Mangirl! – 01

「こちらコミック アース・スター編集部」 (Kochira Komikku a^su . Suta^ Henshuubu)
“This is Comic Earth Star’s Editorial Staff”

Mangirl! is a series funny shorts about four female manga editors, with the operative word there being “funny”. I found myself chuckling multiple times during this first episode, and they even managed to fit something like story progression into only three minutes! Colour me impressed.

Yama no Susume – 01

「山だけはダメ!」 (Yama Dakeha Dame!)
“Anything But Mountains!”

Cute girls climbing mountains – that’s the premise behind Yama no Susume, and it’s exactly what you’re thinking it is. So why am I bothering to intro it? Because shorts are often ignored merely because they’re shorts, but if you like slice of life, this is a good one you may enjoy checking out.

Winter 2013 Schedule

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Uchuu Kyoudai
07:00 NTV, ytv, CTV (4/1)
23:30 AT-X (1/7)
Jigoku Youchien
23:00 Niconico (1/8)
Tamako Market
24:30 MX (1/9)
Ai Mai Mi
23:00 AT-X/TVS (1/3)
Cuticle Tantei Inaba
23:30 AT-X (1/4)
10:30 TX, TVO, TVA
17:00 MBS/TBS (10/7)
Sakurasou no Pet no Kanojo
24:30 MX (10/8)
25:35 TX (1/8)
GJ-bu (Good Job Club)
25:29 NTV (1/9)
24:30 CX (10/11)
Shin Sekai Yori
24:30 EX (9/28)
Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de
22:00 MX (10/20)
Senran Kagura
20:30 AT-X (1/6)
Line Offline Salaryman
25:30 TX (1/7)
Puchimas! Petit Idolmaster (1/1)
Yama no Susume
25:30 MX (1/2)
25:15 CX (10/11)
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
25:00 MX (1/4)
D.C. III ~Da Capo III~
22:00 MX (1/5)
Love Live! School Idol Project
22:00 MX (1/6)
THE UNLIMITED – Hyoubu Kyousuke
25:35 TX (1/7)
25:35 MX (1/2)
25:25 TBS (1/10)
Mondai-Ji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?
25:30 MX (1/11)
Little Busters!
22:30 MX (10/6)
Ishida to Asakura
22:27 MX (1/6)
Bakumatsu Gijinden Roman
26:05 TX/AT-X (1/7)
gdgd Fairies 2
25:40 MX (1/9)
Vividred Operation
25:30 MBS (1/10)
Chihayafuru 2
25:53 NTV (1/11)
Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru
24:00 MX (1/5)
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai NEXT
25:55 TBS (1/10)
Boku no Imouto wa Osaka Okan
25:55 BS Asahi (12/21)
AKB0048 Next Stage
25:00 tvk (1/5)
26:00 CBC (1/10)
Hetalia: The Beautiful World (1/25)
Minami-ke Tadaima
25:00 MX (1/5)
Zetsuen no Tempest: The Civilization Blaster
26:00 MBS (10/4)
Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun
26:58 MBS (1/5)
Legend: 1 1 4 1 1 3
1 3 0 3 3 Not covering

With more premieres scheduled to hit our screens tomorrow, I suppose we’d better give you an idea of what we’ll be covering, eh? So here it is – RandomC’s season schedule for Winter 2013!

As always, this is a tentative overview of RandomC’s plans for the new season. We’ll also be doing introductory posts about many of the shows we’re not covering, so if something catches one of our eyes, things will be shifted around to accommodate. The schedule will be updated to reflect any changes.

…more after the jump.

Winter 2013 Preview!

With Christmas and the end of the world (no relation) behind us, 2013 approaches at a breakneck pace, heralding the coming of the winter anime season. 2012 has passed by rapidly, and I for one feel like it was only yesterday that I first started writing for RC! Winter has long been one of the less active seasons for anime; just as the trees are devoid of leaves, the anime charts are… relatively less densely populated. Well that was a terrible analogy, especially when we have 31 previews for you to peruse! This seems to be a season of shorts, and from all manner of genres, from Yamakan’s anime-saving (just kidding!) Senyu., to the weird and wacky gdgd Fairies 2. It’s looking pretty good for adaptations too, with the popular 2channel-birthed fantasy light novel Maoyuu Maou Yuusha, as well as the fantasy romantic comedy Sasami-san@Ganbaranai as handled by SHAFT! On the sequel front, we have a long-awaited continuation in D.C. III ~Da Capo III~ – returning after a whole five years of absence – along with a fourth season of Minami-ke and second seasons of the surprise hit Chihayafuru, the ever hilarious Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai, and the singing and dancing sci-fi original AKB0048. As for originals, we could well be in for a treat with KyoAni’s Tamako Market. This winter proved almost as busy as our fall preview, so continuing in last season’s trend, we’ve brought on a whole seven writers to give you a glimpse of what to expect! Have a look around, see if anything catches your fancy, and get fired up!

* This preview will be kept at the top for the next while, so be sure to scroll past it or check the Recent Entries on your right for new posts.

* The season end poll is up in the sidebar.


「犯罪係数う」 (Hanzai Keisuu)
“Crime Coefficient”

This premiere definitely raised thought-provoking questions in lockstep with thrills that can only be found at the end of a gun, but will it be able to smartly answer the issues it raises while sustaining a high level of action and tension like the best science-fiction detective dramas have to offer?

Robotics;Notes – 01

「ガンヴァレルが待ってるから」 (Ganvareru ga Matteru Kara)
“Because Gunvarrel is Waiting”

I’ve been impatiently waiting for Robotics; Notes to air, and it doesn’t help that it was one of the last fall shows to premiere. I have a lot of built up anticipation for this series to be epic…