Miscellaneous: Dear Friends: Music From Final Fantasy Concert

Arnie Roth conducted this concert (he does all of them) and the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra performed it. Nobuo Uematsu wasn’t present, but we did get to hear a recorded message from him. Liberi Fatali was the first song, followed by introductions. Songs thereafter were played in groups of 3. If …

Miscellaneous: Summer Shows!

Matthew‘s post reminded me that I should also put up a schedule of what I’ll be tentatively watching for this upcoming season (read: pretty much everything). Monday:Sousei no AquarionSore Yuke! Gedou Otometai Tuesday:Kamichu!Bleach Wednesday:Full Metal Panic! The Second RaidSuzuka Thursday:Amaenaideyo!!Ichigo MashimaroSHUFFLE! Friday:Zettai Shounen Saturday:Gundam SEED DestinyTsubasa ChronicleDa Capo~ Second GraduationOku-sama …

First Impressions: Futakoi Alternative – 11

Short Summary:A brief introduction sequence shows that the squid was part of some government experiment from the past. Back in the present, the squid is wreaking havoc so Rentarou goes to stop it. Ahead of him, a police squadron is obliterated, but Hariyama and Kioroshi survive. Hariyama goes apeshit on …

First Impressions: Futakoi Alternative – 09

Short Summary:Rentarou and Souju are alone after Sara left them in last week’s episode. Souju apparently came home soaked and crying while Sara ended up at Mitsugi Kimihiko’s apartment, trying to protect her sister and thus sacrificing herself. Rentarou finds out where Sara is over the phone speaking with Mitsugi. …