Random Musings – The Shotgun Approach

Alright, since there have been some complaints, here is a brief explanation of my beginning-of-season methodology:
I take the shotgun approach, which means that I will try to watch and put up initial impressions of as many series as I can. Some of you may ask, well why don’t you write up do a full write-up for Series X? The answer is that it’s very hard to tell what will be good and what won’t be without watching an episode and seeing what others have to say about it. That’s why I try to do as much as I can early on, so that I don’t miss something good. The shows I write full entries for during the first week are either shows that I can summarize quickly or shows that I know for sure will be popular. As for what I will continue to follow through the rest of the season, I take into consideration 1) what series fit my schedule 2) what series I enjoyed and 3) what series seem the most popular – in that order of importance. That’s why comments are so crucial, because I use them as one of the gauges of popularity, and I keep track throughout a season.

Random Musings – Incoming

Just got back from school (11PM EST). One of my prototypes broke and I had to rebuilt it from scratch. *grumble grumble* Anyway, Lovely Idol, Pumpkin Scissors, and/or Tokimeki Memorial coming very soon.

Edit: Well I got two of the three. If I had gotten home six hours earlier like I had planned, then I probably would have been able to write up Tokimeki and Pumpkin Scissors. Unfortunately, it’s now 4AM and I’m dead tired, so that’s not going to happen. And given that this week is all new shows, it’s looks unlikely that I’ll ever get a chance to cover Pumpkin Scissors unless Lovely Idol and Tokimeki both are complete crap in their second episodes and I decide to pick PS up.

2nd Edit: Ok I lied. I decided to watch Pumpkin Scissors and liked it enough to post some pics. Remember, if you want me to blog a certain series, leave a comment under that first episode entry so that I don’t assume that people have no interest in whatever show because it’s got few or no comments. And now I really am going to bed b/c it’s 5AM…and I have to get up in 3 hours…