Random Curiosity is proud to present our first ever podcast! In this inaugural episode, the topic is a mid-season retrospective where we introduce our lovely voices and personalities to the world, talk about the shows we like and love but didn’t get to blog about, and discuss some of our favorite characters, music, and animation from this season. Because of the length, we’re offering two different versions: a full-length one including the section about our favorites, and a shorter one with only the series retrospectives. Also, seeing as it’s only our first attempt, please free to give us your suggestions for our next podcast!

Participating Writers:

Time Index:

  • 00:00 – 00:10 – Introduction to Podcast
  • 00:10 – 00:33 – RandomC’s Theme Song (composed by Moomba, check out the full version at music.ei-n.com)
  • 00:34 – 03:50 – Writer Introductions
  • 03:51 – 07:48Acchi Kocchi
  • 07:49 – 13:00Mouretsu Pirates
  • 13:01 – 19:35Eureka Seven Astral Ocean
  • 19:36 – 25:24Tsuritama
  • 25:25 – 31:00Jormungand
  • 31:01 – 38:07Hyouka
  • 38:09 – 42:53Accel World
  • 42:54 – 55:13 – Favorite Characters
  • 55:14 – 1:00:32 – Favorite Couple
  • 1:00:34 – 1:07:31 – Favorite OP/ED
  • 1:07:32 – 1:13:35 – Favorite Soundtrack
  • 1:13:36 – 1:19:38 – Favorite Animation/Art
  • 1:19:39 – 1:24:32 – Shout Outs
  • 1:24:34 – 1:24:52 – Conclusion
  • 1:24:53 – 1:26:00 – Outro – 「送迎最速理論」 “Theory for a Speedy Welcome and Farewell” from Muv-Luv

Transcript (New!)many thanks to Zanibas, Cherrie, BakaMochi, and Zephyr for painstakingly putting this together:

Download (txt file)


Mid-Spring 2012 Podcast (Full) | Duration: 1:26:00 – 64 kbps [flv:rc_podcast_1.mp3 350 0] Download 128 kbps version (79 MB)


Mid-Spring 2012 Podcast (w/o Favorites section) | Duration: 49:11 – 64 kbps [flv:rc_podcast_1s.mp3 350 0] Download 128 kbps version (45 MB)



  1. A suggestion I have is that instead of having a retrospective of shows already being covered (and so few of them) it’d probably be more productive to shed some light on the series we don’t see on here weekly.

    And at another glance, it looks like you guys mentioned this at the top but the content seems to tell otherwise.

    1. Attention everyone that desires a transcript: I’m working my butt off right now transcribing this beast after I read this comment. Give me some time because it’s hard as hell, but I guarantee one will come out as soon as I humanely can.

      1. Thks, Zani for the subs!!! [/le me tk out reward]

        You get to get some spoilers for my oft-delayed RC fanfic:
        Show Spoiler ▼

        Plz spare me……

      2. Yay! Glad to see it up =) thanks for all the hard work Zani! Next time I would suggest transcribing it before we actually post up the podcast.

        @D-LaN: We have a fanfic? o_O I thought Stereo would be paired with Moomba…

  2. This is why I think that having 14 writers is so great. Previously, this kind of thing would have never been possible.

    Oh, and Stilt’s voice totally did not match my image of him, lol. j/s

    1. Ohoho, really now? I’m curious, what’d you think I’d sound like? I’m curious as to what voice my writing projects…and a little scared to hear the answer, heh

      (I’m curious, I’m curious…what am I, Chitanda over here? ^▽^)

      1. Well, my image of you sort of matched with a person such as this guy.

        But in all seriousness, I just didn’t expect it to be so deep and crackly (not an insult, really!!!). I thought it would be softer and errr… more gushier, if that makes any sense, lol.

        Oh, and verdant’s voice is really soothing. It’s just so smooth and serene.

      2. Your writing- with its abundance of giggles and cute type faces ^▽^ and *hiding in corners* as well as you blond sparkly eyed avatar….well i was basically imagining your voice belonging to a hyperactive uni student with a love of loli’s + japan. Your real voice is DEEP so like- now I imagine you as a bearded old dude that looks like a professor… 🙂

      3. Alas, I am neither bearded nor grumpy (unless I’m at work, in which case I’m only not bearded). I’m more like a blonde version of Stephan Merchant.

        (SeishunOtoko is going to be after me even more now, isn’t he? >_<)

  3. Stereoman’s a girl? lol sorry if you’re not (really sorry!!) but it’s kind of hard to tell with your voice.

    Listening to it now. You all sound like how I pretty much imagined. And you must hear it all the time Moomba (or maybe not because you live in the UK…) but that British accent. ♥

  4. Yes, Zephyr, more people need to watch Sakamichi. ;3 Sad to see there was no mention of it. Oh, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on old shows too. Like past seasons/years and some of your all-time favourite anime series. 🙂

    1. Edit: Just finished listening to the full version. I thought it was quite well done overall; all of you performed commendably, especially Verdant who did an exceptional job keeping things on track as the host. Hearing the voices of the writers really adds personality to the site- everyone who listens to the podcasts can now attach real, live human voices to the posts- breathing life and humanity into them in a way that digital text alone cannot…

  5. its official, stereoman is our resident genderbender writer 😀

    stilts which do you prefer? perverted or moe?

    other than that I’m loving this podcast idea and hope this will become a new trend in randomC

      1. a video podcast would be cool but I think what we have right now is also a great addition to RandomC. the reason why I suggested a drawing representation of each writer was because I thought it would be an intrusion of personal privacy since not alot of people like having their actual faces appearing online unless its like some kind of social site like facebook.

        I brought up the drawing thing because on another podcast I saw the people talking using it in a hilarious and engaging way that kept peoples attention + you can add subtitles for those that have a hard time hearing or just couldn’t process what was being said. I personally had to rewind some parts of the podcast every once in awhile because I had a hard time understanding what was being said sometimes.

        all in all it was just a suggestion for future podcasts, and I think google+ would be better if you want a video podcast since its free while I think you have to pay for premium skype.

        or we can just throw everyone into tinychat. just my 2cents and sorry for the long comment

  6. Fantastic podcast guys! There are so few good anime podcasts these days that have such good discussions on current shows. You guys are all really pleasant to listen to – the podcast was very organized and well-paced, staying on track while also being tons of fun.

    I really hope this becomes a regular feature – it’s been years since I’ve heard an anime podcast about current shows that was this good!

    1. Just heard the Nyaruko shout-out from Stilts. ^_^

      Yes, more people need to watch it! That show is hilarious!
      I don’t think I’ve seen so many great references in a single show since Lucky Star. xD

      1. Agreed! I wanted to talk about it too, but alas, Acchi Kocchi has my top spot. I feel like Nyaruko is sorely underrated for it’s awesome romcom ridiculousness, so I had to muscle it in there somewhere : )

  7. It was fun to listen to this podcast. Nice to hear what everyone sounds like. Stilts’ mic was a little low though. It was very entertaining to hear everyone pick on him though! I guess he’s the resident moe/ecchi fan that everyone gets to tease. 🙂 I’m surprised with all the talk of yuri that Saki – Side A wasn’t even mentioned. At least Stilts is covering that show too–go figure! Verdant did a good job of guiding the entire thing as well.

    A lot of the stuff I’m watching wasn’t talked about though, so maybe those shows will end up on the next podcast. I guess it makes sense since a few of them aren’t being covered on RC.

    1. I’m not sure how we managed to neglect to mention it during the podcast! Funnily enough there were some short comments both before and after the recording that went along the lines of ‘Dammit Saki just released but we can’t watch it until we’re done with recording! QQ.’

  8. Thanks for the shout out Stilts. Now I feel bad for not listening to the whole thing lol
    Interesting discussions and excellent first attempt but personally, I find the podcast a tad bit too long. The 86 minutes could have easily been split into 5 different podcasts and it would probably help in retaining listeners’ attention.
    tl;dl: WATCH IT! Just watch that damn anime XD

    Seishun Otoko
  9. Fantastic theme, Moomba! Umm, could you please make a post with the full version?
    I’m loving it so much, I already downloaded it from the link you gave in IRC. I think others would love to hear the full version too!

  10. -Stereoman and Bakamochi are girls?! O.o
    -Verdant, Zephyr and Stilts’ voices make me gay 😛 Stilts gets a mention for DEEP voice.
    -Takaii was pretty silent most of the time lol
    -Dat accent for Moomba.

    Great podcast. Enjoyed it very much.
    Hope we see more of this in the future, next time with the other writers participating too.
    And Divine. I want to hear the divine voice 😛

  11. Kinda noticeable how you guys didn’t mention stuff like MGX, Sakamichi no Apollon and Sankarea since if you guys did watch more this season, I’m sure the favorites part of your podcast would be more — varied. Or maybe it’s just the lack of Enzo (since he seems to be watching everything).

  12. Needs more music touch and this Podcast would be perfect. :3
    A little volumed and not distracting BGmusic while you guys talk just to make the atmosphere of the conversation rise a bit. Just make sure its fits the background of course.

    -Just my suggestion and feedback.

    1. Just gotta second this! A little light BG music would give this podcast a +1000 from me. As it is, the podcast is already A material as far as I’m concerned. 😀

      Also, an intermission would be good at some point, for a minute or two. This is mostly because I would love to be introduced to some new music, but also because intermissions make the transitions between different segments clearer.

      Lastly, I love your voices, and hope that the other 7 bloggers will grace us with their voices! 😀

      Lord Shiiro
  13. Why Stereoman..

    /me cries in a corner filled with mushrooms
    /me cries on Moomba’s shoulder
    /me v0ids..nevermind

    Personally I would prefer a shorter version since not all of us have X amount of time to sit down and listen through the whole thing?

    Small issue but the timer on the player is in 61min 70min and so on so it is easier to use that instead of the 1:10 for 70mins, yes I’m lazy to do the conversion.

    Transcripts or a short summary is also a good addition.

    Frequency-wise probably 1-2 per season? 1 for midway (to discuss the developments) and 1 towards the end (to sum up the season), assuming the previews don’t already take up too much time.

  14. I really enjoyed this podcasts, it was really well done. the writer’s voices were not quite how I had envisioned them. The only thing that really worries me is I seem to have a lot of opinions in common with stilts….

  15. Well I finally finished hearing it all; had to take some breaks to get some things done over here…

    Nice podcast 🙂 Hopefully this’ll be the beginning of something great. I’d like to leave some personal opinions regarding to the show now, if I may:

    -First off, just so it’s clear from the start, I like hearing about the analysis part. I like hearing why you guys think this or that is good. The more of this, the better. In other words, I like deep discussions of what makes something good, but keeping the casual tone too. Some jokes here and there are always welcome, this is a friendly conversation after all and I welcome that.
    -Adjusting levels, hehe. This is the first show and all of this is understandable, but the sooner you fix it, the better. For the record, I thought Zephyr‘s audio was the best, added with a clear English too (always thought you were a girl btw~). Tell ’em which mic to buy, yo 🙂 !!
    -While I’m at it, Takaii and Stilts also had the clearest English. I think that was the hardest in Stilt‘s case, given how his mic seemed more muted in comparison to the rest…Takaii, I also thought you had the best Japanese pronunciation, nicely done. As a listener, it’s a drag to have to pay extra attention to the speaker to understand him/her…There were times when I couldn’t even make out what show he/she was talking about 😛 So yeah, I don’t mean to be rude, but the clearer you all speak, the better for us 🙂

    I don’t know how the show’s regular schedule will be like, so I won’t comment on that now. On a more personal note, I’d like to hear some news in the industry, if possible. For example, this studio is working on this new project / that influential guy left x studio and joins/creates this / x movie/series being the top show in Japan charts…Simple stuff like that, and to hear your opinion on the matter. Just my 2 cents.

    I’ll eagerly await Podcast #2…Until then, wish you all awesome writers best of the best! And Stilts…Keep it up; your inputs and comments were the best; don’t let the haters bring you down (don’t know if you even have haters though 😡 …) !

  16. -Also, very nice job hosting and sticking to the schedule, Verdant. Everyone listened to each other and there were very few moments in which you stumbled upon each other. This is a major feat considering the number of voices…

    Moment that did it for me:

    Verdant saying his favorite character of the season was Kerry/Mage Killer, and someone (Stilts?) replying Enzo was gonna kill me.

    LOL. Nicely done, nicely done.

  17. mind if i ask is the header/banner(dont really know what it is called) on top featuring the personalization of the people in randomc or is it from some anime/game/manga?

    1. If you mean the site’s banner, the one at the very top with many chibis, it’s the personalization of RandomC’s writers.

      If you mean this post’s banner/image, the image below “Mid-Spring 2012 Podcast”, that’ from an anime.

  18. YAY great podcast guys-just my personal opinion but maybe you should consider breaking up these podcast into smaller ones. For example This podcast is brought to you by…*insert 2/3 writers* and we’ll be talking about the show’s we’re covering this season or w/e. Because if the podcast becomes more regular then people might like a short summary to know what they’re in for and if they would be interested/to make them interested.Also you won’t have to compromise on discussion depth which I was awesome here. Its a tad disorientating to associate 7 different voices to different people at once and it might be easier to coordinate with less people. Otherwise, sexy voices guys AND girls so thanks for letting us hear them 😀

  19. This is a very well done podcast when consider this is the first time for RC. My congratulations to all of you RC writers and looking forward to listening to the next podcast.

  20. It was very interesting podcast, I for myself really like following and listening too podcasts, certainly when it’s not only news but mostly opinions. Whereas this happened in this podcast, there wasn’t much discussion or conflict here, which I missed. Though you probably agree on the most points you guys mentioned, I hope that in future podcasts you guys won’t be afraid to discus some matters from two opposite views.

    Well, that’s my advice anyway, I seriously hope you go on with these podcasts.

  21. Wow, its so weird to hear everyone’s voice! Very interesting…I really wasn’t expecting Stilts to sound so, well, low, lol! And I was really surprised that Moomba has a british accent. Although now it seems really obvious when I read his posts. Haha, now when I read all your blog posts, I hear them in your voices! I want to hear the other writers’ voices now 🙂
    This was a really good idea, and it was so much fun to hear all your opinions in your actual voices. You guys all rock, thanks so much for all the time you put into the blog!!

  22. Great Podcast everyone! It was fun hearing everyone’s voices, especially Stereoman’s, it was surprising for me to learn that Stereoman is a FEMALE!!! If Infinite Stratos were to be dubbed, Stereoman can voice Charlotte Dunois!!! Also the way everyone was talking it felt like I was listening to a dubbed version of “Sket Dance”, lol! I think Stereoman should change her gravatar to that of Stilts, it seems more appropriate and Stilts’ voice reminded me of “Chuu-San” from Sket Dance!:D I also think you should split the podcast into segments so people can just listen to whatever part of the podcast they want rather than listening to the whole thing. Hope you guys will continue this, and I hope to hear the other writer’s voices as well! And lastly your outro sounds like it came from this video! :3

  23. I enjoyed this guys! You all sound wonderful. I definitely like the retrospective style.
    My only suggestion would be to make it a bit shorter and to the point. It’ll enhance the responses as well too if you have a time limit. Good job writers!

  24. I still haven’t hear this yet.. (As of writing I am tking a break frm doing assignment) but my reaction –> IT’s (ALMOST) ALL LIES!! D: (In the Motoe twins voice)

    Defin. gonna watch it. With subs. When I am not rushing my h.work.

  25. Verdant you sound like a host. No not a radio host but like a host club host.

    Not that I would know what that would sound like…

    Looking forward to more. Even if you weren’t talking about anime it’s just interesting to hear you guys’ voices and personalities off paper. Hopefully more writers join in next time. Interested in hearing them too.

    And yeah I prefer podcasts long despite what some have been saying. I listen to podcasts for train trips and stuff like that. They’re meant to be long! So keep at it.

    Suggestion. Perhaps instead of just retrospective looks you guys could also go into discussions such as things Stilts talks about in his corner. I also wonder how you would go about putting humour and anime together.

    You think this is going to be a biweekly or monthly thing or what?

  26. Thanks for the kind words everyone, we’ll definitely try to take your suggestions into account for our next podcast, which will hopefully come sometime either in late June or early July. Many thanks again for listening to us, and remember if you want to get to know us better, you can always talk to us on our IRC channel too!

  27. Hell yeah more Mouretsu Pirates! I haven’t been as impressed since they kept up with Gruier and Grunhilde…those two girls kind of get annoying really fast for me, but they do bring some cute moments to the series and now with the recent episode around 23 introduced a crazy powerful spaceship xDD

    Eureka Seven Ao! YES BEST FREAKING OST EVER!! Three weeks until we get the first releases, but yeah I would say you might want to watch season one of Eureka but you might be able to watch season two without knowing to much? It definitely helps for those inside references. There are so many fun characters to enjoy like Fleur and Elena I just can’t help but laugh all the time whenever Elena makes some random anime comment, but Ao is great not the normal weak main character like Renton xD

    Tsuritama is soooo colorful! I loveeee it matched up against something like Smile Precure your eyes are raped by the colors in a good way lolol

    Accel world…OH MA FATTY! Just kidding…I hated the series at the start but it actually got a lot more fun with the recent episodes with the new “red king arc” because there are more mechs of course hooraaaay! But yeah Haru is kind of boring and dull to me…LOL Shu…

    YES!! Best characters from Kore wa zombie and Andy? HELL YES dem hole puns…

    Fav male for me Ayumu from Kore wa zombie and Fav female Elena from Eureka Seven Ao.

    Mix and Andy! YES! Or Mikono Kagura/Amata? Lots of good ones and Unoha with that other <3 LOL Marika and Kane? Hell yeah muhahahah~

    Best opening for me Haiyoure! Nyaruko-san! So addictive and crazy along with Eureka Seven AO! For ED I like Aquarion EVOL ED2 with Unoha singing <3 and of course Eureka Seven AO…oh damn I forgot about Dusk Maiden that opening song is amazing.

    Best OST = Eureka Seven AO and yes to Fairy Tail Osts! I have all three and they are easily the best and of course the main fairy tail theme.

    Fav animation is a tough one for me but I will go with Eureka Seven Ao! Gotta love Bones oh and yeah AKB0048 has some fantastic scenery porn ahahah

    HOORAAAYY! Great recording xD

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