Glasslip – 01

「花火」 (Hanabi)

A new P.A. Works original that focuses on the lives of a bunch of friends as they spend their final summer together and meet some transfer student who may or may not have ESP / Special Powers? Sign me up!

Summer 2014 Schedule

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
17:00 MBS (4/6)
Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance
20:30 AT-X (7/14)
Momo Kyun Sword
24:30 MX (7/8)
Majimoji Rurumo
21:00 AT-X (7/9)
22:30 MX (7/3)
Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?
25:05 MX (7/11)
10:00 TX (7/5)
22:00 MX (7/6)
23:54 BS11 (7/7)
25:29 NTV (10/2)
Yama no Susume: Second Season
22:00 MX (7/9)
Shirogane no Ishi Argevollen
23:00 MX (7/3)
Tokyo ESP
25:35 MX (7/11)
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Crystal
19:00 Niconico (7/5)
22:30 MX (7/6)
Ao Haru Ride
24:00 MX (7/7)
Bakumatsu Rock
23:30 MX (7/2)
Tokyo Ghoul
24:00 MX (7/3)
Nobunaga Concerto
25:50 CX (7/11)
Monogatari Series: Second Season -Hanamonogatari-
19:00 MX (8/16)
23:00 MX (7/6)
25:35 TX (7/7)
Free! -Eternal Summer-
24:00 MX (7/2)
Zankyou no Terror
24:50 CX (7/10)
Shounen Hollywood -HOLLY STAGE FOR 49-
20:30 AT-X (7/5)
Akame ga Kill!
24:00 MX (7/6)
26:05 TX (7/7)
25:05 MX (7/9)
25:20 CX (7/10)
Sword Art Online II
23:30 MX (7/5)
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
25:05 TX (7/6)
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei!
25:35 MX (7/9)
25:46 TBS (7/3)
24:00 MX (7/5)
DRAMAtical Murder
25:35 TX (7/6)
Persona 4 the Golden ANIMATION
25:49 MBS (7/10)
Sengoku BASARA: Judge End
25:50 ntv (7/5)
Ai Mai Mi ~Mousou Catastrophe~
26:05 TVS (7/10)
26:20 ntv (7/5)
Futsuu no Joshikousei ga [Locodol] Yatte Mita.
26:16 TBS (7/3)
Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus
26:19 MBS (7/10)
Legend: 2 3 3 3 2
2 1 0 2 Not covering

Now that you know what’s airing, it’s time to tell you what we’ll be blogging! This is Random Curiosity’s Summer 2014 blogging schedule.

As always, this is a tentative overview of our plans for the new season. We’ll also be doing introductory posts on many of the shows we’re not covering, so if something catches our eyes, things will be shifted around to accommodate. The schedule will be updated to reflect any changes.

Summer 2014 Preview!

Summer has returned, bringing with it a fresh batch of anime to give you excuses to escape from the heat. It’s an interesting batch we have this time. If I had to call this season anything, it would be the Summer of Sequels, with continuations of the KyoAni boys love swimming anime Free!, the alien-hunting stylings of SPACE☆DANDY, the second season of everybody’s favorite magical girl spin-off Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma☆Illya Zwei!, another arc of Nisio Isin’s Monogatari series in Hanamonogatari, and the colossally popular (and equally polarizing) second season of Sword Art Online. But there are originals as well, including the P.A. Works’ summer romance Glasslip, XEBEC’s mecha series Shirogane no Ishi Argevollen, and another mecha series in the Urobutcher/Aoki Ei collaboration ALDNOAH.ZERO. There’s even a bit of a resurgence in the horror/thriller category, buoyed by the highly anticipated adaptation of Tokyo Ghoul and the original series Zankyou no Terror. Last year’s summer season was surprisingly strong. Can this year keep the trend going? There’s only one way to find out. This is Random Curiosity’s Summer 2014 season preview.

* This preview will be kept at the top for the next while, so be sure to scroll past it, check the slider on top, or the Recent Entries on your right for new posts.