jabal travels through the desert, Mikoto fails to claw her way into it.
In the desert, a creature called a Jabal gets its claws on Mashiro’s body, but several volleys from one of the Aswald kill it.
Three days after the assault, Mashiro is hiding out in a group of Windbloom refugees.
As the invading forces drop an army of Slaves onto the city, Natsuki declares an emergency, releases the safeties to all of the Robes, and tells the Otome to guard their guests. HUGE SPOILERS AHEAD!!!