The Best of Anime 2015

Now that 2015 is officially over, it’s time for our yearly pitchfork skewering foray into annoying everyone with our questionable opinions, the Best of Anime 2015 post! As with last year, the post will be a collaboration between the two writers who watched the most series this year (and also had the most time on their hands). Relative newcomer Samu takes the place of Stilts, who had a little too much to drink this time around. The total series watched list for both writers ended up at about 100 this year, and while we won’t guarantee total objectivity (like such a thing exists), we’re generally well-informed about whatever we’re wrong about.

More after the jump.

Disclaimer: As always, disclaimers abound. Please keep in mind that “best” is subjective. What’s best for us isn’t necessarily best for you, and that’s perfectly fine. This list shouldn’t be taken as some kind of inviolable truth, but rather the opinions of two guys who had too much time on their hands and spent it conjuring up a list of picks based on all the anime they watched. Think of them more as a recommendations influenced by our own tastes, experiences, and personal impressions. Before you go bashing one of our choices, please make sure you’ve at least seen it and know where we’re coming from. Finally, all we ask is that you respect our opinions and the opinions of others in the comments, just like we respect yours. Thank you.

Disclaimer #2: The choices in this post are not reflective of the opinions of all Random Curiosity writers. They are solely the opinions of myself (Zephyr) and Samu, save for where otherwise noted.

Monthly Impressions – December 2015

Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season with friends and family! We’ve been busy preparing for our routine beginning-of-the-year posts and we’re starting off with our last Monthly Impressions. If you haven’t already read our November Monthly Impression, I give a much more detailed explanation there. We hope you enjoyed these Monthly Impressions which we’ve been carrying on for more than a year now. We hope to use up this time to give you guys bigger and better things in the future. Anyway, here’s a quick peek of how the fall season ended and surprisingly, it was much better than I anticipated. With a ton of sequels and what people thought was going to be a mediocre season, it ended up exceeding my expectations. I hope you all found a little bit to enjoy as well and get ready for next season!

Strike the Blood: Valkyria no Oukoku-hen – OVA – 01, 02

「ヴァルキュリアの王国編」 (Valkyria no Oukoku-hen)
“The Kingdom of Valkyria”

La Folia’s father is here and he wants a word with the man who stole his daughter’s first kiss. Need I say more?

**As this is an uncensored OVA, some images are NSFW.