Fall 2008 Preview!

The new fall season is almost here, and it’s going to be quite a doozy with big names like Gundam 00 alongside sequels like Nodame Cantabile Paris and new titles like Michiko to Hatchin. There are a whopping 35+ series premiering – that’s not even counting the kiddie shows – and there should be something for everyone, from mecha to space operas to slice-of-life comedies to dark romances and more. As usual, I’ll try to watch the first episode of most shows within certain parameters (in other words, not the kiddie shows), and what I list here are the chances of me actually blogging something based on my initial impressions from promotional material – which incidentally there is a ton of this time around. However, even if I list the chances for a show as good or guaranteed, it doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll stick with it for more than a few episodes.

By no means does this list reflect every single anime series that is going to be aired, though I did try to be as comprehensive as I could. Check out MOON PHASE for an entire listing, syoboi’s calendar for specific air-times, and Fansub Wiki’s Fall 2008 page for who’s tentatively subbing what.

Technical Note: All times are given in a 24-hour, relative-day format where times are extended to show which day they belong to. For instance, Friday morning at 1:30AM would become Thursday at 25:30 to show that the episode aired late Thursday night.

Premieres October 1st, 2008
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Wednesdays at 25:20
Airtime in U.S. (EST, GMT-4): Wednesdays at 12:20
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, AniDB, syoboi
Toradora! follows a guy and girl who are in love with each other’s best friends and decide to help each other out. Along the way, they develop a very unique and close relationship. The female lead here is a role that was tailor made for Kugimiya Rie due to the way she acts and how she treats the male lead like a servant (much like Louise or Shana). Being animated by J.C.Staff as well will probably only increase the likeness. Horie Yui‘s also has a role in this, and put all together, this is a series generating a lot of buzz – I’ve even heard it called the next Suzumiya Haruhi. I don’t think it’ll have quite that much impact, but I’ve liked what I’ve read of the light novels and manga so far, so I’m tentatively planning on watching this.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Good
Linebarrels of Iron
Premieres October 3rd, 2008
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Fridays at 26:25
Airtime in U.S. (EST, GMT-4): Fridays at 13:25
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, AniDB, syoboi
The big series Gonzo is pushing for the fall season – to the point where they’ve released a PV in English – starts with a boy who meets a naked girl with no memories and obtains a mecha via an accident. He subsequently becomes a powerful pilot and has a to fight a lot of battles and such. My initial reaction to the plot was that it’s rather generic sounding, and it doesn’t help any that this is being animated by Gonzo and has character designs by Hirai Hisashi (those of you who have been reading RC for a while now will remember that, thanks to SEED Destiny, I get a bad feeling whenever I see a show with his character designs). On the other hand, this has a pretty strong cast including Fukuyama Jun, Hirano Aya, and Noto Mamiko, and the PVs don’t look that bad. Fridays are likely going to come down to a choice of this or Tales of the Abyss.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Decent

Note: This is a rather long and fairly comprehensive list of the shows coming in October. Much much more after the jump, including the torrent link for promotional material.

The Daily Dose

  • If you’ve been wondering why I haven’t written one of these posts in about three weeks, it’s because I’ve been in the middle of a move and haven’t had much time to do anything extra over the shows I’m blogging regularly. Things haven’t quite settled down yet, so my schedule’s still in a bit of a flux, but I didn’t want to put this off any further since there’s so many new series announcements, PVs, etc piling up. Unfortunately all this also means that I won’t have time to continue keeping up with Tetsuwan Birdy like I wanted to, so I had to drop that.
  • New Upcoming Anime Promo Videos
         • Casshern Sins
         • CHAOS;HEAD (the first white link under What’s New and then the first yellow link after that)
         • CLANNAD After Story
         • Kannagi (Mirror for those of you with IPs outside of Japan)
         • Kurogane no Linebarrels (Mirror for those of you with IPs outside of Japan)
         • Macademi Wasshoi
         • Michiko to Hatchin
  • New Anime Announcements
         • Guin Saga is coming Spring 2009
         • Inazuma Eleven is coming October 2008
         • ONE OUTS is coming October 2008
         • Taishou Yakyuu Musume is getting an anime
         • Tetsuwan Birdy DECODE Second Season is coming Winter 2009
  • New Official Websites
         • Akikan! now has an official website
         • Asu no Yoichi! now has an official website
         • Bakemonogatari now has an official website
         • Chrome Shelled Regios now has an official website
         • Kyou no Go no Ni now has an official website
         • Maria†Holic now has an official website
         • Tonari no 801-chan now has an official website and will be produced by Kyoto Animation
  • Remember that show Dragonaut from earlier this year that was heavily panned? The show’s official website has posted a preview for the DVD episode 26 that’s due to be released in September. I feel like I should watch it if for no other reason than to make fun of it.
  • The anime adaptation for the shoujo manga Skip Beat! – coming this October – will feature Inoue Marina as Kyoko and Miyano Mamoru as Shou.
  • If you find anything that you think I should mention on any particular day’s Daily Dose, please send me an email with the words “ANIME NEWS” somewhere in the subject line.
  • Macross Frontier artwork – yes you read that right – at left courtesy of ulti on pixiv (account needed to access)

    The Daily Dose

  • Upcoming fall series Kuroshitsuji has a website now, and on it is a 2-minute promo video. It requires Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player though, so I’ve uploaded it for those of you who have troubles getting it to play.
  • Nitroplus game Chaos;Head is getting an anime adaptation this fall, and they’ve opened a new website for it.
  • You may remember that last year around this time NTV aired a three-hour Death Note special that covered the entire L arc. Well they’ve announced that they’ll be airing another one on August 22nd, this time covering the Near/Mello arc.
  • Web series Axis Powers Hetalia is getting an anime adaptation.
  • Junjou Romantica 2 has been confirmed to start in October of this year.
  • The Queen’s Blade anime adaptation now has a website.
  • MOON PHASE reports that the Seto no Hanayome OVA will be released on November 28.
  • Nodame Cantabile Paris Chapter will start on October 9 in the Thursday night noitaminA timeslot.
  • The Macross Frontier Superlive was last night, and mainichi.jp has pictures and a report from the event. Pretty much all the songs from the series were performed, including Kanno Yoko herself playing a piano/ballad version of Triangular to Sakamoto Maaya‘s singing. Nakajima Megumi and May’n finished the concert by performing the new OP Lion together. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the new OP will premiere on this upcoming week’s episode.
  • If you find anything that you think I should mention on any particular day’s Daily Dose, please send me an email with the words “ANIME NEWS” somewhere in the subject line.
  • Image at left courtesy of あさの on pixiv (account needed to access)

    Summer 2008 Preview!

    It’s that time of the year again: the start of the summer season! Summer isn’t as big as spring or fall – there’s about two-thirds as many shows premiering compared to this past spring – but there are still several exciting titles to talk about. As usual, I’ll watch the first episode of most shows within certain parameters (in other words, not the kiddie shows), and what I list here are the chances of me actually blogging something based on my initial impressions from promotional material. However, even if I list the chances for a show as good or guaranteed, it doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll stick with it for more than a few episodes.

    By no means does this list reflect every single anime series that is going to be aired, though I did try to be as comprehensive as I could. Check out MOON PHASE for an entire listing, syoboi’s calendar for specific air-times, and Fansub Wiki’s Summer 2008 page for who’s tentatively subbing what.

    Technical Note: All times are given in a 24-hour, relative-day format where times are extended to show which day they belong to. For instance, Friday morning at 1:30AM would become Thursday at 25:30 to show that the episode aired late Thursday night.

    Premieres July 2nd, 2008
    Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Wednesdays at 23:30
    Airtime in U.S. (EST, GMT-4): Wednesdays at 10:30
    Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, AniDB, syoboi
    Sekirei is one of the series generating the most pre-season excitement, partially because it comes from a fairly well established manga, and partially because there’s been a lot of promotional material for it. The story involves a worthless guy who failed his college entrance exams but one day has a beautiful and buxom girl suddenly fall out of the sky on top of him. The girl chooses him as her master, and they subsequently get involved in a battle royale with other fighters. The manga has a lot of fanservice and nudity to go with all the action, and if the PVs are any indicator, it looks like the anime version will follow suit. I’ve generally heard pretty good things about this though (I’ve personally only read a couple of chapters), and it’s also being worked on the same Seven Arcs team that did Inukami! and all three Nanoha series, so this might be something that might be worth tuning in for.
    Odds I’ll Blog This: Good
    Zero no Tsukaima ~Princesses no Rondo~
    Premieres July 6th, 2008
    Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Sundays at 24:30
    Airtime in U.S. (EST, GMT-4): Sundays at 11:30
    Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, AniDB, syoboi
    If you’ve been coming to Random Curiosity for a while, Zero no Tsukaima is a series that probably needs no introduction since I’ve blogged both the first two series. You may also remember that, particularly towards the end, I wasn’t too happy with the second series and had questioned whether I would want to watch a third one. Well that time has finally come, and the decision is still up in the air. The third series will feature Louise and Saito going back to Albion to search for the fairy with mysterious powers (aka. Tiffania), and apparently Saito’s rune disappears as well. My issue with the series currently is that I know that the anime adaptation has completely ruined any semblance of the novels’ overarching story, and while that doesn’t necessarily prevent the anime adaptation from being good in its own right, the second series proved to be rather lackluster. Add to that the fact that this is airing on the same day of the week as CODE GEASS, and I’m less inclined to devote the time to blog this. In short, if the second series had been better, I’d mark this as guaranteed, but as it stands, I’m taking a wait-and-see approach with the first few episodes.
    Odds I’ll Blog This: Good

    Note: This is a rather long and fairly comprehensive list of the shows coming in July. Much much more after the jump, including the torrent link for promotional material.