CODE GEASS R2 Matsuri Special


Instead of episode nine, there was a CODE GEASS special aired this week featuring comedian Arino Shinya, idol Natsukawa Jun, comedy duo Sandwichman, comedy duo America Zarigani, and new voice actress Miyake Hitomi. The only thing really worth noting from this special is the preview for episodes nine and ten, and I’ve uploaded that above.
Hit the jump for screencaps and impressions of the rest of the Akihabara special as well as some speculation about the preview.

Allison & Lillia – 09

「元戦場に架かる橋」 (Moto Senjou ni Kakaru Hashi)
“Bridge Spanning the Original Battlefield”

Episode at a Glance:
Allison, Wil, and Fiona take a trip on the new, luxurious, transcontinental express train that connects Roxche and Sou Biel, after receiving an invitation from Benedict. Somewhere along the middle of the bridge, the train stops in front of an island to allow the passengers to pay their respects to the soldiers that died on this former battleground.