Cop Craft – 11, 12 (END)
A solid conclusion to the fantasy buddy-cop series of the season.
A solid conclusion to the fantasy buddy-cop series of the season.
「時計塔と日常と未来への第一歩」 (Tokeitou to Nichijou to Mirai he no Daiipou)
“The Clock Tower, Usual Days, and the First Step Forward to the Future”
Glory lies beyond the horizon. Challenge it because you know it to be unattainable.
– Iskandar
「女神と眷族 (アイノウタ)」 (Megami to kenzoku (Ai nouta))
“Goddess and Child (Song of Love)”
For all the fun and excitement that Danmachi typically promises, I really didn’t expect to receive such an emotional gut punch on the final episode.
「似てると思わないか?」 (Ni teru to omowanai ka?)
“Don’t You Think They’re Alike?”
This finale was an interesting combination of very familiar and somewhat unique elements, which calls out how Mix is a bit different than the typical Adachi baseball manga.
「まもるべきもの」 (Mamoru beki mono)
“Things to Protect”
This town is only big enough for one villain.
「その願いは叶えないでくれ, と強く願った. だが願いは叶えられた.」 (Sono Negai wa Kanaenaide Kure, to Tsuyoku Negatta. Daga Negai wa Kanaerareta.)
“I Hoped Against Hope the Wish Would Not Be Granted. But It Totally Was.”
“A boy’s best friend is his mother.”
「桶狭間」 (Okehazama)
There is a certain risk in making a series like Kochouki. That is, you’re ending it just as things get really good.
「夏祭り」 (Natsumatsuri)
“Summer Festival”
I can think of very few cases where an anime has improved as much from a first season to a second as Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san has, and that’s a credit to everyone involved.
「幼き少女、願う。」 (Osanaki shōjo, negau.)
“The Young Girl’s Wish.”
When you were a kid, you couldn’t wait to grow up and become older. As an adult, you wish you could be a kid again. And there’s beauty in that dichotomy.