The Daily Dose
Kyon artwork courtesy of みっちー on pixiv (account needed to access)
Kyon artwork courtesy of みっちー on pixiv (account needed to access)
After escaping from Baticul, Luke and company are reunited with Jade’s group and the Albiore.
The airship – called the Albiore – is the help that Peony sent, and its pilot is a girl named Noelle.
The Tartarus arrives at the capital of Malkuth, but because its ports are closed, Jade proposes that they approach by land.
As the Tartarus takes the group by sea to see Emperor Peony, it suddenly experiences an engine problem.
Luke and Tear go to see her grandfather Teodoro so that Luke can apologize for what happened with Akzeriuth, but Teodoro feels that it’s not necessary because the collapse of Akzeriuth was written in Yulia’s Score.
When Luke regains his senses, he finds himself viewing the world through Asch’s eyes while his own body is still unconscious.
The group arrives at Akzeriuth to find it entirely covered with the miasma, and all the people there are suffering.
Even though their goal isn’t to pursue Van, Luke still hurries along the group through the desert because he doesn’t want to keep Van waiting.
When Ion goes out for a walk one morning in the city, his escort gets attacked, and he’s captured by an oddly dressed trio.