Shirokuma Café – 15

「真夏の雑草取り/ペンギンさんのロマンス」 (Manatsu no Zassotōri/Pengin-san no Romansu)
“Weeding in the Summer/Mr. Penguin’s Romance”

Brilliant. If I wasn’t avoiding spoilers, I’d post the results of said brilliance in a dazzling 67-panel spread. Thank you Shirokuma Cafe for doing humor no one else could.

Joshiraku – 01

「普段問答/ふく違い/叫び指南」 (Fudan Mondou/Fuku Chigai/Sakebi Shinan)
“Normal Dialogue/Different Clothes/Shouting Instructions”

“This anime is full of ordinary dialogue so that viewers can fully enjoy how cute the girls are.”

Blunt with their intentions? I like this show already.

Chouyaku Hyakunin Isshu: Uta Koi – 02

「貞明と綏子 陽成院」 (Sadaakira to Yasuko Youzei In)
“Sadaakira and Yasuko – Former Emperor Youzei”

The loose continuity Uta Koi features in its second episode is rather nice, giving it an unexpectedly cohesive feel and an added depth . More than that though, the use of poetry is thoroughly explored as a means to express one’s true desires and feelings.

Rinne no Lagrange 2 – 01

「おかえり、鴨川!」 (Okaeri, Kamogawa!)
“Welcome Home, Kamogawa!”

Back with the second half of the tale, Rinne no Lagrange begins by evoking emotions that paint a dire picture of a galaxy at war. Not all is right in Madoka’s world, and it’s up to her to set things right…if only she could get Vox Aura to fly.