To Aru Majutsu no Index II – 21

「学習装置(テスタメント)」 (Gakushuu Souchi (Tesutamento))
“Learning Device (Testament)”

She doesn’t have a single line to her name in this entire sequel, but Hyouka makes a return in the big way due to Aleister’s blasphemous act of turning her into an artificial angel to deal with religious fanatics (i.e. Vento).

To Aru Majutsu no Index II – 20

「猟犬部隊(ハウンドドッグ)」 (Ryouken Butai (Haundo Doggu))
“Hunting Dog Corps (Hound Dog)”

Now is it just me or is this series so much better when it doesn’t beat around the bush with religious mumbo jumbo and stuff actually happens on screen? We had Accelerator trying to get Kihara’s Hound Dogs off his back, Touma trying to do the same before Vento came along, and Kuroko causing a commotion over Mikoto like only she can. Throw in Uihara for good measure and the end result is To Aru Majutsu no Index just the way I like it.

To Aru Majutsu no Index II – 19

「木原数多(けんきゅうしゃ)」 (Kihara Amata (Kenkyuusha))
“Kihara Amata (Researcher)”

With Accelerator at the complete mercy of the researcher who apparently helped develop his powers, this may have been the first time I was looking to Touma to deliver a swift right fist to someone’s face at the very onset of an arc.

To Aru Majutsu no Index II – 18

「検体番号(シリアルナンバー)」 (Kentai Bangou (Shiriaru Nanbaa))
“Sample Number (Serial Number)”

Another awesome episode the very next week? Who would’ve thunk it? There was a bit of foreshadowing with Hyouka showing up, but this was an otherwise lighthearted affair with Accelerator and Last Order joining in on the fun. Definitely To Aru Majutsu no Index at its finest (…at least for me).

To Aru Majutsu no Index II – 17

「罰ゲーム」 (Batsu Geemu)
“Punishment Game”

This has to be one of the few series where the character interactions provide a lot more entertainment than the actual plot, and Touma’s return to Academy City made this one of the best episodes this sequel in that regard. The huge cast of characters are a lot of fun to watch, especially when they all come together with their various nuances.

To Aru Majutsu no Index II – 16

「刻限のロザリオ」 (Kokugen no Rozario)
“Rosary of Appointed Time”

For an episode that went the distance by cutting out both the opening and ending sequences, the conclusion to this arc came off like a season finale of sorts, except when it came to the actual content. Much like this series is known for, the big threat was explained yet never got remotely off the ground, as Touma settled everything with his right hand like he always does.

To Aru Majutsu no Index II – 15

「女王艦隊」 (Joou Kantai)
“The Queen’s Fleet”

They say payback’s a bitch, but from my perspective, I was happy seeing Touma take a right punch to the face for a change. Granted, Agnese’s punch didn’t quite have the same oomph as the one she received during the Book of Law arc, plus Touma returned the favor by shredding up her nun habit like only he can. First Index, now Agnese, and later Lucia and Angelene in his sleep. Touma’s an animal! Can we get some more safety pins over here?

To Aru Majutsu no Index II – 14

「水の都」 (Mizu no Miyako)
“City of Water”

If you felt this season was a bit short on fan-service, then a certain magical index may just make you feel otherwise. All that stuff about magic and science clashing and a story beginning? That’s just a cover-up to get sisters out of their nun habits for all to see. Stab Swords and Croce di Pietros don’t have anything on this kind of religious taboo.

To Aru Majutsu no Index II – 13

「使徒十字(クローチェディピエトロ)」 (Shito Juuji (Kurooche Di Pietoro)
“Cross of the Apostle (Croce di Pietro)”

All the jostling between Touma and Stiyl this episode may not have been just to throw Oriana off, as our righteous protagonist (except when it comes to hitting girls) looked like he was purposely prolonging Stiyl’s suffering. It was rather hypocritical, given that Touma was telling Oriana to place more value on other people’s lives. I guess that doesn’t apply to the guy behind him swimming in a pool of his own blood.

To Aru Majutsu no Index II – 12

「天文台(ベルヴェデーレ)」 (Tenmondai (Beruvedeeru))
“Astronomical Observatory (Belvedere)”

There was a fair bit of build-up in this episode towards about the Croce di Pietro, which Touma and Tsuchimikado had a fairly long talk about, so hopefully it won’t be simply brushed aside with a new development as well. After the Stab Sword turned out to be a “plot feint”, I’m starting to become a bit wary of these twists that don’t really feel like one.

Note: The To Aru Majutsu no Index II broadcast is on break next week. Episode 13 airs on January 7th.