Reader’s Choice – Favorite Anime 2007 Poll

It’s time for the Second Annual Reader’s Choice Poll! There are a lot of good choices this year, and I’m still in the process of choosing my own favorites (having a hard time deciding between GEASS and Gurren Lagann, among others), but below, you can vote for your Favorite Anime of 2007 from a list of every single series that’s ended this past year.

If you voted in the first annual poll last year, you might remember that I had a somewhat complex set of criteria for shows that were included on the list. This year, I’ve decided to simply include every anime series (no OVAs or movies) that ended in 2007, with the only exceptions being the handful that ended last January. The general idea is that you can’t judge a series properly until it’s completely over. That means fans of Clannad or any of the other currently airing shows that are two seasons long will have to wait until next year’s poll (and that’s also why Kanon is on the list).

All together, there are 135 choices, plus “Other” in case there’s a relatively obscure anime series you really enjoyed that’s not on the list (or even something that I just neglected to add). Choose your favorite and the winner will get included in next week’s post!

This poll will close Wednesday, December 26th, 2007 at 11:59 PM.

The Reader’s Choice Poll is after the jump.

Random Musings – Haruhi, Higurashi, and ZnT Sequels Edition

Before I get to today’s episode of Myself; Yourself, a few quick news items that have come up in the past 24 hours:

  • For those that might not have heard yet, Suzumiya Haruhi is getting some more viral marketing in the form of its website being taken down. ANN has a good write-up on it, and MOON PHASE notes that the copyright for three years (2007-2009) might mean that they’ll be animating two seasons from the fall of 2008 into the spring of 2009. It’s also noteworthy that the director is now Takemoto Yasuhiro (whose previous works include FMP! TSR and the majority of Lucky Star) instead of Ishihara Tatsuya.
  • Higurashi is also getting a third series, according to animate.TV. No further details available yet.
  • Also, to no one’s surprise (at least not mine), the newest MF Bunko J came with an official announcement that there’ll be a third Zero no Tsukaima series. I didn’t think very highly of the second series, but maybe third time’s the charm.
  • Random Musings – Honey and Clover Drama Edition

  • There was a short commercial aired earlier this week for the new Honey and Clover live action drama. Pictured above from left to right are Hagu (played by Narumi Riko), Takemoto (played by Ikuta Toma), and Morita (played by Narimiya Hiroki). You can find the rest of the cast on DramaWiki, and the official site is here. Hagu’s actress looks a lot taller than I would have pictured her (she’s 163cm tall according to her wiki page), but I guess it’s hard to find an actress to fit the exact profile. Everyone else looks about right though. The series is set to begin January 8th on Fuji TV, and I’m more than interested enough to check it out and see if they can capture the same feel as the manga or the anime. Even if it doesn’t turn out to be that good, after watching the Negima Drama, I think I can stomach any type of adaptation now.
    Download the commercial.
  • I’m not a huge Weekly Jump reader, so I don’t know if this happens for other series too, but I found it odd that To LOVE-Ru‘s tankobons have nudity in them while the magazine version does not (compare this and nsfw this). I always thought that Weekly Jump series were targeted towards a younger audience, and this makes me wonder what they’d do if the manga were ever licensed in the US.
  • I’ve started work on the preview for the next season. There are a relatively smaller number of shows (around 20) compared to the fall, so hopefully it won’t take too long to finish. I’ll also be putting up a poll around the middle of this next week asking for your opinion of the best show of 2008.
  • For those of you wondering about an update on Jaalin’s whereabouts: I still haven’t heard from him. I’m getting rather worried, but unfortunately I can’t do anything except wait and hope nothing bad happened.