「シャイニーを探して」 (Shainii wo Sagashite)
“Finding a Way to Shine”

Sunshine is starting to get really emotional.

General Impressions

God, compared to the original Love Live, Sunshine has no problems with ripping the feels right out of our hearts. Because who in their right mind would throw such an extremely emotional episode at us right after last week’s?!

Joking aside, I thought this week’s episode was fantastic. Thinking back to our third years and just how important their struggles were to the story back during season one, it was nice to see the story take some time to follow up on things. Or rather, it was a little bittersweet to hear that Kanan, Dia, and Mari are about to enter the real world and will more likely than not get separated from each other. A point that I think as sad as it was, did a great job emphasizing the kind of tone that this second season of Sunshine has been trying to sell to us. A more serious tone that is taking the time to remind us that even with though our girls have made it to the Love Live Finals, the real world won’t just stop and wait on them.

On that note, I have to say that I’m not sure any of us will be ready for what happens once the finale starts rolling around. At this point, even though it feels like our girls are a shoe in to win the entire Love Live competition, I can’t help but feel that something will be waiting along the way to throw everything for a loop. As we saw with Saint Snow, just about anything can happen in this competition and even the most well-prepared groups can be caught off guard. Luckily, I don’t think that’ll happen with our girls since it feels like the story is trying to get us all riled up with things outside the competition itself.

Overall, a pretty good episode that managed to hit all the right notes. With all the main points addressed it looks all that’s left to do is wait and watch! Judging from next week’s preview though, it looks like we’ll even get to see all the girls back at Uranohoshi get a chance to shine! In any case, I’ll catch you guys next week — see you then!




  1. “Sunshine is starting to get really emotional.”

    And I’m starting to be in denial.

    That aside, it’s nice to see that the 3rd years already have plans for post high school. It makes them more human and relatable than Eli, Nozomi and Nico.

    That said, I like how they used St Snow to help Aqours. IMO they’ve been better utilised than A-Rise. I’m still salty that they just ditched A-Rise just like that.

    Velvet Scarlantina
  2. Before I being there are a couple of things I must say first, Shitake will always be my favorite in this show. And seeing him end up with ink on both eyes is just adorable.


    Second, where did Maria find the magic school bus? Are we sure the magic isn’t in the mushrooms the producer decided to delete off the scene?



    It killed me when Maria, Dia, and Kanon will be well separated after High School going their separate ways. It reminds me of when I left my friends from school behind too. (TT_TT ) But there is a thing called technology, I don’t see why they can’t just keep in touch and meet up now and again even for the Holidays?

    Something might happen in two episodes, discouragement on episode 11 then determination on the 12th and resolution at the end of the 12th episode. Speaking of discouragement & determination; now that it’s finalized where Uranohoshi High will be merged I am kind of lost as to what the girls are still fighting for, really.

    This episode summarized the senior students will be moving on from Love Live and their life is nice; when you compare it to the vocal disapproval between the seniors about moving own word from failing to meet their goal during season one. But hey let’s remember what we took away from this episode, Maria is a lunatic behind the wheel, Kanan didn’t have to sue, and Dia—ahhhh, her-sister-is-the-Rubiest? (O_O ;;)

  3. Ah, how I missed Yohane’s deliciously chuuni “Previously on…” narration. Anyway…

    Aqours in kimonos (especially Dia, Ruby and YoshikoYohane)? Buono! Buono! *nosebleeds*
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    [Eurobeat intensifies] “♫ Fly away… Fly away from here… ♫” (Nothing against Mika “Golf Takumi” Uehara, but Kyoko Iwase best Initial D girl.) Also, I couldn’t help but hear “Drivin’ Crazy” upon seeing Mari drive for the first time. XD

    Well, with everything that’s happened so far and knowing that they’ll be going their separate ways after their last Love Live (or movie/concert if you’re feeling optimistic), I’ll honestly miss Aqours even more once this series ends.


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