A-Channel – 12 (END)

「宇宙人 – Anytime」 (Uchujin)
“Alien – Anytime”

In a sort of anti-climatic way, A-channel comes to a close. But I suppose going out on such a low key fits this show perfectly. With the main cast of characters all getting at least a few seconds of screen time, it felt pretty satisfying for an ending.

Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai II – 11

「いつも心に太陽を」 (Itsumo Kokoro ni Taiyo wo)
“A Sun In Your Heart, Always”

I didn’t know how he’d manage to do it, but Keima once again proves just how amazing his skills at dating capturing girls are. At the end of last week’s episode, I was really curious about how Keima was going to break that student-teacher barrier standing in front of him. As I’ve been saying since this arc started, I don’t know how the inherent problems with trying to date a teacher would fly in this situation.

Hanasaku Iroha – 12

「じゃあな」 (Jyaana)
“See you”

In an unexpected turn of events, the whole idea of a love triangle was destroyed single handedly with one episode. While I feel a little apprehensive about making such a bold statement, I’d have to say that things don’t feel like they’re going the way I thought they originally might have. At least, not for the next few episodes.

Nichijou – 12

「日常12」 (Nichijou 12)
“My Ordinary Life 12”

It seems that the best time for the worst things to happen only occur on those days that seem just a little too perfect. So on a really nice sunny day, it’s not too surprising that Yuuko manages to somehow forget the precious worksheet that she actually finished.

A-Channel – 11

「たんじょうび – Allow Me」 (Tanjyoubi)
“Birthday – Allow Me”

Back in High School, I remember that all my friends were a grade higher than me. In an Azusa-like situation, I can’t help but feel really bad for Tooru as she tries to figure out just exactly how to control those emotions of hers. But even as much as I don’t want to compare A-Channel with K-On, wouldn’t Tooru be what you’d get if you combined Azusa and Ui?

Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai II – 10

「スクール★ウォーズ」 (Sukuuru★Woozu)

I called it! When I saw Nagase sighing last week, I knew that there had to be something traumatic enough that could have created a hole in her heart large enough for a loose soul to hide inside of it. But besides the unknown overarching problem of what happened in her past as the captain of the basketball team, it looks like things are only going to get worse from here on out.

Hanasaku Iroha – 11

「夜に吼える」 (Yoru ni Hoeru)
“Bark at the Night”

Ohana, that attitude of yours is going to take you places. It may not be the places you want to travel to, but boy will you fly far at the rate you’re going. Not only are you willing to face problems head on with a straight face, but you manage to stick to your guns and never give up.