Random Musings – The Upcoming Week
So this week (and to an extent next week) are going to be pretty busy for this blog. Inevitabely, there’s going to be shows (like Haruhi) that were under my radar when I did my initial round of research a couple of weeks ago. Any shows that I’m unsure if I’m going keep blogging will be filed under Miscellaneous and likely won’t get a summary unless I have the time or really really liked the episode. Of course I can be swayed by you the reader. So if you like a show, leave a comment (Edit: Sorry, I wasn’t clear. If you like a show, leave a comment under that show’s entry). At the end of this week or next I’ll look over all the shows and figure out roughly what I want to stick with.
On today’s schedule is Joshi Kousei Girl’s-High, Strawberry Panic, and Simoun.